How is my father?


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°How dare he? I had so desperately wanted to meet someone who had managed to be here as I am but not a mindless puppet and yet you try to play games with me?!° Princess Aria's cheek filled in with air at being considered a fool at this point, she reached for her legs so she could throw her shoe but grabbed onto her bare feet in surprise.

°What the hell?° She looked shocked at her feet.


Allen shrugged laughing at the whole situation unfold.

"Whoops! Looks like you are missing a couple of things." Allen joked.

°I had been walking barefooted all this while? No wonder it felt oddly comfortable°

In Glacier, she had grown so accustomed to being barefooted, she walked about the Castle in such a manner, knowing fully well no one could question her actions, except her father or Curt.

°Father, if you were here, you would have totally yelled I go dress as befitting a Princess° She smiled at the memory.