Am I ruthless and unapproachable?


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"Which Princess," Loe spoke once more as now she intentionally withheld the 'Your Majesty' for the time being, just to spite her colleagues and boss who stared with her wide eyes at her slip up yet again.

He friend facepalmed at how mischievous she could be as she was the only one who could catch a glimpse of a little smirk that played on her lips.

°Dimwit! Do you want to lose your job at the very least?° She shot a glare at Loe who wiggled her brows.

"I mean which Princess, or is the person the who made the mistake among us? Your Majesty." She finally corrected herself, not bothering to glance at the angry stares her way.


Even though they were angry at her for being so inquisitive at a time such as theirs, they felt the relief that came with it as Loe spoke exactly what was on their mind, she was like a spokesperson on their behalf.