Chapter 06 Time's Up

After Yong Hao finished telling his story he closed his eyes and sighed deeply. He continued, "I ordered sword Village disciples to gather the dead villagers. Other than the nineteen men and the young teen Mu Dishi, no one else in the village know martial arts. That night, we killed seventy-one innocent people."

Yong Gui, "Er shixiong, don't blame yourself too much. You gave them proper burial. For that same reason you step down as Sword Village's leader and became a monk."

Ma Jingguo, "You led a group of skillful martial artists up the mountain and killed seventy-one people because of a letter and words of two dead men. Senior Yong, don't you think that is a little irresponsible on your part?"

Yong Hao, "At that time I did not know the real reason?"

Yong Taihua, "What is the real reason da ye?"

Yong Hao sighed sadly, "The Mu treasure map." He paused. "The Mu are among the richest in the land. Their ancestors were doctors in the palace for generations until Mu Jiao Long. Mu Jiao Long love martial art so he moves the Mu household and establish Mu village. The three hundred martial artists died that night was all because they want to get their hands on that treasure map included the Ma Clan."

Ma Jingguo, "How did the Ma Clan died?"

Yong Gui, "The Ma Clan was believed to have the treasure map and they were assassinated by people who want the map. Ma Shufen, his wife, and their son is on the run. There seem to be no news of them."

Ma Jingguo, "How did the Ma got the map?"

Yong Gui, "That we don't know, it remains a mystery. I guess those who knows will have to be Mu Dishi and the Ma couple."

A disciple walked in, "Yong shifu, there is a young man stood outside the village gate asking for Monk Hao."

Yong Hao sighed, "He is here."

Yong Gui, "Er shixiong, you cannot meet him."

Yong Hao, "I had prepared myself for this day to come. The one who are meant to come had already came. I am ready to pay for my sins."

Yong Taihua quickly taps on Yong Hao's chest, "Hao da ye, you can't go. You are sick and you've already destroyed your internal energy."

Yong Hao said angrily, "Taihua, release me."

Yong Caixia, "Hao da ye! You are in no position to fight Mu Dishi if he is that skillful. Fighting Mu Dishi without your internal energy is like hitting an egg on a rock."

Yong Gui step forward, "Er shixiong, you know that the kids are right."

Another disciple rushed inside, "Yong shifu! Yong shifu! The intruder stated by the time the incense stick burn to the ground if Monk Hao didn't go out, he will come in and anyone who stands in his way will be kill."

Yong Hao, "Release me, if he says he will kill he will kill. Release me...I don't want anyone else to die again because of my mistakes and negligence."

Yong Taihua, "I don't believe that the people of Sword Village will not be able to defeat just one Mu Dishi." He stormed out.

The young five martial artists chased after Yong Taihua.

Yong Hao shouted, "Taihua! Come back!" He turned to Yong Gui. "Release me...Letting Hua'er go is like sending him to his death."

When the six martial artists got to the front entrance of the village, Ma Jinggou saw Mu Dishi standing alone in the evening sun, with his eyes closed and his hands behind his back. Ma Jinggou has always liked that posture of Mu Dishi, especially when the wind blew across his face and his neatly tied hair dancing with the wind. After hearing the story, he really wants to run over and hug Mu Dishi. Ever since he was young, he has been fantasizing about how it feels inside Mu Dishi's embrace.

Kuo Changchang looked at Ma Jinggou, "Is him."

Yong Caixia, "You know him?"

Kuo Changchang, "Acquaintance."

Yong Taihua, "Mu ge, I know the reason that you are here today, but consider of what my da ye had done and he is also ill.."

Mu Dishi said coldly to Yong Taihua, "When he led his dogs up Mu village, Bai tai ye who was in his ninety and he was very sick, maybe he only had a few days left to live. Dog Hao and his dogs' followers had no problem ending Bai da tai ye life." He looked at Yong Taihua coldly.

