Mill's dead?

"Hahahaha!" Liam burst out laughing, wiping a stray tear out of his eyes, "Now would you look at that!"

Prince Mill looked up from his food mildly, "So much drama in one night." He commented, trying to feign ignorance.

Liam chuckled, "I haven't laughed that much in ages..."

Zane got up from his seat and glared at Liam, "You know, you are going to need to learn how to keep your mouth shut. Mill why don't put a leash on your wild animals?"

"You know the saying about them. 'Treat them like you would like to be treated'. Mill retorted, trying to remain calm.

Zane snorted in response.

"Camille let's get out of here, all these negativity is getting on my nerves." Leah said, she continued talking as they walked out.

"Only a little given Mill's attitude, I haven't seen him like this," Camille remarked.

"I won't let them push you around, you can count on that," Leah said.

"So that's three down, more to go." Liam's gaze fell on Maelin preferably. "Do you have anything to say?"