Chapter 34 The Invincible Man Do Bleed

Two months later after the incident at Yueguang branch, Mu Dishi and Ma Jingguo went into town to restock their food. In the middle of winter, there are not many outdoor vendors.

Ma Jingguo bargained with a vendor owner, "Can you lower the price?"

Vendor owner, "We have to walk a long way for fresh vegetables. I don't think I can lower the price anymore. If you don't plan to buy it, please move away so that others can buy it."

Ma Jingguo, "Fine, I'll buy it."

The vendor owner smiled and took the money from Ma Jingguo's hand. Ma Jingguo picked up the wooden box and placed it on the wagon.

Ma Jingguo looked at the wagon full of food, "Fresh veggies, rice, oil, salt, pork, and beef...Xiao shushu, I feel like I am missing something."

Mu Dishi, "Liquor."

Ma Jingguo smiled at Mu Dishi, "You know me best. Let's go to the Inn and buy some liquor then we can go home."

When Mu Dishi and Ma Jingguo got into the Inn. Wang Niu smiled at the two men and quickly walked to them.

Wang Niu, "Ma ge, are you here to pick up liquor again."

Ma Jingguo, "Yes."

Wang Niu, "How many jar this time?"

Ma Jingguo, "Gave me ten."

Ma Jingguo showed Wang Niu and the other two waiters where to put the liquor jars as Mu Dishi stay by the register and paid the bill.

At the corner sat two Tianshan disciples. They were talking.

Tianshan disciple one, "Such a shame that someone as beautiful as Miss Kuo decided to become a nun."

Tianshan disciple two, "Would you marry her knowing that she and that person might had..."

Tianshan disciple one, "I would still marry her. Being the son in law of Kuo Shifu is not bad."

Ma Jingguo walked inside the Inn and went to stand beside Mu Dishi by the register.

Tianshan disciple one, "I've heard that Miss Kuo was a pretty lady. She left Jinfeng Sect and went to joined Emei Sect."

Tianshan disciple two, "I heard that even though she is wearing the plain gray nun outfit, she is still beautiful."

Ma Jingguo turned to Mu Dishi, "Xiao shushu, let's go."

When Mu Dishi and Ma Jingguo got outside the snow began to fall. Ma Jingguo picked Mu Dishi up and sat him on the wagon. Ma Jingguo pushed the wagon out of town.

Mu Dishi, "Jingguo, you heard the two disciples of Tianshan."

Ma Jingguo, "Yes."

Mu Dishi, "Are you alright?"

Ma Jingguo, "Yes."

Mu Dishi knew that even though Ma Jingguo said he was alright, deep down, he still blamed himself for what happen to Kuo Changchang.

Ma Jingguo saw ten nuns walking towards them. Ma Jingguo then pushed the wagon from the middle of the road to the left. He made way for the ten nuns. When the nuns approached, he realized that the fourth nun was Kuo Changchang.

Kuo Changchang stopped and looked at Mu Dishi and Ma Jingguo. She walked to the first nun and talk with that nun. Then the nuns began walking away, leaving Kuo Changchang behind.

Kuo Changchang, "Benefactor Ma."

Ma Jingguo, "Shijie, why?"

Kuo Changchang, "I've found my peace."

Ma Jingguo who was feeling deeply guilty looked sadly at Kuo Changchang and said, "Is this because of me?"

Kuo Changchang smiled at Ma Jingguo, "Yes and No." She looked at Mu Dishi who was sitting on the wagon. She nodded at Mu Dishi with a smile then she turned to Ma Jingguo, "At first I wanted to be a nun because of you. Nun Chingmei refused to accept me when I first arrived at Emei Sect. She told me if I wanted to be a nun to escape from other people's mouths then I shouldn't, but if I truly want to learn Guanyin's teaching and want to be a nun, then she will be willing to let me join Emei Sect. She gave me one month to study with the elder nuns. After a month, I realized that I had found my peace. I didn't become a nun because I was embarrassed about how other people talks about us inside that trap room. You and I, we are innocent. As long as we are being true to ourselves and as long as heaven know that we are innocent, that is what matter the most. So, don't blame yourself."

Ma Jingguo, "Shijie, I am sorry."

Kuo Changchang said with a smile, "No need. I am willing to become a nun. You have done nothing wrong. I wish you two the best. From now on, I am no longer your shijie. You can call me Nun Ziyou. Goodbye." She tucked her hands back into her sleeves to prevent her hands from getting cold, and followed the other nine nuns toward Tianshan Sect.

Ma Jingguo smiled at Mu Dishi, "Let us go home."

Mu Dishi, "Mm." He jumped off the wagon and opened the umbrella. He stood a little behind Ma Jingguo, holding the umbrella for the two of them, as thick snowflakes fell from the gray sky.

