Chapter 26 The Leader Seat

Fu Yuanjun, "Fu Shirong decided to leave Tianshan Sect because this place reminds him too much of Mu Ai. That same year, he moved back home and got married. As for your father, he stayed in Tianshan Sect and practiced 'Sword Spirit Manual' days and nights until he mastered it. On Grandmaster Yi's sixty's birthday, Mu Ai gave birth to her second child, so she was unable to travel to Tianshan, but Fu Shirong went to Tianshan. After the celebration, Grandmaster Yi handed Fu Shirong a written will."

Yi Tao, "Shirong, since you are my first disciple, I will entrust my will to you. Lately, I've not been feeling well. I know my days are outnumbering. If I died, Ai'er shall become the next leader of Tianshan Sect and you will be the co-leader of Tianshan Sect." He looked at Suo Baojing, "Baojing, don't be mad at me."

Suo Baojing answered, "I am not. Whatever shifu decision may be, I will accept it."

Yi Tao, "Baojing, you've grown up. I am happy and relief to hear your answer." He looked at his two disciples. "With you two helping Ai'er and the Mu Clan stood behind her, Tianshan Sect will be stronger than any other's sectors or clans."

Fu Shirong, "Shifu, please rest assured. I promise, I will do everything I can to help mei mei, so don't worry about her."

Yi Tao, "Shirong and Baojing, I am happy to have disciples like you two. Ai'er don't practice martial arts, but you two do, please protect her."

Su Baojing, "Shixiong, since shifu is ill, we should drink tea instead of wine." He poured three cups of tea. He gave one to Fu Shirong and one to Yi Tao. "With this cup of tea, I wish for shifu to have another healthy year."

Yi Tao smiled at Su Baojing and drank his tea.

Suo Baojing poured himself another cup of tea and smiled at Fu Shirong, "Shixiong, may you have a safe journey home and next time don't come alone. You have to bring my nephew and sao zi with you."

The two brothers drank their last cup of tea.

Fu Yuanjun, "Suo Baojing egos and hates was craved deeply into his blood. He killed Grandmaster Yi by poisoning him. He believed he had successfully destroyed the original letter Grandmaster Yi gave to Fu Shirong, but he was wrong. Fu Shirong made it home and hid the original letter. Suo Baojing did not stop there. He went to Fu Shirong's house and killed Fu Shirong's entire family. Suo Baojing finally get rid of the only witness. He fabricated Grandmaster Yi's letter, named him the successor after Grandmaster Yi. Your father stole the leader seat."

Suo Dongmei, "You have no evidence to support your little, short story. I will not believe it. Since they are three disciples of Grandmaster Yi, why would Grandmaster Yi want Mu Ai to be his successor?"

Fu Yuanjun, "Do you want to know Mu Ai's surname before she married into the Mu?"

Suo Dongmei, "What is it?"

Fu Yuanjun, "Her name before she was married into the Mu was Yi Ai."

Suo Dongmei felt a cold chill ran throughout her entire body, "Then she is."

Fu Yuanjun scoffed, "The only child of Grandmaster Yi."

After listening to Fu Yuanjun's short story, Mu Dishi recalled the scene back in the meeting hall. His mother was begging Suo Baojing to let go of Mu Mei because they were from the same sector, but he didn't know that there was a story behind his mother and Suo Baojing. The story made Mu Dishi angrier and his hatred for Suo Baojing became stronger. He clenched his fists tightly.

Ma Jingguo noticed the veins on Mu Dishi's throat pops out. This only happen when Mu Dishi was very angry and about to unleashed deadly moves at his opponent.

Ma Jingguo whispered softly, "Xiao shushu please clam down. Let's listen to the entire story so we could get the entire picture."

Suo Dongmei, "How do you know their story?"

Fu Yuanjun laughed, "Because my father happened to be named, Fu Shirong." He looked at Suo Dongmei. "Your father poisoned my father. He was fortune enough to made it home and tell me this little secret before he died." He laughed. "So, mei mei, after hearing my short story, tell me again... Do you still think Tianshan Leader seat still belongs to you?"

Suo Dongmei didn't answer.

Fu Yuanjun, "If Mu Dishi want to be the leader of Tianshan Sect, then I have no problem with it. I will be the co-leader. If Mu Dishi refuses, then the leader seat belong to me, not you. The leader seat has always belonged to the Mu and the Fu. Never the Suo."

Suo Dongmei, "As of now, everyone in Tianshan knew that the last Leader was Suo. I believe the entire sector will support me not you."

Fu Yuanjun laughed, "Ha...ha...ha..." He reached inside his inner robe and took out two letters. "After the elders read these, do you think they still support you?"

Suo Dongmei, "Er shixiong, it doesn't matter you will not have that seat." She unsheathed her sword and headed toward Fu Yuanjun.

