Chapter 02 Sweet Potatoes

Ma Jingguo is someone that it's hard for Mu Dishi to forget. Mu Dishi hated the entire Ma household, but Ma Jingguo is an exception. Mu Dishi closed his eyes reminiscing about the past, but a loud crashing sound had him opened his eyes. Mu Dishi saw a young man came crushing down onto the cement floor. The young man lying on the floor grunting in pain having difficulty getting into a sitting position.

Then a young lady rushed inside to help the young man. The young lady was wearing a light green outfit. The young man turned around and stared at Mu Dishi. The young man reached inside his inner robe and took out a small pouch. He threw the small pouch to Mu Dishi. The small pouch landed onto Mu Dishi's lap as three well-dressed men rushing inside the temple.

Mu Dishi stared at the injured young man coldly as the three men walked inside the temple. Each man dressed in different color.

Man in red, "Young man, gave us that pouch or don't blame us for picking on children."

Man in yellow reached his left hand toward Mu Dishi crossed lap. Mu Dishi used his right hand grabbed the man in yellow's left wrist and twisted his hand hard pulling him forward and hit him right at the front neck. The man in yellow flew ten feet away out cold on the floor.

The man in red attacked Mu Dishi's lower body by using his kick attacks. The man in blue attacked Mu Dishi's upper body using his hands. Mu Dishi who was still sitting crossed leg on the ground has no problem blocking the two men's attacks.

Kuo Changchang, "Ah Chen, should we help him?"

Ah Chen, "Shijie, he looks pretty skillful. He can easily fight them."

Kuo Changchang, "Ah Chen, are you sure?"

Ah Chen, "Look at him, it didn't see that he needs our help. Those two men cannot even land a single hit at him."

The man in red after hearing the two young youths criticized their fighting skills flew over and strike at the two youths. Before the man in red was even close to the two youths he was being dragged back towards Mu Dishi. Mu Dishi flashed a single string at the four men which knocks them back.

Kuo Changchang, "What did he used?"

The two men knew they were no match for this young man, so they picked up their fallen brother and fled the scene.

Mu Dishi threw the pouch back at the young man.

Kuo Changchang, "Thank you this shixiong."

Kuo Wenqian, "Meimei...Shidi...Are the two are you alright?"

Kuo Changchang, "Yes. The other two?"

Kuo Wenqian, "We chased them away."

Mu Dishi saw three more females walked inside the temple. By the way they were addressing each other's and from the look of their outfits, they were properly from the same sector. Mu Dishi knew they might be from one of the seven sectors. A lot has changed in ten years. The old dogs had recruited new dogs. It's a good thing the old dogs recruited new dogs to replace them because soon the old dogs will be six feet under.

Kuo Changchang, "Thank you this shixiong for your help."

In Mu Dishi's mind the seven sectors and five clans are hypocrites. A whole bunch of hypocrites. In the martial arts world, most of these so-called righteous sectors are hypocrites. When it comes to self-gain, they have no problem stabbing each other's in the back. They set stupid rules for martial artists to follow, but they never follow it themselves. He can't label all of the sectors and clans hypocrites because... well, for example Shaolin Sect, Kunlun Sect, Huangshan Sect, and Emei Sect did not participate during Shooting Down The Dragon campaign. Every time when Mu Dishi thinks or heard the phase "Shooting Down The Dragon" he always laughed. Shooting Down The Dragon campaign was an annihilation of an entire village of innocent people and their only crime was saving lives. Many martial artists who participated were saved by these innocent people countless times, but at the end, these so-called righteous martial artists have no problem pushing their swords into the stomach of the very own peoples whose had saved their life or treated their wounds countless times.

Kuo Changchang felt awkward because Mu Dishi didn't answer her instead, he closed his eyes and continued to meditate. She walked back to the other side of the temple and sat down with Kuo Wenqian and her juniors.

Kuo Wenqian noticed that her juniors was staring at Mu Dishi who sat silently crossed legs on the other side of the temple.

Ah Chen stared more than the others. He stared as if he blinks then Mu Dishi will disappear.

Kuo Wenqian cleared her throat then said, "Ah Chen, it is not nice to stare."

Ah Chen got up and slowly walked to Mu Dishi. He placed two roasted sweet potatoes in front of Mu Dishi then walked back.

Mu Dishi opened his eyes and he saw two roasted sweet potatoes in front of him. Staring at the two sweet potatoes brought back some unforgettable memories.

Mu Dishi came back into the cave after he finished meditating. He saw Ma Jingguo sleeping on the table with two sweet potatoes on a white ceramic plate. Lying beside Ma Jingguo was his jade flute and some music sheet.

Mu Dishi said, "If you are tired go sleep in your bed."

Ma Jingguo yawned then smiled with his big puppy innocent eyes, "Xiao shushu, I am waiting for you. Sit." He got up and grabbed Mu Dishi's left arm and sat him down. As Ma Jingguo was peeling one of the sweet potatoes he said, "Xiao shushu, we don't have any more food, so we have to eat this for dinner tonight." He gave Mu Dishi the peeled sweet potatoes. "Can we go to the market tomorrow? If not, we will have to eat potatoes and mangoes."

