Chapter 20  Phoenix Eyes

The four friends walked into the small village down the mountain. They sit in the main dining room, and many people eat in the main dining room late at night. The waiter brought them to a table. Most of the people sitting in the main restaurant are martial artists.

There are three people sitting at the table at the friend's table.

Man, "I heard rumors that monk Hao was murdered by a stranger."

Woman, "`I heard something different. It is said that monk Hao was killed by Mu Dishi to avenge the death of his family."

Man, "That evil Mu Dishi. Even though the main six sectors and four clans ignored him, he continued to commit such heinous crime. The monk buried the dead very kindly, and even acted as the guardian of Mu's grave. He is not ashamed to have killed monk Hao."

Another man jumped in, "If he was not so skilled in shaolin that year, he would have been killed and died terribly."

"No wonder why he is such a loner."

"With his attitude, no one will care for him."

"That Mu dog."

Suddenly a jug of wine came out of nowhere, and hit the man who said 'that Mu dog'. The jug of wine burst, and the wine fell on the man. He stood up quickly.

The man in the iron mask was sitting on the upper deck of by the rail with his jade flute. He said, "If you are so brave, why not say that to Mu Dishi? Only, dogs... bite others from behind. A real man would stand in front of Mu Dishi and face him."

Bazar Batu, "Is him." He looked at Kuo Lok, "The man in Sword Village from Yueguang sector."

Yan Zhanjin asked, "Do you know him?"

Bazar Batu, "We fought him in Sword Village. He is from Yueguang sect." He suddenly became angry. "If he is here, it means your girlfriend is also here."

Yan Zhanjin asked, "Then he is your enemy not your friend?"

Bazar Batu, "Either."

The man in the iron mask drank his wine. He said, "Mu Dishi, may have an indifferent attitude that most people don't like, but there is a reason for everything he does. First of all, he would never speak behind someone's back. If he want to kill someone, he will walk to the person and kill them, just let what he did in Shaolin." He drank his wine. "He is not a coward like you that can only sit and gossip nonsense."

Miao Mingzhu came from behind the man wearing the iron mask and said, "So... you losers cannot defeat Mu Dishi, so you decided to fight with him with your words?" She lowered her head and saw Kuo Lok. She smiled and she flew over the rail. She walked to Kuo Lok. "Kuo Lok from Jinfeng Sector. I didn't expect you to be here."

Bazar Batu, "Miao xiaojie, there is so many man out there. Why do you like to bother Lok ge ge."

Miao Mingzhu, "A beautiful lady like myself, like a handsome manly man like him. I don't see anything wrong with that. A beautiful lady is a match for a handsome man."

Bazar Batu, "True, Lok ge ge is really handsome, but a little dull. People who are smart like you should find a smarter husband."

Miao Mingzhu, "I'm not as smart as you."

A martial artist in the inn said, "That is Miao Mingzhu from Yueguang sector."

Miao Mingzhu smirked and said, "You are a lucky bastard. I thought you must be dead by now."

Bazar Batu smiled and said, "Thank you for your compliment. You should thank the man in front of you."

A martial artist shouted to a man wearing an iron mask, "You talk about Mu Dishi so high, as if you know him, does Mu Dishi have any connection with Yueguang sector?"

The other man stood up and shouted at the man in the iron mask, "What are you? Mu Dishi partner?"

The man in the iron mask laughed, "It depends what type of partner you are referring to?" He jumped off the rails. "If Mu Dishi wants me to be his partner...I won't refuse."

Ma Jingguo stood at the front entrance of the inn and said, "I'm sorry, my xiao shushu already has a partner." Ma Jingguo's eyes fixed on the man wearing the iron mask.

The people in the inn looked at the front door, and Ma Jingguo looked at them angrily. The men that bad mouth Mu Dishi swallowed his saliva forcefully. They know if Ma Jingguo is here then Mu Dishi is not too far away.

Chen Dandan panted and looked at Ma Jingguo. The handsome young man with white hair walked towards the man in the iron mask and chatting about a martial artist named Mu Dishi. Chen Dandan looked at Bazar Batu and asked, "Who is he?

Bazar Batu, "That's Ma Jingguo. He has some beef with Lok ge ge."

