How do you administer the antidote?

"You got some nerves showing your face to me, do you know that?" Princess Aria pulled on her restrains once more.

"Oooo!" Liam laughed, "I'm scared!" He shuddered.

"You should count it a honor you were able to see me." He raised his chin high.

"Honor?!" She scoffed, "I should say the same about you."

"You got some nerve, for a Princess." He replied.

"Why do you have me restrained?" She questioned.

"Questions, questions, questions!" Liam wiped his face, "Why does does it always have to be the first thing that comes out of people's mouth.

"That's a reasonable approach!" She barked, "Now tell me!"

"Fiesty, are we?" He leaned on the wall. "You have to prove yourself worthy of any information I might divulge."

Princess Aria looked around, observing her surroundings, the walls were made with concrete, the only source of light coming from a torch at each side of the wall.