Chapter 29 The Mark Grave

After Yong Hao's funeral, they lay Yong Hao to rest in the Mu's cemetery. The people express their highest respect to Yong Hao. Many guests had left Sword Village the day before. The only guests left were the leaders of the six sectors and four clans.

Fu Yuanjun was a little confused so he asked Yong Gui, "Leader Yong, why isn't monk Hao buried in the main cemetery of Yong?"

Yong Gui replied, "Er shixiong, want to be buried here." He looked at Yong Hao's tombstone. "This is where he hopes to be buried."

Fu Yuanjun, "Why?"

Yong Gui, "This headstone here is the headstone of Mu Jiao Long." He pointed to the tombstone that is in between Mu Yun and Yong Hao's tombstones. "Er shixiong, did not write Mu Jiao Long's name on it because he was worried that many people would come to dig the grave to find the 'Killer's Manual'. Therefore, he decided not to name any tombstones, except for Mu Yun, which is a marking to tell the location of Mu Jiao Long's grave."

Elder Tong sighed, "Monk Hao, spent his entire life repenting of what he had done wrong to the Mu Villagers…" He frowned. "Now he died because of that very same reason."

Lee Kong Bai, "Once you make a mistake, it cannot be undone, especially when it involves killing innocent people." He sighed. ``I feel very much personally ashamed. If I don't believe Suo Bojing, Yingpei would still be alive."

Monk Ling, "May monk Hao's spirit ascend to heaven." Ling monk looked at the others. "I will see everyone in Shaolin on the fifteenth of this month."

Bazar Batu asked Kuo Lok quietly, "What will happen in on the fifteenth of this month?"

Kuo Lok, "On the fifteenth of this month is the two years annual competition between martial artists to exchange ideas and skills."

Bazar Batu, "Are you going to participate in the competition?"

Kuo Lok, "No."

Bazar Batu, "Well, even if you don't participate in the competition, will you take me there? I have never see a fighting competition between Central Plains's martial artist before."

Kuo Lok, "If you want to go, then we can go."

Bazar Batu smiled and said, "Lok ge ge is the best man ever."

Monk Ling said, "We will take our leave." He slowly walked down towards the four Shaolin's disciples, and they walked away from the grave site.

The rest of the group walked down the hill and began to say goodbye.

Kuo Wenqian, "Yong ge, since we know who killed monk Hao, that will no longer be a mystery. Whenever there is a chance, we will apprehend the culprit."

Yong Taihua, "Thank you Wenqian."

Kuo Ju return to the group after she bid farewell to Kuo Changchang. She wiped away her tears and said, "Wenqian takes your juniors back home. Your father and I will visit your grandfather first before we return home." Kuo Jin Song and Kuo Ju climbed on their horses and they started to take off.

Kuo Wenqian turned to Bazar Batu and said, "Bazar didi, thank you for accompanying Lok'er. No meeting will last forever. We can say goodbye here."

Kuo Lok, "Jiejie, I promised to take Batu to Jinfeng Sector."

Kuo Wenqian, "What?"

Bazar Batu smiled and said, "Lui furen, I promised I will not strive trouble."

Kuo Wenqian, "Do you have no home to return?"

Liu Hung smiled at Kuo Wenqian, "Furen, don't be mad. Batu did promised to behave himself. In Addition, if Ah Lok is to take him home, he is also regarded as a guest."

Bazar Batu smiled and said, "Liu Furen, I promise I won't cause trouble."

Kuo Wenqian madly walked ahead.

Liu Hung smiled and said, "Her face looks terrifying, but she is very kind inside." He followed his wife.

The ten Jinfeng disciples followed Liu Hung and Kuo Wenqian. Kuo Lok and Bazar Batu where the last two person.

Bazar Batu said quietly, "Your jiejie... is as fierce as a tiger, but your jiejie's zhangfu is as calm a monk."

Kuo Lok asked, "Do you still want to go to Jinfeng and Shaolin?"

Bazar Batu, "Of course I still do."

Kuo Lok then said, "Then please make sure my jiejie don't hear that."

Bazar Batu frowned, "Alright…hey, Lok ge ge,did you always know that I was a man?"

Kuo Lok nodded.

Bazar Batu, "How? When?"

Kuo Lok, "Inside the temple. After the breast grabbing incident. I smell a strong orange smell on your chest."

Bazar Batu smiled and said, "Wow…my Lok ge ge is not as dull as I thought. I underestimated you."

Kuo Lok then said, "We forgot Chen Dandan and Yan Zhanjin."

Bazar Batu replied, "Lok ge ge, remember that we only promised them to take them out of that place. That's it." He smiled at Kuo Lok. "No matter what they want to do next, it is theirs problem, not ours."

Kou Lok grabbed Bazar Batu's right hand with his left hand and held it tightly. As the sunrise rose from the west in the morning, they continued to follow the Jinfeng disciples eastward.

The next day, when Yong Gui went to pay his respects to Yong Hao, he saw Mu Dishi standing in front of Yong Hao's grave.

Yong Gui walked to Mu Dishi and said, "Childe Mu, I thought you and Wang Biming left together."

Mu Dishi looked at Yong Gui and asked, "Why bury him in this place?"

Yong Gui said, "When Er Shixiong was still alive, he told me that he wanted to be buried here with Leader Mu."

Mu Dishi looked at Yong Gui and asked, "You know which grave is Long da ye?"

Yong Gui said, "Yes. This is the grave of leader Mu." He pointed to the tombstone next to Mu Yun. "Er Shixiong, don't want to put name on the tombstone except for Mu Yun's tombstone because he is worried that others will dig the tomb of leader Mu."

Mu Dishi asked, "How do you know this is the grave of Long da ye, since it was Yong Hao who buried it?"

Yong Gui said, "Many years ago, we captured a group of tomb raiders. Leader Mu's grave was one of the grave that were dug. I helped to bury him. It seems that the left thumb is duplicated." He looked at Mu Dishi.

Mu Dishi slowly knelt in front of Mu Jiao Long's grave. He said, "Yes, my da ye has a duplicate left thumb."

A disciple shouted from the road, "Leader Yong...Leader Yong..." The disciple ran up to Mu Dishi and Yong Gui. "Leader Yong, Da shixiong, meimei shijie, their eight classmate, and the many other disciples of different clans and sectors who went to Shaolin to participate in the Heroes Conference despaired without a trace."

Yong Gui's face darkened and worried, "How?"