Chapter 31 Hidden Trap

Ma Jingguo got up and began to wipe the dirt on his buttocks.

"Ah Chen."

Ma Jingguo quickly turned around and it was Kuo Changchang, "Shijie."

Kuo Changchang, "Why are you here?"

Ma Jingguo, "I met Wenqian Shijie."

Kuo Changchang, "Why are you here and not at Mu Village?"

Ma Jingguo, "Xiao shushu and I came here to see Tianshan Mountains."

Kuo Changchang, "Where is Mu Dishi? I thought you had told me that you were going home with him."

Ma Jingguo, "He is up there. Shijie, don't talk about the past. Let us find a way out of here first."

Kuo Changchang, "I tried. There is no door or trap to open the door from inside of this room. The door can only be opened from the outside."

Ma Jingguo tried cheering Kuo Changchang, "Xiao shushu will defiantly find a way to help us."

Kuo Changchang, "You have that much confidence in him?"

Ma Jingguo, "I do. He doesn't talk much. He might look cold in the outside, but inside he is a warm caring person."

Kuo Changchang, "I don't believe that a cold-hearted killer like him knows how to care for anyone."

Ma Jingguo sighed, "Shijie, since we have nothing to do, we can only wait for someone to rescue us. Do you want to hear a short story of how I met xiao shushu and why I liked him?"

Kuo Changchang, "I'm very curious to know."

Ma Jingguo, "You already know about my parents. Since I could remember, we were always on the run. We have never lived for more than a month. We lived longer in a monastery in Tibet. On one night, my parents woke me up. We fled the monastery and returned to Central Plains. We met with xiao shushu outside the outskirt of a village. We were chased by ten lamas at that time. They killed both of my parents. Xiao shushu gave some money to the tea house owner to help me bury my parents. I waited for him for two days. On the third day, he showed up. At first, he strongly refused to take me back home because I am the son of his enemy. But at the end he took me home." Ma Jingguo continued to tell Kuo Changchang his life story. After two hours of talking, Ma Jingguo finally finished his story.

Kuo Changchang, "You like him because of rice congee and brewed medicine."

Ma Jingguo, "Mm."

Kuo Changchang, "You liked him since you were ten years old?"

Ma Jingguo, "Mmm."

Kuo Changchang, "I understand now why you refused to marry me."

Ma Jingguo, "Thank you Shijie."

Kuo Changchang, "What are we going to do?"

Ma Jingguo, "Wait for xiao shushu or shifu. Wenqian Shijie already sent an urgent message to shifu and shimu."

While Ma Jingguo and Kuo Changchang meditating inside the small room some white mist hissing into the small room. It is a sweet floral fragrance.

Kuo Changchang, "What is it?"

Ma Jingguo, "Shijie, try your best not to inhale too much of those white mist. Xiao shushu said the Yueguang Sect specializes in poisons."

Ma Jingguo and Kou Changchang covered their mouths. Then, the two classmates drifted down slowly and slept on the concrete floor.

When Ma Jingguo regained his consciousness, he saw Kou Changchang lying on the floor. He shook her, but she was still unconscious. When Ma Jingguo stared at Kuo Changchang's pinkish lips, he suddenly wanted to kiss her. When he realized what he was doing, his lips almost touched Kuo Changchang's lips.

Ma Jingguo then quickly sat up and slapped himself hard, "What the hell are you doing? The only person you can kiss is xiao shushu."

Ma Jingguo began to feel hot flashes all over. He removed the outer layer of his clothes, but he still felt hot. He felt his own member started getting hard for no reason. His desires of wanting to undress Kuo Changchang became harder and harder to resist. Then he realized that the white mist they inhaled must be some kind of poison that caused arousal. He was breathing erratically as his member became harder. His body began to tremble, and he sweat profusely. He quickly moved himself to a corner of the room facing the wall.

Ma Jingguo felt Kuo Changchang soft hands wrapped around his waist, and Kuo Changchang began to kiss his neck. Ma Jingguo's body trembled from Kuo Changchang's kisses as he fought against his sexual temptation.

Ma Jingguo quickly pulled Kuo Changchang's hands away, "Shijie, you have to fight it."

Kuo Changchang breathed heavily, "Ah Chen, I can't resist this impulse anymore. I am so hot."

Ma Jingguo slowly turned around and looked at the half-naked Kuo Changchang. He saw her sweaty long neck. He tasted her desire of wanting him. He slowly fixed her robe, then move himself to the other side.

Ma Jingguo, "Shijie, you must fight it." He turned facing the wall. He is panting heavily and murmured to himself, "Xiao shushu, hurry up. I can't hold this any longer."

Ma Jingguo feeling like forever, he didn't know how long he fought his sexual temptation, but he started to feel weak and sleepy. He whispered weakly, "Shijie, don't fall asleep."

Kuo Changchang, "Ah Chen, I felt my body is shutting down. I can't move anymore."

Ma Jingguo, "Shijie, hang in there. Don't fall asleep."

Kuo Changchang crawled to Ma Jingguo grabbed onto his inner shirt. She said weakly, "Ah Chen. Let's do it. I won't blame you. You don't have to take responsibility." She held Ma Jingguo and breathed shallowly at his right shoulder.

