Chapter 29 The Past Repeat Itself

When the thirty year old man walked in, everyone looked towards the welcoming gate. The guests and the families are still eating. Many people did not pay attention to this person, even Mu Dishi and Ma Jingguo.

Liu Fu went up to the young man and said, "Yes, Xiu'er bring this young man a bowl and chopsticks."

Liu Xiu handed the young man a bowl and chopsticks. The man then asked, "What is your name pretty lady?"

Liu Xiu smiled shyly and answered, "Liu Xiu." She walked back toward the table.

The man sat alone eating quietly after he fetched some noodles from the giant wok.

Liu Xiu walked around the people holding a tray of tea. She offered Mu Dishi and Ma Jingguo tea. Ma Jingguo took two cups of tea from the tray.

Ma Jingguo, "Xiao shushu, do you want another bowl?" Mu Dishi shook his head. Ma Jingguo stood up from the bamboo bench, "I am getting a second bowl."

Mu Dishi, "Whatever."

Ma Jingguo was relief when he is not the only person craving for second. Many families and guests also went for second. He quickly fetched the noodles and returned to Mu Dishi.

Mu Dishi, "Why do you get so much? Are you going to finish it?"

Ma Jingguo smiled, "I feel happy sitting here eating with all these extremely friendly people. Xiao shushu, is this your first time?"

Mu Dishi, "Mm..."

Ma Jingguo, "Xiao shushu, you don't need to be so thin faces. Open up your heart. Not everyone is like those three sectors and five clans. Take these people as an example. They welcomed us with open arms." He took two bites of his noodle. "I believe in this world, there are more good people than bad people."

Mu Dishi took out his handkerchief and handed to Ma Jingguo, "You have oil at the corner of your mouth."

Ma Jingguo, "Then xiao shushu wipe it for me."

Mu Dishi, "No. Do it yourself."

Ma Jingguo. "How can I? One of my hands hold a bowl while the other hold chopsticks."

Mu Dishi shook his head and he wiped Ma Jingguo's mouth. He flooded his handkerchief and put it back inside his inner robe.

Ma Jingguo smiled at Mu Dishi, "Xiao shushu, I am very happy."

Mu Dishi, "You are happy that someone feed you free noodle?"

Ma Jingguo, "I am happy that this is the first time that xiao shushu being kind to me in front of other people."

Mu Dishi, "I've told you that I will try."

Ma Jingguo, "Xiao shushu." He fetched some noodles strains with his chopsticks and brought the bowl closer to Mu Dishi's mouth. "I'll feed you."

Mu Dishi pushed the noodle away, "Stop eating. Throw it away."

Many of the guests and families also started dropping their bowl of noodle and chopsticks on the ground.

Ma Jingguo's hands began to tremble violently. Ma Jingguo's shaking hands dropped the bowl of noodle and chopsticks on the ground. Ma Jingguo felt that his entire body became weak and unable to move.

Mu Dishi, "Jingguo."

Ma Jingguo, "Xiao shushu, I have no strength left."

Mu Dishi, "You had been poisoned."

Ma Jingguo, "What?"

The guests and families chattering around, "What happen to us? We don't have any strength."

Among more than fifty people, only twelve people are not poison. The young man got up from where he was sitting and walked to the middle of the open area.

The young man smirked at the poisoned people, "Congratulation to those whose went for second, each of you was poisoned." He laughed. "Also, everyone here is being rob."

The twelve people who was not poison were Mu Dishi, two grooms, Liu Fu men, four brides, five elder women, and Liu Xiu.

The grooms who is not poison decides to take matters into their own hands. The two of them stood up and trying to immobilize the young man down, but they were severely wounded and injured by the young man.

Liu Fu, "Who are you? Why do you poison?"

Young man pushed Liu Fu onto the ground. The young man then sent out a firework signal.

Liu Xiu rushed over and helped Liu Fu up, "Grandfather, are you alright."

A moment later twenty men rushed inside the open area with their weapons.

One of the men greeted, "Leader Hu."

Chen Bai, "There are so many pretty people here. Are you sure you don't want one?" He walked around and stopped right in front of Mu Dishi. "Eh... you are not bad. I have never seen such handsome and beautiful man like you." He licked his lips.

Ma Jingguo said weakly, "Don't you dare touch him. I'll kill you if you touch a single strand of his hair."

Chen Bai turned to the young man, "Hu Gang, can I have him?"

Hu Gang said madly, "You dummy! How many times... I told you, don't call me by my full name when we rob people?"

Chen Bai, "Sorry... Leader Hu can I have him?"

Hu Gang sighed, "You have eight wives and six husbands. How many more do you need?"