Ma Jingguo's heart trembled with desires as he watched Mu Dishi rolls his phoenix eyes at Yong Taihua.

Yong Caixia, "Hao da ye gave the seventy-one Mu members very good burial. He felt so bad for what he had done. He destroyed his internal energy and became a monk for that same reason. Right now, he is toward the end of his life, and he had repented for his mistake."

Mu Dishi replied coldly, "Should I pity him?" He took a deep breath. "If I pity him than who will pity Long da ye, my father, my mother, my four years old sister, Biming, and the innocent lives of Mu Village?"

Ma Jinggou had never heard the name Biming. He wiped the spirit tables, but there is no Biming among them. Who is this, Biming?

Yong Taihua, "Those that who were dead cannot be revive. Why would you choose to seek revenge? Revenge will only hurt you at the end."

Mu Dishi, "I came for those who owe me a debt. If I am truly wanting revenge, I would capture every single member of those dogs' family, then killed them one by one and let the dogs watch as I slowly slits the dog's family's throat one dog at a time." He scoffed, "That would be a very satisfy revenge. Just like what they had done. A life for a life is a equal trade. The moment those dogs set foot on Mu village; their faith was sealed along with Mu Villagers."

Mu Dishi closed his eyes. Again, he is trapped inside his memories. Paying no attention to Yong Taihua as he talks.

At that time, Mu Jiao Long, Mu Jiao Long nine disciples, eight nephews, Wang Biming and Mu Dishi fought with Yong Hao and the four clans. After sometimes The Mu successfully chased Yong Hao and the four clans away. They thought that was the end of it, but soon afterward three hundreds martial artists rushed into their guest hall. As everyone were fighting and shouting. Mu Jiao Long tap twice onto Mu Dishi's front chest.

Mu Dishi, "Long da ye release me."

Mu Jiao Long, "Silly boy, they are here to kill. You are the successor after me and a child prodigy. Even if everyone of us dies, you must live. One day you will seek revenge for us, but that day is not today. Do you understand? Mu Dishi nodded. "Biming, seat him on the chair."

Wang Biming carried Mu Dishi and placed him on Mu Jiao Long' throne. He smiled at Mu Dishi and whispered softly inside Mu Dishi's right ear, "Dishi, I love you." He gave Mu Dish a quick kiss on Mu Dishi right cheek before Mu Jiao Long made his way up.

Mu Dishi cried, "Long da ye, I don't want to live alone."

Mu Jiao Long, "You must." He tapped at Mu Dishi's neck. He took out two manuals and a pair of black gloves inside his inner robe and placed it on Mu Dishi's lap. He reached out his left hand and wipes Mu Dishi tears. "Silly boy...After twelve hours you will be free." Mu Jiao Long turned around. "Biming, turn on the switch."

Wang Biming smiled at Mu Dishi, and he turned on the switch behind the chair and the chair slides Mu Dishi backward toward the wall that was filled with painted dragons over clouds, mountains, and lakes.

Mu Dishi screamed his heart out but there is no sound coming out because Mu Jiao Long had block his vocal and his lips was sealed shut. Inside the small hidden room there where two holes through one of the dragon's eyes and he could see what was happing down in the guest hall.

Mu Dishi watched as his mother, father, and his little sister steps behind Mu Jiao Long, Wang Biming, and his seventeen cousins.

Mu Jiao Long, "How may I help you?"

Fu Susu pointed his sword at Mu Jiao Long, "Mu Dog."

Mu Chen, "Fu Susu, how dare you point at Long shushu? Don't you remember two years ago if it was not for Long shushu who passed his internal energy to cured you, you will be dead now?"

Mu Chung, "Not just him, but I am sure every single one of you had received some treatments from us."

Suo Baojing, "Just hand it over?"

Mu Ai, "Er shixiong. Why do you brought these people up here?"

Suo Baojing, "Hand it over?"

Mu Lan, "Hand what over?"

Zu Minsheng, "The map."

