Chapter 40 Fate Is Tricky

When Bazar Batu returned home, he found that his brother and his two sister-in-laws had made up this story, so he agreed to go home. Bazar Batu sat in the yard watching the servants clean the yard. He saw his mother walking towards him with a servant, holding a pile of paintings. As soon as Bazar Batu saw painting, he knew immediately what his mother's intention is.

Madam Bazar smiled and said, "Bautu..."

Bazar Batu said, "Mother, I don't need to see those lady paintings. Did da ge tell you? I promise others that I will marry him."

Madam Bazar said, "I have heard of it, but it cannot be done."

Bazar Batu asked, "Why not?"

Madam Bazar said, "Because the person you going to marry is a man, not a woman. You need a woman to have a baby." She smiled at him. "And these beautiful ladies can do that. Come take a look."

Bazar Batu said, "I will not marry anyone I don't like, and I already like this person very much. Beside, da ge given you so many grandkids. Mother, forcing me to marry will not only hurt me, but also hurt the woman."

Madam Bazar said, "Batu, please listen to me. When you realize that this man cannot give you happiness like a woman. You will be regret greatly after you marry him."

Bazar Batu said, "No woman in this world can do what Lok ge ge did for me."

Madam Bazar asked, "What can he do to make you like him so much?"

Bazar Batu said, "Um..."

Madam Bazar said, "Look, you can't even say one good thing that this man does better than a woman."

Bazar Batu said, "He did a lot for me, I just don't know where to start."

Madam Bazar said, "Lair..."

Bazar said, "Well, once I start, don't tell me to stop."

Madam Bazar, "Go on." She smiled.

Bazar Batu said, "Well, we held hands. He carried me on his back." Madam Bazar's eyes widened. Bazar Batu continued. "We slept on the same bed many times. We kissed in front of other people." Madame Bazar breathed heavily. "He saw me naked while trying to save my life. He protects me. There are more, but I don't want to go into details. We also..."

Madam Bazar almost passed out. She stopped Bazar Batu, "Stop...Stop..."

Bazar Batu smiled at his mother.

A month later, Kuo Lok returned to patrolled the city gate up north with his brother. He must return here to help the villagers, because his sister-in-law is about to give birth, and his brother will need to take care of his sister-in-law.

Kuo Lok looked down at the people walking on the street, and he saw Bazar Batu walking past. He grabbed a rope, jumped off of the city wall, and entered the busy street. He quickly walked over, and grabbed the young man's hand. The young man turned around. This young man is not Bazar Batu.

Kuo Lok let go of the young man's hand and apologized, "I'm sorry, I thought you were someone I knew."

Kuo Lok was disappointed standing there, and then an mandarin orange hit him on the back. He thought it was because he grabbed the young man's arm and someone threw an mandarin orange at him because of his shameless action. Then the second mandarin orange hit him on the back again. Then the third one, he sighed and started to walk away. Kuo Lok heard 'Lok ge ge'. He stopped and turned around. When he stared at Bazar Batu's smiling face, he smiled.

Bazar Batu threw another mandarin orange at Kuo Lok, and the mandarin orange bounced off Kuo Lok's chest. He approached, frowning, "Waah…you should have caught the orange." He approached. "Are you coming to visit me?"

Kuo Lok, "Huh?"

Bazar Batu, "Are you here to visit me? How do you know where I live? I don't remember telling you about my village location."

Kuo Lok, "You live here?"

Bazar Batu, "Yes. The beautiful town that we treated everyone the same." Bazar Batu being sarcastic. "No one here will ask if you are Chinese or Mongol. Everyone here is called a bad person or a good person."

Kuo Lok, "I know."

Bazar Batu, "How do you know, because you just arrived?"

Kuo Lok, "My brother and I stayed here for three years, until I returned to the Central Plains and met you on that teahouse."

Bazar Batu was shocked, "Really?"

Kuo Lok, "Yes."

Bazar Batu, "Are you that stupid volunteer soldier?"

Kuo Lok, "I guess so."

Bazar Batu, "Lok ge ge, tell me where you usually patrol."

Kuo Lok grabbed Bazar Batu's hand and led him to the top of the city wall.

Bazar Batu smiled and said, "Lok ge ge, I have stayed here my whole life. You are so close to my house, but we don't know each other. I run away from home, hundreds of miles away and I met you. Fate sure know how to play with people." He looked at Kuo Lok. "Am I right?"

Ku Lok, "Mm…"

Bazar Batu then said, "Next time, when my father forces me to marry again, I will run to you here."

Kuo Lok asked, "How is your father?"

Bazar Batu frowned frantically and said, "They lied to me. He was doing just fine. My brother wanted me to go home, so they lied to me that my father was sick." Bazar Batu stretched out his arm and held Kuo Lok's waist. Kuo Lok put his left arm around Bazar Batu, and the two men watched the sunset.

Kuo Lok then asked, "Batu…"

Bazar Batu looked up at Kuo Lok and said, "Yes, you can kiss me."

When the sun slowly set on the red and orange horizon, Kuo Lok lowered his head and kissed Bazar Batu's lips.

In a clean bedroom, Cao Wenyan smirked and sat next to a person sleeping on the bed. He reached out and took the man's hand. Cao Wenyan lowered his head and kissed Mu Dishi's cheek. He stroke his fingers alongside Mu Dishi's face and again kissed Mu Dishi's cheek again. Then his lips kissed closer and closer to Mu Dishi's lips. He looked at Mu Dishi's beautiful long dark eye lashed, and then he kissed Mu Dishi's lips. He licked Mu Dishi's lips with his tongue.

Cao Wenyan said softly, "Mu Dishi, I really like you. I promise that besides kissing you, I will not do other things."

Mu Dishi got up quickly and grabbed Cao Wenyan by the neck. He looked at Cao Wenyan coldly and said, "Good... otherwise your dead body will be on the ground now."