Chen Bai, "Leader Hu, looked at him." He pointed at Mu Dishi. "He is so beautiful. If you let me have him. I...I will get rid of all those wives and husbands."

Hu Gang, "Do whatever you want."

Man, "Leader Hu, since co-leader got to choose, can we also choose too?"

Hu Gang, "Those who want a wife can pick one."

Chen Bai, "What the hell are you waiting for? Go inside and take what is valuable."

The nineteen men began to go from house to house took the villagers' clothes and valuable items. They put the items on the ground in the open area.

Chen Bai slowly walked back to Mu Dishi and said, "Don't worry pretty one. Once we are home, I will ask leader Hu to give you the antidote."

The nineteen men stood before Hu Gang. One of the men said, "Leader Hu, these are all the valuable items we've found inside those houses."

Chen Bai walked to Liu Fu and Liu Xiu. Chen Bai grabbed Liu Fu's front collar then he put his sword at Liu Fu's neck. He yelled, "Everyone listens. I will count to five. If everyone doesn't tell me where yours secret hiding money stashes is. I will kill him first. Then I will begin killing one person at a time until someone give me a satisfy answer." He kicked the back of Liu Fu's right knee and Liu Fu went down on both of his knees.

Looking at the old kind man who was taken hostage made Mu Dishi's blood vessels suddenly appeared on his neck. He began to breath heavily. He clenched both of his hands tightly.

Chen Bai, "One."

Mu Dishi closed his eyes, which brought him back to that night inside the meeting hall. He watched as his family was killed in front of him. He cannot help them. He watched their throats slits one by one.

Chen Bai, "Two."

Ma Jingguo watched as Mu Dishi's entire body trembled violently. He is too weak and powerless. He really wants to reach over and hold Mu Dishi inside his embrace.

Liu Fu begged in terror, "We are farmers. We don't have money. What we have is all here."

Chen Bai hit the back of Liu Fu right shoulder hard.

Liu Xiu cried, "Please don't hit my grandfather."

Mu Dishi stood up and said coldly, "How dare you?" His eyes were swallowed by flames. He imagined in his mind that this must be the way the elders in Mu Village was killed. Those bastard dogs must had asked them for the treasure map using this method. When he thought of this, it made him even more angry, and his killing rage became stronger.

Chen Bai said softly, "Beautiful, what do you say?"

Mu Dishi, "How dare you took stuff that doesn't belong to you?"

Chen Bai, "So we can live happily in luxury."

Mu Dishi said angrily, "You dogs."

Hu Gang turned madly at Mu Dishi, "What do you says?"

Ma Jingguo knew when Mu Dishi call someone a dog, it meant that he is ready to kill that person and anyone who hindered him. Those who was labeled dogs by Mu Dishi died horribly. Ma Jingguo didn't witness Mu Dishi killed the four clan leaders, but the four sectors' leaders died very ugly in the hand of Mu Dishi.

Mu Dishi, "You dogs slits your own throats or I'll do it for you."

Hu Gang snickered, "Bai ge, your husband did not behave well. I am will not let you have this man."

Chen Bai, "Why?"

Hu Gang, "What good does a dead man do?"

Chen Bai, "Could you just wound him?"

Hu Gang, "I'll cut off his hands and feet."

Chen Bai, "That's fine with me as long as you don't touch the face."

Hu Gang, "Everyone heard co-leader Chen. Don't touched the face."

Ma Jingguo shook his head in disbelief. Many great leaders and masters had lose to Mu Dishi. Who do think they are to fight against Mu Dishi? No wonder Mu Dishi called them dogs. They are stupid and dumb. They have no idea that they just released a bloodthirsty demon.

One of them laughed at Mu Dishi, "What are you going to do to us, scholar boy?"

Ma Jingguo shook his head 'Are you stupid? He is going to tear you a part, or stab you profusely, then slit your throat. That is what he going to do to you'.

The five men heading to Mu Dishi laughing and giggling. Mu Dishi stared at them coldly as he put on his black metal glove. Mu Dishi then used his agility skilled flew fast to the five men as he unsheathed Honglei from his leather belt slitting the five men's throats in a matter of second. The five men didn't even know what hit them. The bodies of the five men dropped dead on the ground.

Mu Dishi's grasped Chen Bai's sword with is left hand and he twisted Chen Bai's sword pushing Chen Bai backward toward the other bandits. Mu Dishi sent a high kick at Chen Bai's neck, but Chen Bai blocked Mu Dishi's kick with his scabbard. Mu Dishi swung his Honglei at Chen Bai's neck, but Chen Bai moved his head in circular motion prevent Honglei from cutting him. Mu Dishi has moved Honglei directly to Chen Bai's right hand. Honglei cut Chen Bai's right at the wrist. Mu Dishi used the hilt of Honglei and hit hard on Chen Bai's right shoulder. The powerful force sent Chen Bai forty feet away vomiting a mouthful of blood and fracture his right clavicle bone. Mu Dishi dropped Chen Bai's badly twisted bent sword on the ground. Mu Dishi's looked at the bandits angrily while shaking Chen Bai's blood from Honglei.

