Chapter 85 One Flute, One Guzheng

The sun is high in the sky, and Ma Jingguo is holding an umbrella and walking side by side with Mu Dishi. Ma Jingguo said, "Xiao shushu, Li Village is ahead." He looked at Mu Dishi. "Should we stop at the inn where we usually stay? Or do you want to go to Wu Village."

Mu Dishi said, "There is nothing in Wu Village, let's rest at the inn."

Ma Jingguo and Mu Dishi walked across a bridge, and they saw a man and a woman arguing under the bridge. The woman seems to be angrier with the man than he is with her.

The man said, "You have to be quiet."

The woman raised her voice, "Why? I'm not wrong."

The man said, "I have admitted that I was wronged. I swear I will never do that again. As your lover, please give me some face."

The woman raised her voice louder, "Lover?" She threw the wet clothes to the man. "So, you treat me as your lover, eh?" She angrily put both of her hands at her waist and staring at the man.

As soon as Ma Jingguo heard the word 'lover', he stopped and stared at the woman and man. Mu Dishi walked slowly ahead, leaving Ma Jingguo behind.

The woman pointed at the man, "If I want to be your lover, what's the point of me marrying you? From the day we became husband and wife, I am no longer your lover. I am your wife." She grabbed her husband right ear and pulled him up. "I hope you remember this. I am your wife, and I am not your lover."

The man got up quickly because of the pain. He begged his wife, "I was wrong. I'm sorry. We are not lovers because you are my wife, and I am your husband." He kissed her on the cheek. "My beautiful wife... I will wash the clothes. You stay right there, and watch your husband wash the clothes."

Ma Jingguo looked at Mu Dishi that had already walked across the bridge. He rushed over and hugged Mu Dishi.

Mu Dishi said, "Jingguo, don't hug me, we are in the open."

Ma Jingguo said, "Xiao shushu...I understand now."

Mu Dishi, "You let me go first."

Ma Jingguo let go of Mu Dishi but grabbed Mu Dishi's hands and held Mu Dishi's hands tightly in his hands. He smiled and said, "Xiao shushu, I understand what you mean."

Mu Dishi asked confusedly, "What?"

Ma Jingguo said, "I'm so stupid... so stupid... I don't know how stupid I am."

Mu Dishi was also confused by Ma Jingguo's sudden excitement. He looked at Ma Jingguo and asked, "What's wrong? You look so excited."

Ma Jingguo smiled and said, "Because I am both happy and excited." He looked at Mu Dishi. "Xiao shushu, when I asked you if we were lovers, your answer was no. I was very angry, because for this reason, I have always held a grudge against you. I was too stupid to understand your answer." He kissed Mu Dishi's hands. "But today, I understand why we are not lovers."

Mu Dishi smiled and said, "That's good that you finally understand."

Ma Jingguo said, "From now on, I don't want to be your lover anymore."

Mu Dishi asked, "Why?"

Ma Jingguo said, "Because I would rather be your lao gong."

Mu Dishi's cheeks flushed suddenly, "Stop talking." He turned around and started walking away.

Ma Jingguo happily held an umbrella and walked to Mu Dishi. He smiled at Mu Dishi and said, "Xiao shushu...I am really happy."

When Ma Jingguo and Mu Dishi arrived at the inn, the sun had already set, and the street was brightly lit with lanterns. When they walked into the inn, the room are full of martial artists from all different sectors.

Ma Jingguo smiled and said, "This scene is familiar." Ma Jingguo went straight to the innkeeper. "Laoban, we would like one room."

The innkeeper looked up and said, "Sorry sir, our inn is full and there are no more room."

Ma Jingguo said, "This is the only inn. It's already dark, where do we sleep?"

The innkeeper said, "There is nothing I can do. We are really full due to the competition in Shaolin that is held every two years. There are even people in the wooden shed."

Ma Jingguo said, "What about food?"

The innkeeper smiled and said, "That we can do." He called. "Waiter, take these two people to the table."

When they sat down, the waiter brought them food. They looked around the room and found that most of the martial artists inside the inn were young martial artists. Ma Jingguo smiled and said, "Should we barge into shaolin?" Mu Dishi stared at Ma Jingguo coldly. Ma Jingguo smiled. "I'm just kidding."

The innkeeper walked up to Ma Jingguo and said, "Sir, the martial artists refuse to sleep in the wooden shed. If you two don't mind..."