Ma Jingguo, "Shijie, I can't."

Kuo Changchang, "I've already told you. You don't need to take responsibility."

Ma Jingguo, "Is not that."

Kuo Changchang, "What is it then?"

Ma Jingguo, "I know if you and I do that....xiao shushu... will never forgive me. I can't lose him." He pulled Kuo Changchang's hands away and weakly crawled himself to the other side of the room. "Shijie... don't come any closer to me. If I can't hold it any longer. I'll kill myself."

Ma Jingguo knew deeply in his heart that if he and Kuo Changchang were intimate, Mu Dishi would not accept it. Mu Dishi will force him to marry Kuo Changchang. Mu Dishi will never see him again. He doesn't want that, he wants Mu Dishi to be the first person he saw when he opened his eyes in the morning, and the last person he saw before he closes his eyes at night. He reached behind his belt sash and grabbed the knife. He decided, if no one saved them on time, or if he couldn't control his impulses, he will end his life. He made a small cut on his left forearm.

Mu Dishi kicked Miao Mingzhu hard on the back of her knees. Miao Mingzhu knelt on the pavement.

Mu Dishi, "Open the trapdoor."

Miao Mingzhu, "Kill me, there is no way I am going to open that door."

Mu Dishi, "What do you want?"

Miao Mingzhu, "I have told you want I want." She then said sexily, "Handsome, your threat doesn't work on me. Moreover, I have a bigger card in my hand. You can't do anything but obey."

Mu Dishi, "You might have poison, but I can used this to make your life a living hell." He took out his golden needles.

Miao Mingzhu turned and looked at Mu Dishi's golden needle, "I am not scared of your tiny needle."

Mu Dishi, "The Mu have their own method of torturing people. Have you ever seen anyone laugh to death?"

Miao Mingzhu, "Mu? Then you are Mu Dishi, the last survivor of the Mu Clan." She shook her head. "If Mu Jiao Long joined with our leader at that time. The entire Mu Clan might not be massacre."

From the entrance toward the backyard, Fu Yuanjun, the ten elders, Nun Chingmei, Kuo Jing Song, Kuo Ju, Kuo Wenqian, and some small clans and sectors walked in.

Elder Tong, "Dishi, she is?"

Mu Dishi, "A branch leader of the Yueguang Sector."

Kuo Wenqian, "Childe Mu, where is Ah Chen?"

Mu Dishi, "He fell into a trap under where we are standing now."

Fu Yuanjun, "Mu da ge, she refused tell us where they imprisoned the two?"

Mu Dishi nodded.

Miao Mingzhu, "Who says I refuse? You didn't ask nicely."

Fu Yuanjun, "Then miss, please show us where the two was being held."

Miao Mingzhu, "Sure, follow me."

The group followed Miao Mingzhu down the underground stairs into a large open room.

Fu Yuanjun asked, "Where are they?"

Miao Mingzhu, "Don't rush. I think we should stay here and wait for them to finish their work before barging in. After all, remember, Lady Kuo is still a woman."

Kuo Wenqian, "What you are talking about?"

Miao Mingzhu, "It would be ours fault if we barged in while the two are completely intimate with each other." She giggled.

Kuo Ju, "Hold your tongue and open the trapped door." She looked around the empty room. She saw that each candlestick on the wall supported two candlesticks, and the distance between each candlestick was exactly the same. Kuo Ju said, "Even if you don't tell us how to open the trapped door. I might have already figure it out."

Miao Mingzhu scoffed and said, "Oh... so it is true that Madam Kuo the wife of Kuo shifu is extremely smart. What a shame? Such smart woman married to such dumb man."

Kuo Ju replied, "I have never felt ashamed marrying to Jing Song. I feel extremely lucky to have a wonderful husband who trusted me enough to make the final decision for him." She looked at Miao Mingzhu and mocked, "You will never be as lucky as this old lady to have such a man."

Miao Mingzhu face darken, "Let us see who has the last laugh at the end."

Kuo Ju, "I believe the candle holder is the key to unlock the trap door."

Fu Yuanjun, "You three go help."

When each candle holder was pulled down, they only found empty rooms.

Kuo Wenqian, "There is only two candleholders left."

Kuo Ju, "Do it."

Kuo Wenqian pulled down the candlestick and a fifteen-foot-wide wall slid down. Everyone stood speechless as they stared at Ma Jingguo who was on top of Kuo Changchang kissing her.

Miao Mingzhu laughed, "Ha...ha...ha...Kuo shifu." She looked at Kuo Jin Song and Kuo Ju. "Who knew that a respectable man like you would have such a shameful daughter and behave so shamelessly."

Kuo Ju was beyond mad, "You shut up."

Ma Jingguo felt the cool breeze on his back, and he looked up at the many people. His vision was fussy and unclear. He can't really tell who who is.

Kuo Ju rushed over and pushed Ma Jingguo away from Kou Changchang's abdomen. She quickly dressed Kuo Changchang.

Fu Yuanjun rushed over and helped Ma Jingguo sit up.

Ma Jingguo said weakly, "Xiao shushu, she is not breathing." Then his eyes became heavy, and he lost consciousness.

Miao Mingzhu took the opportunity to escape. She slowly backed away toward those who were eager to glimpse at the two people in the hidden room.