Chapter 38 Drowning In Hatred

When Mo Enhuang woke up, she was lying on a pile of body parts. She screamed back to the wall. She saw a big chain shading her right foot on the floor. She looked around and saw dead bodies and body parts everywhere. The smell of human carrion is unbearable. She vomited on the floor next to her. She found herself inside a dark dungeon, and corpses were everywhere.

Mo Ehuang finally realized where she was. This must be Miao Mingzhu's mouse laboratory. Miao Mingzhu created poison here. Mo Ehuang was very scared and angry and began to cry.

Mo Ehuang whimpered and recalled the time when her family was still complete.

Mo Ehuang was practicing sword in the backyard. She brandished her sword and cut the floating blossom's petals as the petals flew around her. Her swordsmanship is not the best, but her skills are better than many young ladies of the same age. Among her peers, she is one of the young beauties in the martial arts world, ranking second. The first place is Kuo Wenqian. It's not that Kuo Wenqian is more beautiful than her, but Kuo Wenqian is lucky to be the daughter of Kuo Jing Song with better fighting skills. Even so, Mo Ehuang never really cared about it. She just loves her simple life, practicing swords for the flowers and birds around Mo Manor's backyard.

Mo Ehuang heard her father called her name, she stopped practicing swordsmanship and looked in the direction of the voice.

Mo Jing Seng smiled at her and said, "Become more like a lady. You should practice music and sewing clothes more."

Mo Ehuang, "Did you introduce the sword to me?"

Mo Jing Seng, "I deeply regretted it. Your mother had given me a earful of lessons."

Mo Ehuang, "Father, when will you teach me a new level?"

Mo Jing Seng looked at her and said, "Your mother said that you are a lady, and you should act more like a one. I don't know if I want to teach you a new level."

Mo Ehuang frowned and said, "Father, you taught everyone, but me. I am your daughter; you should teach me more. Even your disciples are more skilled than me. This is unfair."

Mo Jing Seng laughed and said, "If you cook delicious food for me, maybe I will teach you the next level."

Mo Ehuang smiled, "Deal. I will cook for you the day after tomorrow."

Mo Jing Seng asked, "Why the day after tomorrow?"

Mo Ehuang teased and said, "You are getting old and forgetful. Tomorrow is your birthday."

Mo Jing Seng laughed, "I am getting old and becoming more forgetful. I even forgot my birthday."

Mo Ehuang, "I will stay by your side and remind you once a year."

Mo Ehuang and Mo Jing Seng laughed while watching the blossom's petals floating with the wind. Then Mo Jing Seng grabbed Mo Ehuang's sword and began to show her the next level of the Mo sword manual.

The good memories of her being with her father suddenly became desperation, and she could still smell the rotten human flesh. She still remembered that after Mu Dishi killed her father, many people who were once called relatives and friends turned to abandon the Mo family. No one wants to help her. At the end of the road, she met Hua Jian.

She will always remember the night she traded her pride for revenge. At her father's funeral, no one came to pay respect to her father. She knelt down in the dark room alone in front of her father's coffin. A single footstep echoed throughout the room. She raised her head and saw Hua Jian.

Hua Jian said, "I came to express my condolences for your loss."

Mo Ehuang, "Thank you."

Hua Jian asked, "There is no one here?"

Mo Ehuang, "When my father was still alive, there were young and old martial artists every day in this hall. Now he has been brutally murdered, and no one has appeared to pay tribute to him."

Hua Jian, "That is the reality of life. People will hold you tightly only when you are full of power."

Mo Ehuang, "I want to kill Mu Dishi, but I lack skills. I don't think I can kill him in this lifetime."

Hua Jian, "Give up the Mo Clan."

Mo Ehuang, "How can I? My father built it with his own hands."

Hua Jian, "What I mean is trade yourself for it. You are a very beautiful woman rank second. I'm sure if you trade yourself, there will be many men willing to kill you."

Mo Ehuang looked at Hua Jian, "Even you?"