Two bandits rushed to Chen Bai's trying to treat his wound.

Mu Dishi said coldly, "I hated people who point their finger at me."

Hu Gang looked at Mu Dishi then said, "You are not an ordinary scholar."

Mu Dishi said coldly, "Kill yourself or I will do it."

Hu Gang, "Bai ge, you still want him."

Chen Bai screamed in pain, "Kill him."

Hu Gang and the remaining men surrounded Mu Dishi.

Ma Jingguo felt that his heart was about beating so fast, as if his heart was about to burst. He knew Mu Dishi was undefeated, but he was still worried about Mu Dishi. What had happened in Shaolin, happen again, but this time Ma Jingguo was of no help to Mu Dishi.

Ma Jingguo called out weakly, "Xiao shushu, be careful."

Mu Dishi sheathed Honglei and took out his two golden bells.

A bandit laughed and said, "You know you can't beat us, so you decide to dance for us using the two golden bells." His comments caused the surrounding bandits to burst into laughter.

Mu Dishi stared coldly at the laughing bandits, "If you are not going to make a move. Then I will."

Mu Dishi escaped from the surrounded bandit by doing a single somersault. He sent out four guzheng strings at the first man who was charging at him. His guzheng strings went right into the first man abdomen and chest. Mu Dishi tore the man apart as guts and blood spilled everywhere.

The remaining men started backing away from Mu Dishi.

Mu Dishi walked forward fiercely toward the remaining men, and he refused to back down, "Kill yourself."

Hu Gang strikes at Mu Dishi. Although Hu Gang skills are good, but when compared to Mu Dishi's skills, their skills are far apart like heaven and earth. In less than ten moves, Hu Gang received heavy blows. Mu Dishi sent him flying into the stolen items.

Chen Bai, "Leader Hu, let us make a run for it." He looked at the remained men. "Take whatever you can carry and get out of here."

The men took some of the items. Two men helped Hu Gang get up, and the men rushed to the welcoming gate. Mu Dishi pulled the golden bells apart and used his internal energy to control the floating bells as his right middle finger and thumb grabbed onto the golden string. Mu Dishi pulled the golden string back.

Ma Jingguo, "Together in Hell. Xiao shushu, you can't not use 'together in hell'." He tried getting up. "It will kill everyone."

Mu Dishi said coldly, "Watch and learn."

Mu Dishi released the golden string, making a loud whoosh sound at the fleeing men. The powerful guzheng ray cuts everything in its path in half included the fleeing men and the welcoming gate. The welcoming gate fell down with a loud thud, emitting some dust in the air.

Mu Dishi walked out from the dirt debris unharmed.

Liu Fu, "Young hero, thank you for saving my life."

Mu Dishi, "Don't mention it."

Ma Jingguo, "What about the poison?"

Mu Dishi, "It will clear itself in two hours."

Liu Fu, "You all heard this young hero. Everything will be fine. The poison will clear itself in two hours."

Mu Dishi, "I'll carry you back to the inn."

Ma Jingguo, "But I am very heavy."

Mu Dishi, "I know. I'll let you know when I am tired."

Ma Jingguo happily climbed onto Mu Dishi's back. Today, even if some people were killed, the dead were all bad people, so he was happy that no innocent people were harmed. Ma Jingguo is happier because this is the first time Mu Dishi has treated him well.

Ma Jingguo flirts, "How do you know I am heavy?"

Mu Dishi, "Because when you are on top of me...Ma Jingguo."

Ma Jingguo chuckled, "Xiao shushu don't drop me." He kissed Mu Dishi's right temple. "I will try to brace myself as much as possible from now on."

When the two men walked away, Ma Jingguo whispered inside Mu Dishi right ear, "Xiao shushu, I am very happy today."

Mu Dishi, "I don't see how the situation can be happy."

Ma Jingguo, "Xiao shushu, have I told you before that I really really like you?"

Mu Dishi, "You had at bamboo forest."

Liu Xiu called out, "Wait!"

Mu Dishi turned around and the two men saw Liu Xiu ran to them.

Liu Xiu, "Please tell us your names?"

Ma Jingguo, "Just call us Mu ge and Ma ge." He smiled at Liu Xiu. "Xiao shushu, let's go."

Liu Xiu watched as the two men disappeared in a distance.