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Even though he had the feeling she might actually follow him, he didn't take it seriously until he decided to look behind him, it was at that moment, the torch flame's reflection danced in her eyes, judging by it coming from the shadows, he had the feeling it might actually be Camille.

But he had an added advantage, he knew the Castle like the back of his palms, so he knew where the darkeness couldn't play it's tricks. And she fell for it.

"I see you are curious to actually know." He laughed.


Camille gritted her teeth as she tried containing her anger, was it mockery she sensed? She fired a glare at Mill who did a double take at her expression.

"Beautiful jewel," Prince Mill gasped, overly dramatizing by fanning himself with his hand, "Is what I deduced really true? Or how would you explain your face? Is it one of anger or embarrassment?"

"I think I liked you better as Ivan." Camille spat.