Mu Jiao Long, "So, everyone that gathers here today are here because of the map?"

Wen Xing Fu, "If you hand over that map no one will get hurt."

Mu Jiao Long, "So everyone wants a piece of the Mu's treasure?"

The three hundred or so martial artists inside the small meeting hall chattering around.

"Mu Treasure cave."

"I've heard the cave is full of treasure for generations after the next."

"Whoever get that map will be richer than the emperor itself."

Mu Jiao Long, "The map is inside a bamboo hut two miles from here. You can go over there and grabbed the map and leave."

After a hour went by Peng Boqin came back and shook his head at Suo Baojing.

Peng Boqin, "Is not there?"

Mu Jiao Long, "How could that be? One of you must had taken it?"

Mu Dishi screaming inside 'Long da ye let me out. I have the map. Let me out. Somebody', but all he heard from himself was some muffled sounds and whimpering breathes.

Wen Xing Fu whispered to Mo Jing Sheng, "He must still have it. Let's capture someone and force him to give us the map."

Mo Jing Sheng flew over kicked Mu Lan down on the ground and grabbed Mu Lan, but Fu Susu kicked him sending Mo Jing Sheng away. Fu Susu placed his sword at Mu Lan's neck.

Mu Ai pushed Mu Mei toward Mu Jiao Long, but Peng Boqin sent four daggers at Mu Jiao Long and Suo Baojing grabbed Mu Mei. Peng Boqin grabbed Mu Ai.

Suo Baojing, "We are on the same side. No need to fight each other."

Mu Jiao Long screamed, "Let them go!" He flew forward toward his brother, sister-in-law, and his niece. Leung Yat Sen, Wen Xing Fu, Shui Laquan attacks Mu Jiao Long.

Wang Biming and the seventeen cousins also joined the fight and so was the rest of the small sectors and clans who were there.

Behind the hidden wall Mu Dishi struggled as hard as he can but he was unable to move. He tried using his internal energy to release himself from Mu Jiao Long's dianxue, but he was unable. His nailed his nails on the two armchairs until his fingers began to bleed, but he didn't feel any pain as tears fallen from his eyes and he heard his heart thumping inside his own chest as if his heart was about to burst out.

After an hour of fighting many small clans and sectors loss many people and they started to back away and the seventeen cousins and Wang Biming were badly injured and now hostages.

Mu Jiao Long stood alone against the one hundreds and so people.

Peng Boqin, "Bring him over." Two Tianshan disciples brought Mu Fai to Peng Boqin. Peng Boqin kicked Mu Fai on the back of the knees. "Where is the map?" He placed his sword on Mu Fai's neck.

Mu Jiao Long, "You really going to kill an innocent man? I've already told you. I left it on that table back in the bamboo hut."

Peng Boqin, "One."

Mu Jiao Long, "I don't have it."

Peng Boqin, "Two."

Mu Jiao Long, "Let him go."

Peng Boqin, "Three." Peng Boqin slits Mu Fai's throat.

Mu Dishi breathed in and out heavily grabbed hard on the arms chair. Mu Dishi watched as his seventeen cousins being killed one by one.

Fu Susu kicked the back of Mu Lan's knee and Mu Lan kneeled on the floor, "Give me the map."

Mu Lan said, "Da ge, no matter what, they are going to kill us anyway. Don't give them the map. You hear me!"

Fu Susu, "You Mongol dog." He slit Mu Lan's throat.

Mo Jing Sheng, "Mu dog...hand over the map."

Mu Jiao Long begged in tears, "Let her go. She is only a child. She is innocent. She has not done anything wrong. Let her go."

Mu Ai went down on her knees in front of Suo Baojing, "Er shixiong, I beg you let my child go. She is only four years old. As disciples from the sector please let her go."

Suo Baojing said madly, "Mei mei, marrying into the Mu is your mistake." He slit Mu Mei's throat.

