Isn't that Uncle Allen?

While walking through the streets of Azalon, Camille didn't believe the cloudy weather would fade out, leaving those who didn't have shades or anything to cover themselves from the sun at it's scorching mercy.

°He was right! It's not hard to find at all° With the bakery in sight, Camille made haste to get there.


"How may we help you?" Eleanor's voice chirped brightly, pushing back her chair, getting up, she seemed happy to get a customer. "I'm Eleanor."

°I'm looking for someone° Camille thought to reply, but she was at a loss for words at the overload of cuteness.

"One moment please." Eleanor's smile was fading as she sat back down and started to sketch something on paper. "My sister would attend to you soon, you are in good hands." She whispered, nodding in the direction of the counter.

"Hello there, what may I help you with?" A lady's voice came from behind the counter. Her long blonde hair was tied into a bun and her green eyes glittered.