As Suo Dongmei and Fu Yuanjun fights, Mu Dishi can tell that Suo Dongmei's internal energy was stronger than that of Fu Yuanjun's internal energy. She was only toying with Fu Yuanjun stalling times. Mu Dishi wondered, who is she waiting for?

As voices started coming from inside the temple, Suo Dongmei purposely let Fu Yuanjun punch landed on her right chest. Fu Yuanjun's punch sent Suo Dongmei twenty feet away landed in front of the ten elders of Tianshan Sect. Sou Dongmei vomited a mouthful of blood.

Elder Tong helped Suo Dongmei up. Suo Dongmei, "Elders..." She pointed her finger at Fu Yuanjun. "He try to kill me for the leader seat."

Ma Jingguo shook his head in disbelieved. Women, they are so manipulative. He looked at Mu Dishi and sighed happily. He whispered softly into Mu Dishi's right ear, "Xiao shushu, I am so glad you are not a woman."

Mu Dishi turned quickly to right and was about to yelled at Ma Jingguo. Ma Jingguo quickly kissed Mu Dishi's lips before Mu Dishi's can say a word. Ma Jingguo then grabbed both of Mu Dishi's hands with his right hand, and pinned Mu Dishi on the statue. Ma Jingguo reached his left hand into Mu Dishi's inner robe and slowly played with Mu Dishi's left nipple.

Ma Jingguo knew he have to stop, but right now at this moment kissing Mu Dishi like this is hard for him to withdraw. As he slides his wet tongue up and down Mu Dishi's swan soft neck, he can't help it. He then sucked Mu Dishi's neck softly. Afterward, he slides his wet tongue back inside Mu Dishi's soft moist mouth. Ma Jingguo can no longer hold back his desire of lust. He reached his hand deeper for Mu Dishi's member, but Mu Dishi broke free and twisted Ma Jingguo's hand. In pain, Ma Jingguo had no choice but to let go.

Elder Tong, "Yuanjun, committing treason is punishable by death." Elder Tong looked at the other nine elders. "Capture him."

The four younger elders jumped over and began attacking Fu Yuanjun. As Fu Yuanjun jumped at the four younger elders to strike at them. The four younger elders quickly line up. One of the elder stood in front to encounter Fu Yuanjun strike as the other three passed their own internal energies to him. When the strikes intertwined the weaker Fu Yuanjun was no match for the four younger elders. Their combined internal strength sent Fu Yuanjun straight to the magnolia tree.

Fu Yuanjun hit the magnolia tree and landed on the ground in front of the magnolia tree. He is vomiting a mouthful of blood with two broken ribs. Fu Yuanjun was having a hard time getting up.

The four younger elders sent out two ropes at Fu Yuanjun, Mu Dishi flew over the statue and sent out four golden needles pierced the two ropes into the ground. He flashed a single powerful guzheng string at the four elders. The powerful force sent the four elders crushing into the smaller statues around the stairway.

Elder Tong was astonished by the young man powerful counterattack, "Who are you?"

Ma Jingguo quickly revealed himself and rushed to the injured Fu Yuanjun. Ma Jingguo helped Fu Yuanjun up.

Fu Yuanjun grunted in pain, "Ma Jingguo." He stood up. "Mu Dishi."

Suo Dongmei, "Mu Dishi...Why are you here?"

Mu Dishi said coldly, "Sightseeing."

Elder Tong, "Young man, this is a problem within our sector. I wish that you two will not get involve. Please step aside."

Mu Dishi said, "I will not." He held his two golden bells tightly in his left hand. He looked at the eleven people and said coldly, "You want him. You must go through me."

After Ma Jingguo heard Mu Dishi words, he wants to kick Fu Yuanjun and personally send him off the cliff. He looked at Fu Yuanjun evilly and said inside his own head: "who the hell do you think you are for my xiao shushu to tell your enemies, if they want you, they must go through him".

Suo Dongmei turned to Elder Tong, "He is Mu Dishi, the last survivor of the Mu Clan."

Elder Tong, "Mu Clan?"

Fu Yuanjun walked up and stood beside Mu Dishi with the help of Ma Jingguo. He looked at Suo Dongmei and said, "Elder Tong, he is Mu Dishi, the son of Mu Ai, and grandson of Grandmaster Yi." He paused to catches his breathes. "I am the son of Fu Shirong; my father was coldly murdered by Suo Baojing."

Elder Tong was in shocked, "Shirong died? I thought all these years, he was alive happily living with his family."

Fu Yuanjun said sadly, "Elder Tong, he was poisoned by Suo Baojing. Grandmaster Yi was also poisoned and murdered by Suo Baojing."

Suo Dongmei, "Don't talk rubbish."

Elder Tong who was still sad upon hearing the news that Fu Shirong had died. Elder Tong shook his head. He said, "Shirong, was the most modest student of Tianshan Sect. We all have high hopes and expectation for him. It's already saddened my heart when he decided to leave Tianshan, but right now you tell me he died. He and Baojing were good brothers, how come Baojing murdered him?"

