Only you can stop him


| At the Kingdom of Glacier ~ The Bakery |


°Everywhere is strangely quiet° Arnald pushed into the bakery.

"Allen?!" Arnald yelled, searching the bakery. "Allen?!" He called again.


°He wouldn't have, would he?" Arnald shook his head in disbelief at a possibility which had popped up in his head.

Rushing up the stairs, he had wanted to knock on Allen's door.


The door opened slightly, signalling it was never fully locked in the first place. 

"Son?" He called, "I'm home! What are we going to have for dinner?" He peered in.

"Where could he have gone?" Arnald took off his coat, throwing it onto his chair.

°Ok, calm down, he couldn't have, he is probably at Camille's° Arnald took a deep breath, locking the door behind him.

"My helmet, why is it on the floor?" Arnald took careful steps towards his armor, picking up his helmet.