Ma Jingguo said, "We don't mind, but if you can, please find someone to clean it before we finish eating." He threw a small gold ingot at the innkeeper.

The innkeeper smiled and said, "I will send someone to deal with it immediately."

Early in the morning, the young martial artists went north to Shaolin, and Ma Jingguo and Mu Dishi went south to go home. After leaving Sunset Sector a year ago, they stayed in Tianshan. It took them two days to get from the village to the Sunset Mountain. If they leave Sunset Mountain, they will be home within two days.

When approaching the dock, Mu Dishi stopped suddenly. Ma Jingguo turned around and asked, "Xiao shushu, what's the matter?"

Mu Dishi looked at Ma Jingguo and said, "Jingguo, let's buy a boat and sail to the south of the Yangtze River."

Ma Jingguo looked at Mu Dishi, "Are you sure?"

Mu Dishi smiled and said, "I promised you a long time ago to accompany you to the south of the Yangtze River."

Ma Jingguo smiled and said, "I have forgotten. Xiao long as I am with you, there is no need to travel across the Yangtze River to make me happy. My biggest dream is to be by your side and took my last breath in your arms. Honestly... I already accomplish half of it."

Mu Dishi walked slowly to the dock, and Ma Jingguo have no choice, but to quickly followed. When asking around, no one wants to sell their boat to Ma Jingguo and Mu Dishi. Ma Jingguo finally persuaded a boatman to rent his boat.

Ma Jingguo and Mu Dishi got on the boat. The boatman slowly rowed the boat into the open water. Ma Jingguo and Mu Dishi put their bags on the table and rested inside. Ma Jingguo saw the red horizon and the beautiful orange sunset, which was colorful. Ma Jingguo stood up and walked to the front of the small boat. Mu Dishi hurriedly followed.

Ma Jingguo sighed, "Xiao shushu, I have always wanted to watch the sunrise and sunset with you." He turned to Mu Dishi and smiled. "To be honest, I really want to give up on you at that time, forget you, and concentrate on becoming the best martial artist in Wulin, but no matter how I try, I can't forget you."

Mu Dishi, "Why?"

Ma Jingguo smiled and said, "Because I came to love you, before I love martial arts."

Mu Dishi and Ma Jingguo stood in front of the boat, watching the sunset, Mu Dishi held Ma Jingguo hand tightly, "Thank You."

Ma Jingguo said, "Xiao shushu, we talked about this, there should be no thank you or apologies between us. Have you forgotten?"

Mu Dishi said, "I haven't forgotten, I also want to say thank you for loving me." He looked up at Ma Jingguo. "This is also the truth." Mu Dishi stretched out his arm around Ma Jingguo's waist, and Ma Jingguo hugged him in his arms.

Ma Jingguo stroked Mu Dishis' hair and said, "Xiao shushu, I have dreamed of this moment since I was a teen. Thank you, for making this dream come true."

Mu Dishi, "Sorry, this dream of yours took a long time to complete."

Ma Jingguo smiled at Mu Dishi. Ma Jingguo lowered his head and kissed Mu Dishi's lips.

Ma Jingguo, "Xiao shushu, have I told you that I really really like you?"

Mu Dishi, "Yes. Jingguo...I really really like you too."

Ma Jingguo said, "This time of the year is perfect to travel by boat. Do you want to go to Tianshan next year or Mu Village?"

Mu Dishi said, "Do whatever you want. You lead the way, I will follow."

Ma Jingguo teased, "Whatever I... I want to touch the smooth skin of xiao shushu." He laughed.

Mu Dishi sighed, walked back to the table, and sat down beside the guzheng on the table. Ma Jingguo looked at Mu Dishi and chuckled. He stretched his hand back to his belt, took the jade flute, started playing their favorite tune, walked slowly back to the table and sat opposite Mu Dishi. Mu Dishi unwrapped the guzheng and looked at Ma Jingguo, his slender fingers began to pull the strings of the guzheng.

While the young martial artists continued to strive to gain their reputation and position in the martial arts world, Mu Dishi and Ma Jingguo happily sailed freely along the Yangtze River. Sitting opposite from each other, Ma Jingguo played his flute and Mu Dishi played his guzheng. As a single small boat sails between the mountains along the Yangtze River, the gentle melodies of the guzheng and flute intertwine in the late evening sky could be heard several miles away.