Chapter 08 Heavenly Dragon Palms Strike Devil Fist

Ten guards surrounded the men in white with their swords. The man in white was holding Zhu Mingyang's boots and slowly standing behind Zhu Mingyang.

Cao Wenyan, "As long as you leave him, anyone can leave here alive." He pointed to the white-clothed man standing behind Zhu Mingyang. He waited for a few minutes, but no one surrendered. "Well, kill everyone."

Bazar Batu stood up, but Kuo Lok grabbed his hand and shook his head at Bazar Batu.

Bazar Batu frowned, "Why?"

Kuo Lok, "Which group do you want to help?"

Bazar Batu replied, "Of course the blind man's group."

Cao Wenyan directly stabbed the injured Zhu Mingyang with a sword. Cao Yanmei fell behind Zhu Mingyang and hit the white man on the left shoulder, knocking the white man to the ground. Cao Wenyan quickly blocked Zhu Mingyang's way to prevent Zhu Mingyang from helping the man in white.

Five guards rushed to the man in white and began to attack Cao Yanmei.

Cao Yanmei then looked at the five-colored mice and said, "What the hell are you guy waiting for?"

Five-colored mice stood up from their table and began to attack the five guards with Cao Yanmei.

The man in white was standing in the middle of the open tavern dining area, and everyone else was fighting around. The man in white began to look for Zhu Mingyang. He stretched out his hands in front of him, and then walked forward slowly.

Cao Wenyan broke free from the group that attacked Zhu Mingyang and flew over to hit the white-clothed man. Bazar Batu jumped over and placed his body in front of the man in white. Cao Wenyan's palm strike hit Bazar Batu on the back. Cao Wenyan's palm strike caused Bazar Batu and the men in white flying twenty yards away crashing into table in front of Fu Yuanjun, Yong Taihua, Yong Caixia, and Elder Tong.

Kuo Lok rushed to Bazar Batu and help him up. The man in white was not injured, but as soon as Kuo Lok helped Bazar Batu up, Bazar Batu vomited a mouthful of blood. Kuo Lok sat behind Bazar Batu and began to transfer his inner energy to help heal Bazar Batu.

The moment Zhu Mingyang saw the man in white and Bazar Batu was struck and flew into the table, he lost it. The dark energy rushed to his body from all over different directions. He no longer can feel the pain on his right shoulder. Zhu Mingyang was out of control, and he began to kill anyone standing in front of him. Cao Wenyan and the five-colored mice began to fight Zhu Mingyang.

The man in white asked, "What is happing?"

Yong Taihua, "He went mad."

Elder Tong uttered, "I thought I would never see it again."

Fu Yuanjun, "What is he using?"

Elder Tong, "Devil Fist Manual…Devil Fist is at the same level as Killer String."

Yang Taihua, "Does this mean that no one here can beat him?"

Elder Tong, "I don't know anyone other than Kuo shifu or Mu Dishi."

Fu Yuanjun, "Either of them are here."

Elder Tong, "Mu Dishi somehow was able to successfully completed the Killer Strings Manual. By the look of it, that person has not successfully complete the Devil Fit Manual, that is why his chi backfire."

Kuo Lok pulled his hand from Bazar Batu's back. He helped Bazar Batu.

Fu Yuanjun looked at Kuo Lok. He said, "Kuo shifu is not here, but he is here." He looked at Kuo Lok. "Xiongdi, you are the only on here that may be able to stop him."

Kuo Lok looked at Zhu Mingzhu who was completely possessed. When Zhu Mingzhu pounced on his men, Kuo Lok jumped up and released his dragon palm strike at Zhu Mingyang.

Zhu Mingyang grabbed a guard by the neck, broke the guard's neck, and threw the dead guard into the kitchen. Zhu Mingyang released his punch at the five-colored mice, and the five-colored mice fell on the ground one by one and vomited blood. Zhu Mingyang focused his attention on Cao Wenyan and began to violently attack Cao Wenyan. After several attacks, one of Zhu Mingyang's punch landed on Cao Wenyan's right chest, and the powerful punch caused Cao Wenyan to slam into the wall.

Zhu Mingyang flew towards the injured Cao Wenyan. Cao Yanmei flew over to attack Zhu Mingyang. Zhu Mingyang stopped the sword's attack, he twisted her hand hard, and then the sword fell on the ground. Zhu Mingyang grabbed Cao Yanmei by the neck and lifted her off the ground.

