Chapter 13 We Are Not The Same

Zhu Mingyang stared coldly at Cao Weyan. He knew that whenever Cao Wenyan appeared it was not a good sign.

Yan Zhanjin looked at Cao Wenyan and asked, "What can I do for you?"

Cao Wenyan said, "I want to invite you to my house as a guest."

Yan Zhanjin said, "What if I refuse the invitation?"

Cao Wenyan, "If Yan Yisheng doesn't agree, then I will force you."

Yan Zhanjin, "You must tell me the reason?"

Cao Wenyan, "I need you to heal a person for me."

Yan Zhanjin, "Who?"

Cao Wenyan, "You will know when you arrive. I do apologize, it is inconvenience for me to tell you right now. This is not just for your safety, but also for the safety of the patient."

Yan Zhanjin, "Childe Cao, I'm just an ordinary doctor. I'm afraid that I won't be able to help much. I can only repair broken bones, cuts and burns. I'm afraid it will be a waste of your time."

Cao Wenyan, "As a disciple of Chen Fa, I believe you can treats more than just break bones, cuts and burns." He smiled. "If you go to check the patient and cannot help. I will still reward you."

Yan Zhanjin, "That's all I can do, and I can't do much. If you don't believe me, you can ask the villagers here."

Cao Wenyan insisted, "Since you strongly refuse my invitation, please forgive me." He took a step back. "Catch him."

The five-color mice rushed over the fence, and Red Mice reached out and grabbed Yan Zhanjin, but Zhu Mingyang grabbed Red Mice's hand and threw a fist at Red Mice's left shoulder. Red Mice blocked Zhu Mingyang's fist with his left arm. Zhu Mingyang's power slammed Red Mice against the bamboo fence.

The other four mice attack Zhu Mingyan. Cao Wenyan took the opportunity to fly over while the five mice were still fighting with Zhu Mingyang, and grabbed Yan Zhanjin. Cao Wenyan sent two powder balls to Zhu Mingyang. The five colored mice quickly escaped.

Gu Yingjie and Yuan Chaomei were sitting together in the backyard of the Gu mansion. He took a sip from the teacup, but the cup was empty. Then he said, "Mingyang, bring more tea." He put down his teacup.

Yuan Chaomei said, "Yingjie, Mingyang is no longer there."

Gu Yingjie suddenly remembered. He sighed and said, "I am so used to having him by my side. I have forgotten that he is no longer the guard of the Gu Household."

Lin Ruchao walked into the backyard. He stood beside Gu Yingjie and said, "Young master, chief Gu has some records for you to go over, and they are now in your study."

Gu Yingjie, "I'll look at the record first, see you at lunch."

Yuan Chaomei smiled at him, "Go."

Gu Yingjie stretched out his hand, and Lin Ruchao took Gu Yingjie's hand. The two walked back to the study room. Lin Ruchao led him to his seat. Lin Ruchao picked up a bamboo scroll, but Gu Yingjie stopped him.

Gu Yingjie said, "Guard Lin, I'm a little dizzy and want to take a break. I'll let you know when I want you to read this to me."

Lin Ruchao, "I should leave and let you rest then." He walked out of the door and closed the door behind him.

Gu Yingjie sat there listening, making sure that Lin Ruchao was no longer there. He sighed and said, "Mingyang, you can come out."

Zhu Mingyang walked out slowly from behind the picture panel. Gu Yingjie eyes were wetted in tears. He quickly got off the chair, rushed down and hugged Zhu Mingyang. He cried in Zhu Mingyang's arms.

Gu Yingjie, "Mingyang, are you back?"

Zhu Mingyang, "Yingjie, you shouldn't cry."

Gu Yingjie, "Mingyang, do you know that since you were gone. I think about you every day. Please don't leave me again."

Zhu Mingyang said, "Yingjie, you shouldn't cry. I'm here to get the sword. I forgot to bring the sword when I left."

Gu Yingjie, "Mingyang, stay with me."

Zhu Mingyang saw his sword on Gu Yingjie's desk. He pulled Gu Yingjie out of his arms, then walked to the desk and picked up his sword. He said, "I'm leaving."

Gu Yingjie grabbed his hand and said, "Mingyang, tell me what I need to do to keep you by my side."

Zhu Mingyang grabbed Gu Yingjie's hand and said, "If you want to stay by my side, then leave with me."

Gu Yingjie, "I can't. Chaomei is pregnant."

