Chapter 16 Trouble Come Knocking

Early in the morning, Kuo Wenqian and Liu Hung supervised the younger disciples practicing their morning routine in front of open conference hall. Then a disciple flew and crashed behind the three disciples. The disciples turned their head and looked towards the stairs. Wang Zedong approached, followed by his disciples.

Kuo Wenqian pulled one of the disciple aside and said, "Go get shifu and shimu." She looked at Wang Zedong and asked, "Leader Wang, what can I do for you."

Wang Zedong asked harshly, "Where is Mu Dishi and Kuo Jing Song?"

The young disciple met Ma Jingguo and Chen Dandan. Chen Dandan grabbed the young disciple's arm and said, "Why are you in a hurry little junior?"

Young disciple said, "Wang Zedong is here looking for shifu and Mu."

Ma Jingguo stormed out, leaving Chen Dandan and the young disciple behind.

Chen Dandan, "Go quickly, shifu is meeting leader Gu and leader Yong inside the west meeting room." She chased after Ma Jingguo. "Ma shixiong."

The disciple rushed into the West Hall, "Shifu…shimu…" He ran inside.

Kuo Ju, "What's the matter?"

The young disciple said, "Wang Zedong is here, Wenqian Shijie is stopping him right now."

Kuo Ju, "Why is he here?"

The young disciple said, "He is asking for shifu and Mu Dishi."

Yong Taihua said madly, "He kill my shizun and my da ye, and he dared to make trouble here."

Gu Tingfuang frowned, "Lao Wang, after so many years, he still refuses to let it go." Gu Tingfang looked at Kuo Jing Song. "Let's go see what he wants."

Kuo Ju knows why Wang Zedong is here, she is very worried about Kuo Jing Song, because right now Kuo Jin Song's internal strength has only recovered one-third.

When the group of masters arrived at the front gate, Ma Jingguo and Wang Biming has already engaged in a fiercest duel. When the two strengths collided between the two men, the two forces separated the two men apart.

Wang Biming smiled and said, "Little nephew, what's the point of fighting with me? You know, you can't win."

Wang Zedong looked at Ma Jingguo and said, "You either step away or stick with Jinfeng Sector and be vanquish with them."

Ma Jingguo, "The only family members I know is standing around here. I won't let anyone in and out as they please."

Wang Zedong, "Very good. An ungrateful bastard." He looked at Wang Biming and said, "Ming'er, if he stand in our way, kill him."

Kuo Jin Song said, "Leader Wang, how can I help you today?"

Wang Zedong smiled and said, "I came to return your strike to you." He looked at Yong Gui and Gu Tingfuang. "If you want to be my enemy, you are very welcome to join."

Yong Gui shouted, "Sword Village prepare." Sword village disciples unsheathed their swords alongside Jinfeng Sector's disciples.

Wang Zedong said madly, "Yong Gui…" He looked angrily at Yong Gui. "Kill everyone."

The disciples of Yueguang Sectors collided with the disciples of Jinfeng Sectors, Sword Village, and the Gu Household.

Wang Zedong flew straight to Kuo Jing Song and Kuo Ju.

Zu Mingyang packed his stuff in the guesthouse. He said, "Let's go." Mu Dishi put on his long veil hat and walked out of the guesthouse with Zhu Mingyang.

When the two arrived at the main entrance, they saw disciples from different sectors fighting fiercely for each other's lives.

Zhu Mingyang reminded Mu Dishi, "My task is to bring you back." He looked at Mu Dishi. "I have to remind you that you are just heal so don't use your inner energy at will."

Mu Dishi replied, "I know. Let's go."

The two slowly left the fighting crowd heading down the stairs. Just when they were about to reach the bottom of the stairs, Yan Zhanjin and Cao Wenyan flew over.

Cao Wenyan pushed Yan Zhanjin to Zhu Mingyang. He said, "I can't wait for you two return, so I came instead."

Zhu Mingyang, "What about the poison?"

Cao Wenyan smiled and said, "I am a man of my word."

Yan Zhanjin, "Before we came, he had already given me the antidote."

Chen Dandan saw Yan Zhanjin, "Shixiong!"

Yan Zhanjin looked over, "Dandan." He waved at Chen Dandan.

Zhu Mingyang looked past Chen Dandan and he saw Gu Yingjie fighting Wang Zedong alongside Kuo Jin song. He clenched his hands, but decided to look away. Then Wang Zedong hit Kuo Jin Song on the chest and send Kuo Jin Song crushing onto the stairs, and his other strike went straight to Gu Yingjie. Zhu Mingyang flew over quickly, intercepted Wang Zedong's blow, and Zhu Mingyang crashed next to Kuo Jin Song.