Hua Jian smiled, "Yes, even me."

Mo Ehuang said angrily, "Do you know who my enemy is?"

Hua Jian smiled and said, "Everyone in the martial arts world knows your enemy, but even if he is invincible, he could still be killed. As long as the price is high enough, even a nine-headed dragon can be killed."

Mo Ehuang wiped her tears, "What should I do?"

Hua Jian, "Offer yourself and the Mo Clan leader seat as the prize. There will be many men who will be willing to die for you."

Mo Ehuang stood up and began to undress herself. She stood in front of Hua Jian completely naked and said, "Help me kill Mu Dishi, and you can take my virginity."

Hua Jian pulled her into his arms and started kissing her. He said, "This price is high enough, I accept."

Mo Ehuang swallowed down her pride and let Hua Jian had his way with her. After Hua Jian took her virginity, they made a plan to murder Mu Dishi, but when Hua Jian saw Mu Dishi inside that inn that day, he changed his mind and fall in love with Mu Dishi. This made her angrier, and the hatred towards Mu Dishi became stronger.

When she discovered Mu Dishi hiding in Tianshan, she slept with many martial artists and offered the title of Mo's leader to anyone who could kill Mu Dishi, but her plan failed again and again. Her last move was to reach an agreement with the Yueguang sect. She couldn't afford the money for poison arrows, so she made a plan to steal the poison arrows from Miao Mingzhu. Now, she is in this dark dungeon.

Mo Ehuang is a beauty who ranked second in the martial arts world, and now her life has been turned upside down due to Mu Dishi. Since Hua Jian lied to her, she has become smarter. She will ensure that Hua Jian and Mu Dishi died in her hands. Mu Dishi is the man Mo Enhuang hates most, and she will never forget him. Mu Dishi destroyed her happy family.

Miao Mingzhu walked inside the dark room. She sighed, "I have a new poison. I want to experiment with you."

Mo Ehuang, "Mingzhu, I will not die in your hands."

Miao Mingzhu, "Don't worry. I won't let you die. If you happen to die, I will revive you and continue to experiment my strongest poison on you."

Mo Ehuang, "Do what you have to do. I am not afraid."

Miao Mingzhu, "We will see... I would love to hear your voice begging me to kill you."

Mo Ehuang, "I will never beg."

For the next three months, Miao Mingzhu tried poison after poison on Mo Ehuang. No matter how painful, she never begged Miao Mingzhu. When she wakes up from the poison, Miao Mingzhu will entertain herself by cutting Mo'ehuang's flesh, and then sprinkle salt on Mo Ehuang's wound. Once Miao Mingzhu knew that Mo Ehuang's wound was about to heal, Miao Mingzhu would recut the almost healed wound and repeat the same process again. Even so, she did not beg Miao Mingzhu. Whenever Miao Mingzhu tortured her, she would imagine that Mu Dishi was the tortured person, and the more pain Miao Mingzhu reflected on her skin, the happier and satisfied Mo Enhuang would be.

The more Mo Ehuang thought about her misfortune, the angrier she became. She would recall the moment Mu Dishi was sitting in front of her badly wounded, but she failed to kill Mu Dishi with her own hands. Mu Dishi has ruined her life since the moment he stepped inside the Mo Manor on her father's birthday. Mu Dishi took everything away from her. She hates Mu Dishi with every single beat of her beating heart.

Tonight, Miao Mingzhu discovered another method of torture. Miao Mingzhu brought three male disciples of Yueguang sect with her, and Miao Mingzhu instructed them to have their way with Mo Ehuang. When the three men force themselves on her, she didn't even make a sound to indicate that she was afraid. After the three men were done with her, she just lay naked on the cold floor, she did not shed tears or beg.

Mo Ehuang smiled and murmured softly to herself, "Mu Dishi...No matter how tortured I am, I will not die in Miao Mingzhu's hands. I will make sure to live. If I can't kill you, then I will ruin you like you ruined me."