Kuo Lok flew over and sent a dragon palm strike blow to Zhu Mingyang's back, but Zhu Mingyang smashed Yanmei on the table. Zhu Mingyang turned around and grabbed Kuo Lok's right palm in his left hand. Zhu Mingyang sent a powerful punch at Kuo Lok's abdomen, but Kuo Lok blocked Zhu Mingyang's fist with his left arm, which caused Kuo Lok to fly backward into a wooden flagpole. Zhu Mingyang smirked at Kuo Lok, and then the flagpole behind Kuo Lok broke off in the middle. The top half of the flagpole fell crashing onto the roof of the kitchen.

The man in white stood up from the ground and was about to walk towards Zhu Mingyang, but Bazar Batu grabbed his hand.

Bazar Batu, "Do you heard this qianbei?"

The man in white pulled Bazar Batu's hand away. He slowly walked towards Zhu Mingyang and counted, "One, two, three, four, five..."

Zhu Mingyang looked at the white-clothed man coldly and rushed towards the white-clothed man.

Man in white clothes continued counting, "Six."

Zhu Mingyang was twenty yards away.

Man in white in clothes, "Seven."

Zhu Mingyang's fist is right in front of the man in white's face. Everyone inside the tavern those who are injured and those who are not, gasped.

The man in white said softly, "Mingyang… time to wake up."

Zhu Mingyang clenched his teeth and grinded his teeth back and forth for a few moment then slowly pulled his fist from the man in white's face. His breathing started to slow down, his concentration became stable and he was able to control himself again.

Zhu Mingyang looked at the man in white and asked, "Are you hurt?"

The white-clothed man smiled at Zhu Mingyang and said, "I am not injured. Let's clean up the wound."

Zhu Mingyang, "Okay."

Zhu Mingyang lowered his body, and the man in white climbed onto his back. The two men began to walk away. The owner of the tavern slowly appeared from behind the kitchen.

The man in white said, "Mingyang…"

Zhu Mingyang reached inside is inner rope and took out a big sliver ingot. He put it on the table and said, "This is to compensate the damage."

The two men walked away towards the room they booked earlier.

Bazar Batu slowly walked to Kou Lok. He asked, "Lok ge ge, are you alright?"

Kou Lok, "I am fine."

Bazar Batu, "You are fantastic." He held onto Kuo Lok's right arm.

When Bazar Batu spoke and praised Kuo Lok, suddenly blood gushed out of Kuo Lok's mouth, and Kuo Lok fell into Bazar Batu's arms.

Bazar Batu yelled, "Lok ge ge! Lok ge ge!" He pulled Kou Lok into his arms and hugged him tightly. "Please don't die. Please don't die. You promised me to accompany me throughout this land, seeking great adventures. Lok ge ge… please wake up…"

Later that night, Kuo Lok sllowly opened his eyes, and he saw Bazar Batu asleep, his head leaning against the bed. He looked at Bazar Batu's face and felt his heart start to beat faster. He reached out and removed a few strands of hair from Bazar Batu's face, which awakened him.

Bazar Batu yawned and said, "You finally woke up." His face suddenly became sad. He started crying. "I thought you were going to die. Who would know that you vomit so much blood?" He jumped into bed and lay down beside Kuo Lok and hugged Kuo Lok. "Lok ge ge, do you know how scared I am?"

Kuo Lok, "Don't cry. A man shed blood but does not shed tears." He wiped Bazar Batu's tears.

Bazar Batu then said, "I am not a man yet. I have not lost my virginity, so I still consider myself a boy."

Kou Lok was a little confused by Bazar Batu's speech, "Aren't you a girl?"

Bazar Batu then said, "I am dressing in boy's clothes, which mean I am a boy."

Kuo Lok, "Can I…?"

Bazar Batu smiled at Kuo Lok, "Go ahead."

Kuo Lok, "You don't know what I want to ask? Why do you give me permission quickly?"

Bazar Batu smiled and said, "You were going to ask, if you can kiss me? Am I right?"

Kuo Lok lifted Bazar Batu's chin up and kissed him on the lips. After a while, the two parted theirs lips. When the two men lay on the bed, Kuo Lok held Bazar Batu tightly in his arms.

Bazar Batu teased, "Look ge ge, since you are a man, and I am a boy. Does kissing me consider as an act crime?"

Kuo Lok, "I don't know?"

Bazar Batu, "At that time, you said it was a crime to marry an underage lady, so does this apply to kissing an underage boy?"

Kuo Lok slowly pulled away his arms, "Then, I should sleep on the floor."

Bazar Batu laughed and said, "Lok ge ge, I am seventeen years old, and I am also happy to let you kiss me. I was not force so you have not break any law." He raised his head and kissed Kuo Lok's chin. "Lok ge ge, you are so dull."

When two people were chatting, they heard two people chatting outside as the two men walked past theirs room.

One of the man said, "Xiao shushu, if we were here earlier, we would have witnessed that ultimate battle."