Tell me what you witnessed

Ace, I presume?" King Zane smiled, sitting laid back.

"Yes Sire." Ace was awestruck at the King's keen interest in him.

"Sit." King Zane tapped the chair, with an eye shut smile. "I'm sure those guards outside were mean to you weren't they?"


"No they weren't." Ace replied through gritted teeth. "They had to anyways, a threat is a threat, even if it comes from the ones you love, work or live with, and most importantly trust, was what we were taught during our training." He chuckled to himself.

Shaking his head at the irony of the situation, he had always tried to protect people from threats and he had succeeded in his own ways, but here he was few minutes ago, the actual threat.

"You must really have a good trainer then." King Zane nodded in response.

"Yes Sire!" Ace beamed confidently at the normal approach the King spoke with him.

"I too had a trainer when I was little." He sighed, wiping down his hands over his face.