Chapter 40 Xiao Shushu

That winter was the happiest times for Mu Dishi and Ma Jingguo. Spring came, and the two men gave Wang Niu some money to care after their home. Mu Dishi and Ma Jingguo returned to the south.

Early in the morning, when Liu Fu walked towards the welcome gate, she saw a large chest right in the middle of the front gate. She returned to the house, and Liu Xiu came out of the house. Liu Fu and Liu Xiu walked the large chest. Liu Xiu opened the chest, which was filled with gold and silver coins. There is also a letter in the treasure chest. It wrote in the letter: This is for the two bowls of noodles and the destroyed welcome gate.

Liu Xiu looked at Liu Fu and smile, "Grandfather, it must be Mu ge and Ma ge."

After the sectors and clans completed their competition, they held every two years. The six sectors and four clans sat inside the guest hall inside Shaolin temple.

Tang Jianyu, "Has any of you heard of a wanderer xia named xiao shushu?"

Monk Ling, "I have also heard of it."

Tang Jianyu, "People seem to have a lot of protection for this xiao shushu. When I asked them what he did to receive so much praise and respect, the people talk nonstop, but when I asked them where I can find this xiao shushu. Everyone refused to speak, treating me as their enemy."

Yong Gui, "I heard this xiao shushu had made a lot of contributions to the people. My inner sources told me that when the government refused to help, this xiao shushu put food on the poor people's table. Last year, because of the lack of rain and poor rice fields, the villagers collected a thousand bags of rice from xiao shushu. Huang village was flooded, and the villagers went set camp outside of Tong Village. The next morning, there was a bag of money next to each family."

Kuo Ju, "Sound like this xiao shushu had a lot of money and also it doesn't seem like he was afraid of being rob."

Kuo Wenqian, "Mother, do you think xiao shushu is a government official?"

Kuo Ju, "I don't think so. Government official cannot travel freely, but it seems like this xiao shushu can travel freely."

Yong Gui, "That, we don't know for sure. What I've learned from my sources was this xiao shushu was highly skilled. It's not those robbers doesn't want to rob him, but they dare not. Any robbers try to rob him end up dead."

Kuo Changchang, "May I speak?"

Monk Ling, "Nun Ziyou, you may speak freely."

Kuo Changchang, "The only person I know who uses the word xiao shushu is Ma Jingguo."

The elders' faces turned pale.

In the northern part of a small town in the Gobi Desert, at the junction of Song and Mongolia, a young man stood beside many soldiers patrolling the city wall. He watched the wind blow through the sand that stretched for miles on this yellow land. Another young man patted twice with one hand on his right shoulder.

"Ah Lok."

Kuo Lok turned, and it was Kuo Heng. Kuo Lok smiled, "Da ge, what is it?"

Kuo Heng, "Mother sent a letter for you to return home."

Kuo Lok, "How about you?"

Kuo Heng smiled. "I will be okay. I am more worried about your journey back home."

Kuo Lok, "I...I..."

Kuo Heng, "You go, it's already has been three years since you left home. If you still act like a nobody, no one will notice you." He looked Kuo Lok. "You are the son of a great shifu, but very little people know that you are his son."

Kuo Lok, "I don't like to associate with those people."

Kuo Heng, "That is why you decided to stay here with me...Don't worry, don't you miss mother?"

Kuo Lok said, "Da ge, then I will go to Central Plains the day after tomorrow."

On their way back from visiting the Mu graves, Mu Dishi and Ma Jingguo met many homeless people. These people either escapes from war or natural disaster. The homeless sat near Inn and beg for food or money on the street.

When Mu Dishi walked past a family of four, they reminded him of his own family.

Little girl, "Ge ge, please give me some changes. We are very hungry. We haven't eaten in days." She held Mu Dishi's left hand.

The greeter at the Inn walked over and pulled the child's hands away from Mu Dishi, "Go away! Don't disturb our customers." Then he turned to Mu Dishi, "Sorry, please come in."

As the waiter brought them their food Ma Jingguo asked, "Why are there so many people here?"

Waiter said sadly, "It's because of the war up north and the other people were from a nearby village. Their village was flooded, and the government don't help. The government says they are saving the money for war." He shook his head. "Emperors fought for land and Government officials fought for office power, but those whose suffered the most are citizens like us." The waiter left.

Mu Dishi, "Jingguo, I..."

Ma Jingguo, "What is it? Xiao shushu, if you don't complete your sentence, I won't understand your thoughts."

Mu Dishi said, "I want to travel and give away the Mu's treasure to help those who are in need."

Ma Jingguo smiled, "Xiao shushu, are you sure?"

Mu Dishi, "Mm." He looked at Ma Jingguo. "Will you help me?"

Ma Jingguo, "Xiao shushu, wherever you want to go, I will be right beside you."

After the two men had eaten, they walked out of the Inn. Mu Dishi saw the terrified little girl. Mu Dishi walked to the little girl and placed a big gold ingot into her small hand.

Mu Dishi said softly, "I give you."

Ma Jingguo handed her a bun, "Did you said you are hungry?"

The little girl looked at her mother then back at Mu Dishi, "Thank you, da ge."

Mu Dishi smiled, "You are welcome."

Ma Jingguo smiled, "Xiao shushu, you smile." The two men began to walk away. "You should smile more, but not too much, because it's hard to resist."

Mu Dishi, "If you keep teasing me, I will stop smiling."

Ma Jingguo pleaded, "Xiao shushu, please don't do that." He held onto Mu Dishi's left arm. "I really want you to smile every day. Mother said that my smile can relieve your pain. Did you know that your smile can make me reach heaven in the blink of an eye."

The little girl called out, "Thank you, xiao shushu."

Mu Dishi pulled his arm away angrily. Ma Jingguo quickly caught Mu Dishi's hand again and continued to nag Mu Dishi, and the two walked farther and farther into the crowd on the street.

An old man stood on the edge of the sailing boat, overlooking the river. Then a person walked over from behind.

The man bowed and said, "Chief Wang, we will arrive in two days."

The old man smiles and said, "It's been fifteen years, and I am finally returned to where it begins."

The man, "The young master sent a message that the martial arts world in Central Plains is suffering severely due to the treasure map."

The old man smiled and said, "Very well, everything went according to plan." He sighed and smiled. He took a deep breath. "Did you know that there is no air in Tibet that smells as sweet as the air in Central Plains?" He closed his eyes and smiled while enjoying the sunrise.