Chen Dandan, "I thought he was Mu Dishi, once he enter the room, everyone stop talking."

The man in the iron mask approached Ma Jingguo and asked, "Are you Mu Dishi?"

Ma Jingguo, "You talked as if you know Mu Dishi every well, but you don't even know what he looks like."

The man in the iron mask said, "I heard from rumors." He looked at Ma Jingguo. "On second thought, I don't think you are Mu Dishi."

Ma Jingguo smiled, "Why chance you mind?"

The man in the iron mask smiled and said, "Mu Dishi's Phoenix eyes are unparalleled. His soft pink lips, beautiful face, long bushy eyelashes and flawless skin make him look like he just came from a painting. When his eyes roll on you, your whole body is full of desire."

Ma Jingguo clenched his fists angrily and breathed heavily.

The man in the iron mask continued, "His hair is silky black with a sweet fragrance." He smiled. "When you hug him from behind, the warmth on his body suddenly arouses you." He giggled.

Ma Jingguo shouted angrily, "SHUT UP!" He flew to the man wearing the iron mask.

The left hand of the man wearing the iron mask blocked Ma Jingguo's fist. The man wearing the iron mask hit Ma Jingguo's chest with a jade flute, but Ma Jingguo flipped over his head. Ma Jingguo landed on the table. Ma Jingguo hit the table hard, and two swords flew into the air. Ma Jingguo jumped forward unsheathed the two swords that were still in midair and flew directly to the man wearing the iron mask with the sheathed swords.

The man in the iron mask smirked and avoided Ma Jingguo's sword attack. He flew back quickly and said, "Is that Wuming technique?" He quickly avoided Ma Jingguo's sword. "If this is taught by Mu Dishi, then he will always say not to concentrate on the opponent's face, but you must concentrate on the opponent's movements."

Bazar Batu finally understood why the man in the iron mask continued to talk while fighting with Ma Jinggou. Right now, Ma Jinggou was very angry. He paid little attention to everything around him except the face of the man in the iron mask. It is a good tactic to make your opponent lose focus.

Bazar Batu stood up and called out, "Ma ge, he is tricking you. Don't listen to his nonsense. Do you remember what I said to you two years ago?" He raised his voice. "The more people like your wife, it means that you choose the right person."

The man wearing the iron mask suddenly became angry at Bazar Batu's words. He sent a powerful fist to Ma Jinggou. Ma Jinggou blocked it with two swords, but the fist of the man in the iron mask was so strong that both swords were broken into pieces. Then, he punched Ma Jinggou on his left side directly at Ma Jinggou's heart, but Ma Jinggou blocked the man wearing the iron mask's fist. Ma Jinggou flew back and landed on the floor in front of the front door.

The man in the iron mask sprinted towards Ma Jinggou. He said angrily, "You go to hell."

Mu Dishi flew from behind the side-door and intercepted the fist of the man in the iron mask. He counterattacked the man in the iron mask with his fists, and Mu Dishi full force sent the man in the iron mask stumbling back into one of the pillar in the inn. Mu Dishi bent over to help Ma Jingguo stand up.

Many martial artists inside the inn gasped and are talking loudly, "Mu Dishi."

The man in the iron mask laughed and said, "So, you are Mu Dishi."

Mu Dishi did not respond, but rolled his eyes at the man wearing the iron mask.

The man in the iron mask smiled and said, "Little white hair man, that is the phoenix eyes I told you earlier."

Mu Dishi sent a guzheng string to the man in the iron mask, and the two men began to fight.

Miao Mingzhu noticed that the man wearing the iron mask was fighting, so she sent four little green snakes on Mu Dishi's back. Mu Dishi did a swift quick backflip and sent four golden needles killing Miao Mingzhu's four snakes. Mu Dishi dropped the handkerchief that he wrapped Wang Biming's necklace on the floor. The man in the iron mask quickly grabbed the handkerchief.

Mu Dishi quickly said, "Give it back to me."

The man in the iron mask opens the handkerchief, which is a light green pendant necklace. He asked, "This is?"

Mu Dishi said coldly, "It belongs to Biming."

The man in the iron mask asked, "Who is he?"

Mu Dishi replied, "Someone that I could only see in my dreams."