| A life planned out |


| At the Kingdom of Garcia - 11 years ago |


"Aria!" King Fabian chastised as he shooed away her prying hands from the ingredients he placed on the wooden table. "Would you get away from my work?"

"What's that?" She poked on a white petal.

His words fell on deaf ears as she climbed on a stool, taking a big sniff of what was placed on the table, she sneezed right after, scrunching up her nose. "That's nasty!" She brought out her tongue in disgust.

"I did warn you." King Fabian laughed, carrying her off the stool.

"Noooo!" She grabbed a hold of the tip of the table, "Let me stay, please!"

"You are meant to train the last move I showed you." He aimed his finger at Aria's armpit.

"But I don't wanna... ahahahaha!" She squirmed, involuntarily releasing her grip from the table.

"Do you know what?" King Fabian sat Aria on his lap.

"What?" She folded her hands, pouting.