Mu Dishi, "Okay."

Ma Jingguo smiled.

Mu Dishi, "I am going to take a bath now."

Ma Jingguo, "Xiao shushu, do you want me to wash your back for you?"

Mu Dishi, "No." He stood up and walked toward the pond.

Ma Jingguo called out, "Xiao shushu, I'm right here if you need me."

Mu Dishi turned around and saw Ma Jingguo eating his sweet potatoes happily. Lin Daiyu was right, Ma Jingguo have that smile that can take people pain or sadness away.

Mu Dishi looked across to the other side and the five young people were eating their sweet potatoes and laughing. He wondered if Ma Jingguo was still with him, Ma Jingguo would be around the same age as these young people. He closed his eyes and continued meditating.

When the five young classmates woke up Mu Dishi was already gone. Ah Chen looked across to where Mu Dishi sat last night, and the two sweet potatoes was still on the floor untouched.

Kuo Changchang, "Where is that shixiong go?"

Ah Chen, "Don't know. He doesn't like being around people."

A female junior, "How do you know?"

Ah Chen, "By his personality."

Kuo Wenqian, "We must hurry up and bring that army seal back to Chang'an."

A female junior complained, "If those five don't keep chasing us we won't lose our horses."

Kuo Changchang, "Walking is good. Let's think of it as we are practicing our lightness skill."

Ah Chen, "I wonder if we going to meet that shixiong again."

Kuo Wenqian, "Let us separates. The rest of you go to Sword Village and I will go to Chang'an alone."

Kuo Changchang, "Take one of the juniors with you."

Kuo Wenqian, "No need. If I go by myself, they will think that you guy still has the army seal. They will follow you not me."

Ah Chen, "Shijie that is a great idea. We will head to Sword Village and wait for you there."

Kou Wenqian, "Be careful."

Kuo Changchang sighed, "I wonder how, da ge and Ah Lok is doing up North."

Kou Wenqian, "Don't worry. They will be back soon."

Inside a small tavern Mu Dishi was drinking his tea when a group of young martial artists walked inside.

Innkeeper, "I am so sorry young heroes, but we run out of place to sit."

Junior, "Da shixiong look." He pointed to Mu Dishi. "He sat by himself. Let's go ask if he will allow us to sit with."

The group of five went to Mu Dishi's table. The second older brother greeted, "I am Fu Yuanjun from Tianshan Sect. Sorry to bother you, but there are no more seats left. Would you mind if we sit with you?"

Mu Dishi said coldly, "I don't like sitting with other people."

Li Shan, "My shidi ask you nicely."

Mu Dishi said coldly, "I answered him nicely."

Li Shan, "Do you know we are from Tianshan Sect?"

Mu Dishi, "So."

Li Shan, "How dare you treats us like this?"

Mu Dishi, "If you are in a hurry then stand and eat or all of you can eat at the corner over there with those two." He pointed at two dogs eating at the corner.

Li Shan, "How dare you compare us to dog?" He pointed his finger at Mu Dishi's face.

Mu Dishi scoffed, "In my eyes, people from Tianshan sect are dogs. How is the old dog doing? Is the old dog still alive?"

Fu Yuanjun, "We are being very generous toward you. How dare you insult our Sector Leader?"

Suo Dongmei, "Er shixiong why bother talking to him." She unsheathed her sword and strikes at Mu Dishi.

Mu Dishi has no problem blocking the five young martial artists ' attacks. The five young martial artists' swordsmanship was not good, by the way theirs' sword moves Mu Dishi could tell that the Leader of Tianshan Sect has not improve after ten years.

Out of all the five dogs, Mu Dishi hated Suo Baojing the most. He promised himself when he returns to Central Plains the first person, he will kill will be Suo Baojing, but since his little dogs are here than old dog Suo might not be home. He will have to kill dog Sou after he kill the Four clans' leaders.

Mu Dishi caught Li Shan's hand, "Where is Suo Baojing?"

Suo Dongmei, "You are afraid of my father? He is already in Shaolin."

Mu Dishi twisted Li Shan's hand around and grabbed Li Shan's sword, flipped Li Shan's sword over and slit Li Shan's throat. Mu Dishi then threw Li Shan's sword at one of the other junior.

Fu Yuanjun and the rest flew toward Mu Dishi. Mu Dishi grabbed the chopsticks from the wooden holder and sent a handful of chopsticks flying hitting the four-charging people. The four injured Tianshan disciples were badly injury on the floor.

Mu Dishi said coldly, "I hated when people point their finger at me." He looked at the four injured people. "Tell that dog Suo that his ten years' time is up. If he doesn't want anyone else to die, then he must announce to the martial arts world of his crimes. Then stabs himself seventy-one times, but if he chose to bring his little dogs along with him.... I have no problem ending their doggy lives."

Mu Dishi put a small gold ingot on the table and walked out of the small tavern. He thought that sound about right. Every two years they held that stupid competition for young martial artists to make a name for themselves. Many new sectors and clans will also compete to see which sectors or clans has better skill. Mu Dishi knew he don't have to go look for them because in fifteen days all of the dogs will gather at Shaolin Sect.