Princess Aria is missing?


| At the Kingdom of Azalon |


The Castle had oddly been quiet, the sun casting it's luminous rays through the window.

The crow of the cock marked the beginning of a new day.

"Would someone pipe down that bird!" A man slammed his window in irritation.

"Would you pipe down your pie hole?" A voice countered.


| King Zane's Chambers |


King Zane looked through the lens of his golden spyglass, a smirk played on his lips as he watched the banter going on between his subjects.

"Pleasurable, Sire?" Royal Advisor Curtis slipped behind him.

"How the hell did you get in here?" King Zane looked behind him at the sound of the familiar voice.

"I had to make sure everything was alright. And most importantly, you requested my presence." He gritted his teeth, looking awkwardly to the side.

"I have been fine as you can see. Even during your absence, I have managed to cope." King Zane replied coldly.