Mu Jiao Long and Mu Ai both screamed, "Mei'er!"

Mu Dishi whimpering hard he bit down the inside of his mouth as blood dripped from the corners of his mouth and tears fall from his eyes. He watched as Mu Mei struggling on the floor as blood gushing out of her tiny mouth. Mu Dishi felt like Mu Mei was struggling forever then finally, Mu Mei's tiny feet stop moving.

Mu Ai saw her little girl lying dead in a pool of blood. She turned around and grabbed Suo Baojing's front collar and held it tight with her two hands. She spits on his face and says angrily, "You are not human you. Give me back my child's life. Give me back my child's life. Even if I died, I would haunt you."

Pheng Boqin yanked Mu Ai away and he threw two punches onto Mu Ai's stomach. Pheng Boqin looked at Mu Jiao Long, "I will continue punching her until you give me the map." He began punching Mu Ai's stomach as blood gushing out dyed her beautiful yellow dress red.

After over fifty punches, Peng Boqin dropped Mu Ai's dead body on the floor.

Mu Dishi screamed and struggled hard to break free.

Zu Mingsheng kicked Wang Biming knees and Wang Biming kneeled onto the floor. Zu Mingsheng, "Mu Jia Long, he is your first disciple. Tell me where the map is?"

Mu Jiao Long anger took over and he no longer want to speak to anyone. He only breathed angrily through his nostrils.

Zu Mingsheng, "You are not a Mu, tell us where the map is, and we will let you go."

Wang Biming said weakly, "Come closer, I will tell you where the map is." Zu Mingsheng lowered down his head towards Wang Biming. Wang Biming said, "Let me fuck you. You will be happier than getting that map." He bursts out laughing. He looked at the wall and smiled.

In anger, Zu Mingsheng slit Wang Biming's throat.

Mu Jiao Long said firmly, "Pay attention. This is last part to the Killer String manual."

The people were chattering around.

"What is he talking about?"

"He has gone crazy."

"Are we going to get a chance with that map?"

Mu Jiao Long threw a single guzheng string hitting on two pillars that stood opposite on each side inside the guest hall. He said, "Gather all of your chi energy onto your right palm then concentrate transferring all of your chi energy onto the tip of your finger." He grabbed the guzheng string with his right middle finger and thumb. Mu Jiao Long pulled the string back passed his waist.

The three clans and the four sectors' leaders knew what Mu Jiao Long was talking about. This is the last move of the Killer Strings Manuel call 'Together In Hell'. They quickly ran out of the guest hall leaving behind the other martial artists who are not familiar with Mu Jiao Long's technique.

Mu Jiao Long released the guzheng string and everything in front of him was cut in half included his index and middle fingers. The four clans and three sectors made it far enough out from the guest hall but was badly injured internally from the powerful force. They vomited mouthful of blood.

Mu Jiao Long vomited blood and kneeled onto the floor. He murmured, "Did you remember it?"

Mu Dishi nodded with tears as he watches blood gushing out from Mu Jiao Long's mouth. Mu Dishi screamed loudly inside. He tried hard to move his lips, but he can only taste blood in his mouth. His eyes were wet with angers, hates, and vengeance. He saw the four clans and three sectors' leaders slowly walked back inside badly injured.

Suo Baojing, "Mu dog." He stabbed Mu Jiao Long in the heart.

Zu Mingsheng, "What are we going to do?"

Peng Boqin, "We are the only people who knew about this. We should never speak of this ever again."

Mo Jing Sheng, "What about Yong Hao?"

Suo Baojing, "If he opens his mouth then Sword Village will be just like Mu Village." He shook Mu Jiao Long's blood from his sword. "Ah...I shouldn't have stab that dog. No matter what he will died shortly anyway."

The sound of swords unsheathing brought Mu Dishi back from trapping inside his own memories. He looked down on the ground and the last ashes from the burning incense had fallen onto the ground. He looked coldly at young group of martial artists and said, "Time's up."