Zhu Mingyang, "Then I will never be by your side." He carried the sword on his back. "Yingjie, I want you to know that I have been living a happy life for the past few months. The life I chose is simple, but I can sleep all night with my eyes closed completely. Although I only sleep in a bed made from a couples bamboo stick, but I can dream. The food is plain, with salt, but the taste is more delicious."

Gu Yingjie asked sadly, "Mingyang, is this the life you want? How about being the best guard in the Gu family?"

Zhu Mingyang turned around and looked straight at Gu Yingjie. He said, "I want to be the best guard of the Gu Household because I love you. Then I realized that no matter how much I love you and tried my best to do everything for you. In the end, I am still a servant and you are the master. I didn't want to leave you, but you drove me away step by step until I realized that I was nothing but a guard." He burst into tears. "Do you know how painful it is to stand outside and guard the door when you sleeping with another person who isn't me?"

Gu Yingjin didn't answered.

Zhu Minngyang gritted his teeth said angrily, "I should be the one holding you on the bed, not someone name Yuan Chaomei. Do you know how painful it is to watch you hold someone else's hand? When that hand should only be held by me." He sighed. "Yingjie, you don't know, because we are not the same. Your definition of love is different from mine."

Gu Yingjie, "Mingyang, I'm sorry."

Zhu Mingyang, "Yingjie, I don't blame you. Maybe from start to finish, I'm the only one who thinks that there is something between us that surpasses us from being master and guard. Maybe you held on to me from the beginning because I'm someone you could rely on, but now there are many people you can rely on. Your father-in-law, your grandfather's old guard, and your father. You don't need me anymore. Goodbye Yingjie." He opened the door and flew away quickly.

Yan Zhanjin was blindfold, he knew that they had been walking for a long time. Then the two people holding his arm suddenly stopped. Cao Wenyan took off Yan Zhanjin's blindfold. When Yan Zhanjin opened his eyes again, he saw a beautiful house in a secluded wood. He knew that this is not Beixing sector.

Yan Zhanjin asked, "Childe Cao, the injured person is not leader Cao?"

Cao Wenyan, "No, my father is actually practicing in seclusion now."

Yan Zhanjin, "Then who is it?"

Cao Wenyan, "You'll know when you get there." He turned his head and looked at Yan Zhanjin. "Yan yisheng, I must warned you. You can never tell anyone who you will meet today. If you do tell, I will kill your shimei."

Yan Zhanjin, "That person must be very important, otherwise child Cao would not protect that person to such a degree."

Cao Wenyan, "Let just say, that person is someone you and I shouldn't mess with." Cao Wenyan smiled and said, "Please…this way."

Yan Zhanjin followed Cao Wenyan into a large bedroom with ten guards stood guarding outside. When the guards saw Cao Wenyan, they stepped aside. Yan Zhanjin wants to know who is the wounded person that Cao Wenyan cares so much about.

Yan Zhanjin and Cao Wenyan stopped before the door. Two maids walked past them, and Yan Zhanjin noticed that the basin that one of the maid was holding in her hands was water mixed with blood.

Cao Wenyan worried, "How is he?"

Maid, "Young master, he vomiting blood again."

Cao Wenyan walked into the room quickly which surprised Yan Zhanjin. He knew that Cao Wenyan was a ruthless man since they met in Sword Village, but he cared so much about the injured person. This person must be very important to him, so he hurriedly followed Cao Wenyan into the bedroom. As soon as Yan Zhanjin entered the bedroom, he saw Cao Wenyan holding the man's hand. Two guards stopped Yan Zhanjin for advancing further to the bed.

Cao Wenyan, "How are you feeling?"

The man replied with a weak voice, "You are back."

Cao Wenyan said, "I brought a doctor here today. He is a disciple of Chen Fa, who can help you." He turned to Yan Zhanjin. "Yan Yisheng, please come and examine him."

When Yan Zhanjin walked to the bed. He saw Mu Dishi lying on the bed, Mu Dishi is very pale. He quickly rushed to the bed and touched the pulse of Mu Dishi. He thought Mu Dishi died in the fire, but seeing Mu Dishi, he was somewhat happy and worried at the same time.

Yan Zhanjin, "Mu Dishi…How could he be alive? I saw him fall into the fire with Mo Ehuang."

Cao Wenyan, "I saved him."

Yan Zhanjin looked at Mu Dishi and said, "Childe Cao, I can try to save him, but I can't assure you that he will be completely heal." He stepped away from the bed.

Cao Wenyan got up and walked to Yan Zhanjin's side. He was afraid that Mu Dishi would hear him, so he whispered softly into Yan Zhanjin's right ear, "If you can't cure him, then you die with him."