We are holding the same title


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"Is that natural? Or a sick copy?" Camille pointed at the Azure colored hair on the female. "Do they allow those kind of hair shades?"

"Sick copy? Sick copy?!" She screeched, stroking her Azure hair.


Camille held her ears to block out the uncalled noise. It was at that moment she realised the Chambers was a wrong choice for her.

°Mill, when I get to you! You are going to pay for putting me through all these!° She balled her fist in determination.

Looking up at the female, there was something unsettling about her, it almost felt she had heard of her, if not seen her. Rubbing her chin, she couldn't quite put a finger on it.

"How dare you! Do you not know who I am?" She shrieked in protest

°Just another sick person here to get on my nerves° Camille rolled her eyes at how crazy or inquisitive most people in Azalon seemed to portray themselves.