Fu Yuanjun, "He wanted the leader seat. The successor after Grandmaster Yi was never Suo Baojing." Fu Yuanjun reached inside his robe. "Elder Tong, my father gave me Grandmaster Yi's letter before he died. One letter is the original letter of Grandmaster Yi's will. The other letter was my father's letter to aunty Ai about what Suo Baojing had done, but sadly I was too little at that time. I don't know where the Mu Clan is." He shed tears. "If I give this letter to aunty Ai, the entire Mu Clan might not be massacre. You and Grandmaster Yi were closed, you should recognize his handwriting."

Even though Ma Jingguo disliked Fu Yuanjun, but he still found that Fu Yuanjun's action was somewhat heroic. He comforted, "Even if you've giving the letter to ma...sorry Mrs. Mu, Suo Baojing will find another way to massacre the Mu Clan."

Elder Tong step forward and took the letters from Fu Yuanjun's hand. After he read the letters, he sighed. He walked up to Mu Dishi, "Dishi, according to the letter, your mother was the successor after your grandfather. You had killed Suo Baojing. The leader seat of Tianshan belongs to you."

Mu Dishi said coldly, "I don't want it."

Elder Tong, "But..."

Mu Dishi, "I've never lived a single day in Tianshan Sect. I don't know their rules. My surname is Mu not Yi." He looked at Fu Yuanjun. "He can have it."

Fu Yuanjun, "Mu ge..." He grabbed onto Mu Dishi's left arm. "I am happy being the co-leader of Tianshan Sect."

Ma Jingguo in jealousy rage pulled Fu Yuanjun's hand away from Mu Dishi's left arm and stood in between Mu Dishi and Fu Yuanjun. He then said, "Fu ge, if xiao shushu say he don't want it. It means he don't want it."

Elder Tong, "We didn't know that this will turn out like this. Dishi, are you sure?"

Mu Dishi replied, "I am sure. I've promised someone to tour the Yangtze River. I intend to keep that promised."

Ma Jingguo was so happy at Mu Dishi's answered. He wants to turn around and hold Mu Dishi tightly inside his embrace then kissed him, but he has to holds back because they stood in front of twelve people.

Elder Tong looked at Suo Dongmei, "I want everyone surname Suo out of Tianshan by sundown." He looked at Mu Dishi, "Dishi, since you are here in Tianshan. Do you want to go pay a visit to your grandfather."

Mu Dishi, "Sure."

Mu Dishi and Ma Jingguo followed elder Tong to Tianshan Cemetery. The deceased leaders were buried on the top while the disciples buried at the bottom. The buried ground was designed by higher rank to lower rank.

Elder Tong stopped in front of Yi Tao's grave, "Leader Yi, I've brought your grandson here today to pay respect."

One of the disciples lit up twelve incense sticks. He gave three to Mu Dishi, three to Ma Jingguo, three to Elder Tong, and he held three.

Mu Dishi and Ma Jingguo both kneeled down and bow three times.

Ma Jingguo prayed inside his heart as he bows "Grandmaster Yi, don't worry. I will protect xiao shushu with my life. I will not let any harm come to him. If I must die for him to live. I will happily die without hesitation. I want to let you know that I love him very much".

Mu Dishi and Ma Jingguo sticks the burning incense sticks before Yi Tao's grave and they stood up. Elder Tong and the young disciple also bow three times then stick their incense sticks before Yi Tao's grave.

As they walked down the cemetery stairs. Elder Tong asked Mu Dishi, "Dishi, you really going to let this opportunity go?"

Mu Dishi, "I don't like being bind by rules." He turned to Elder Tong. "Fu Yuanjun is not bad. He was willing to not expose that dog."

Ma Jingguo cleared his throat, "Xiao shushu."

Mu Dishi corrected himself and continued, "Suo Baojing's evil scheme if Suo Dongmei step down."

Ma Jingguo, "The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree. Who would have guessed she pull another scheme herself."

Mu Dishi, "Are you regretting of not letting me kill her?"

Ma Jingguo, "No. I prefer you not kill." He smiled at Mu Dishi. "Oh right, Elder Tong, how do you know where and when to show up?"

Elder Tong, "Dongmei, had told me that Yuanjun want to meet her privately. She fears for her safety. She also told us where the meeting location is. She asked us to look for her if she had not return within an hour."

Ma Jingguo, "Miss Suo, might not know."

Mu Dishi, "She knew what she was doing. Her internal energy was stronger than Yuanjun. She was waiting for him to take her bait. As soon as she heard the ten elders inside the temple, she let Yuanjun hit her."

Elder Tong, "We will hold a meeting in two days. According to the Leader Yi's will, since you refuse to be Leader of Tianshan then Yuanjun will be our next leader."

Mu Dishi, "Good."

Mu Dishi and Ma Jingguo bid farewell to elder Tong at the bottom of the cemetery's stair. The two men returned back to the village.