I know who the master is

Kaden paused, "He wore a mask sort of." He rubbed his chin trying to picture the outlook he had witnessed.

"What about hair color?" Camille asked. "Surely, the mask couldn't have covered every part of his face." She reasoned.

Kaden paused, the sudden questions made him uneasy to the core, "Why are you asking these?" He inquired.

Camille kept quiet, not ready to give an explanation until he answered her question first, the odd feeling she could decipher the true identity of the 'master" made her stomach churn.

"Don't tell me you have the hot stuff for the brooding evil guys!" Kaden mocked with a high-pitched voice and batted lashes.

Camille gave a hard knock onto his head in annoyance, "How could your sorry ass think that way?" She was getting tired of his games, finally the true Kaden had resurfaced, she was wondering when he would show up.

"For the love of–" He swallowed the remaining words, rubbing his throbbing head, "how could you hit my beautiful head?"