Wang Zedong laughed, "Ha…ha…ha…ha…fifteen years, I finally return your strike back to you."

Gu Yingjie and Yan Zhanjin both ran to Zhu Mingyang, "Mingyang…"

Seeing that Kuo Jin Song was seriously injured, everyone rushed to Kuo Jin Song's side.

Wang Zedong, "Today, I will destroy Jinfeng Sector and those who stand in my way." He pointed his finger at Gu Tingfuang. "Included you."

Zhu Mingyang turned to Gu Yingjie and he asked, "Are you injured, Yingjie?"

Gu Yingjie said, "I'm fine." He wiped off the blood from the corners of Zhu Mingyang's mouth.

Cao Wenyan said, "There are many, and it is impossible for Wang Zedong to kill them all." He smiled at Mu Dishi. "Should we go?"

Miao Mingzhu flew over and shot many pink balls at the group of people surrounded Kuo Jin Song. The powder spread among the crowd. After the power dissipated, the group of people surrounding Kuo Jin Song became weak and unable to protect themselves.

Mu Dishi then said, "Help me."

Cao Wenyan smiled and said, "What do you want me to help you?"

Mu Dishi said, "I need a guzheng instrument."

Cao Wenyan, "I brought the one you used from home." He waved his hand and a servant walked towards him. "Go get child Mu's guzheng."

Male servant, "Yes master."

Mu Dishi and Cao Wenyan watched the disciples of Yueguang Sector begin to slaughter the disciples of the Jinfeng Sector, sword village, and House Of Gu.

Wang Zedong asked, "Where is Mu Dishi?"

Two minutes later, the male servant returned with the guzheng. Mu Dishi sat cross-legged on the concrete floor.

Mu Dishi said, "Cao gongzi, do you know the reason why your father want to own the Killer String manual?"

Cao Wenyan, "I don't know, don't worry, I won't take it away from you."

Mu Dishi said, "I will show you right now, why those who know the truth about the Killer String want to own manual or destroy the manual."

Mu Dishi closed his eyes, put his slender fingers on the seventeen strings, and began to pucker the strings.

Everyone turned to look at the man sitting next to Cao Wenyan. The man in the long veil began to pucker the guzheng strings. The music sounds terrible, it doesn't sound like any other sound. It's just a bunch of random notes, some are soft, some are harsh.

Zhu Mingyang is different from the rest of the group of people. His ears rang and he closed his eyes. When he heard the notes played by Mu Dishi. He understand Mu Dishi message. Mu Dishi's music ordered him to stand up and stand in front of Wang Zedong. Zhu Mingyang's eyes were red, he took a deep breath, and he tighten his fits.

Zhu Mingyang looked at Wang Zedong and he said, "You wish to destroy me, but you will never succeed." Zhu Mingyang directly threw a heavy punch at Wang Zedong.

Wang Zedong was caught off guard and took seven steps back. He said, "Impossible."

Gu Tingfang was as stunned as everyone else. Zhu Mingyang was defeated by the two guards he chose for Gu Yingjie, and now Zhu Mingyang is fighting Wang Zedong alone.

As the long veil hat man continue to pucker the strings, Zhu Mingyang threw punch after punch at Wang Zedong. It doesn't take long for everyone to discovered that the long veil hat man somehow commanding Zhu Mingyang to fight against Wang Zedong. Wang Biming and Miao Mingzhu lunged at the long veil hat man and began to fight Cao Wenyan.

Miao Mingzhu broke free from Cao Wenyan's hand, went straight to the back of the man in the long veil hat, and hit the man's back with a fierce punch. The man waved his sleeves at Miao Mingzhu. Miao Mingzhu flipped back, but she was ready to punch again. Miao Mingzhu's second punch fell on the left shoulder of the man in the veil hat, causing the man to fly towards Wang Zedong from the other side.

When Mu Dishi grunted in pain, Ma Jingguo exhausted the last of his internal strength, stood up quickly, and grabbed the long veil hat man. When the two flew past Wang Zedong and Zhu Mingyang, Mu Dishi threw three golden needles at Wang Zedong, and one hit Wang Zedong's left eye. Wang Biming hurried back to Wang Zedong.

Ma Jingguo put his arms around the slender waist of the long veil hat man, and the two crashed into one of the statues. Cao Wenyan rushed over and pulled Mu Dishi away from Ma Jingguo's arms. Just when Mu Dishi and Cao Wenyan began to walk away. Ma Jingguo grasped Mu Dishi's hem tightly.

Ma Jingguo whispered sadly, "Xiao shushu, are you leaving me behind again?"