The next morning, Mu Dishi and Ma Jingguo were having breakfast at the dining table.

Ma Jingguo, "I wonder what I will find today?"

Mu Dishi, "I think we have enough food for the winter. In three months, it will be spring, and we can head back home."

Ma Jingguo looked at Mu Dishi, "Xiao shushu, this is our home too. I don't want xiao shushu to be locked away inside that cave."

Mu Dishi, "I liked it there because that is the only thing Long da ye left for me."

Ma Jingguo, "I understand."

Mu Dishi, "Also, your parents were buried there."

Ma Jingguo smiled happily at Mu Dishi, "Thank you, xiao shushu."

Mu Dishi, "For?"

Ma Jingguo, "For not calling my parents dogs."

Mu Dishi turned his gaze to Ma Jingguo, and he saw a wave of arrows heading directly at them. Mu Dishi's flipped the table around shielding Ma Jingguo and him. In doing so, an arrow hit Mu Dishi's left upper arm and the arrow pierced his flesh.

Ma Jingguo eyes was on Mu Dishi's left injured arm, "Xiao shushu." He moved closer to Mu Dishi. "Let me help you pull the arrow."

Mu Dishi pushed Ma Jingguo's right hand away, "No. Don't touch it." Mu Dishi grasped the end of the arrow and broke it. Mu Dishi then used his right hand and hit himself hard using his internal energy sending the arrowhead flying out of his left arm.

Ma Jingguo, "Xiao shushu."

Mu Dishi, "Don't touch it. These are poisonous arrows."

Mo Ehuang called out, "Mu Dishi, if I were you, I would not use my internal energy. The more you use your internal energy, the faster you will die. Ha...ha...ha..." She yelled, "Father, you are in heaven, please watch how I kill Mu Dishi avenging you."

Ma Jingguo called out, "Mo Ehuang, gave me the antidote"

Mo Ehuang laughed, "I don't have it. The Yueguang Sect did not give me anything else. I only paid for the arrows."

Mu Dishi, "Jingguo, she might not have any more arrows left. The Yueguang Sect don't give antidote to their buyers."

Mo Ehuang said coldly, "Whoever cut off Mu Dishi's head, will be the next leader of Mo Clan."

Mu Dishi and Ma Jingguo's house was surrounding by hundreds of people.

Mu Dishi said quickly, "When using Wuming. Remember what I've taught you."

Ma Jingguo kissed Mu Dishi's on his forehead, "I understand. You wait for me."

Ma Jingguo revealed himself and jumped out of hiding and flew towards the enemies. Ma Jingguo fought with others, more people appeared from the back of the house, towards Mu Dishi.

Mu Dishi used two golden needles to prevent the poison form spreading too quickly into his body. He put on his metal gloves, and he took out his golden bells. He sat cross-legged on the icy ground, he pulled his two golden bells apart and sent a powerful ray at the charging people. With one power guzheng ray, the charging people and the kitchen were cut in half. The kitchen was completely destroyed. Mu Dishi pushed the table away. He saw Ma Jingguo who was still fighting with ten people.

Mo Ehuang madly shouted, "Mu Dishi!" She stared angrily at the seated Mu Dishi. "Everyone charges at Mu Dishi! Kill him! Kill him!"

Ma Jingguo quickly breaks away and flew back to Mu Dishi. Mu Dishi radiated another powerful guzheng ray at those who came charging at Mu Dishi and Ma Jingguo, immediately killed the people in front of him, and severely injured the last four people included Mo Ehuang. Mu Dishi's golden bells fell on the ground as he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Ma Jingguo have not seen Mu Dishi injured before. Mu Dish is invincible, why does an invincible person like Mu Dishi bleed? Ma Jingguo knees dropped down onto the ground.

Ma Jingguo, "Xiao shushu, let me pass some internal energy to you."

Mu Dishi, "No need." He vomited more blood.

Ma Jingguo, "Why?"

Mu Dishi, "It will not help much."

Ma Jingguo, "At least let me use my internal energy to stop the poison from spreading."

Mu Dishi, "I already did use the golden needles."

Ma Jingguo pulled out an arrow from the table and walked to Mo Ehuang. He regrets greatly that back then, he stopped Mu Dishi from killing her. He knelt down beside Mo Ehuang.

Ma Jingguo said madly, "Mo Ehuang, back then I've saved your life. Tell me where the antidote is."

Mo Ehuang smiled, "I don't have it. You can prepare to bury Mu Dishi." She laughed. "Mu Dishi... Ha...ha...ha... you are not invincible; you bleed like everyone else."

Ma Jingguo, "Very good then..." He took the arrow and stabbed Mo Ehuang on the right arm. He said angrily, "If he dies. You will die too. I will give you time until noon."

Ma Jingguo walked back to Mu Dishi and carried Mu Dishi to their bedroom.