Chapter 29 Hook Him

Everyone in the training ground watched the old guard kiss his master, and they were taken aback.

Gu Tingfang was very angry, because when Zhu Mingyang kissed Gu Yingjie, he did not resist at all. The smile on Gu Yingjie's face made Gu Tingfang even more angry. He flew to the execution ground and took the whip from the guard. He let out a powerful whip on Zhu Mingyang's back. After Gu Tingfang hit Zhu Mingyang twenty-two times, Zhu Mingyang finally slowly fell to the ground, lying beside Gu Yingjie, covered in blood. The twenty-fourth whip fell on Gu Ying's back.

Zhu Mingyang heard Gu Yingjie grunt in pain. He desperately tried to stand up, but he couldn't stand up. He saw blood spurting from Gu Yingjie's beautiful flawless back. The injury on Gu Yingjie's back hurts more than his own. After receiving the last whip, Gu Yingjie fainted.

Gu Tingfuang looked at the guards and said, "Hook him."

Zhu Mingyang slowly crawled towards Gu Tingfang with his elbow inch by inch. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Gu Tingfang's hem. He pleaded with tears streaming down his face, "Chief Gu, I am begging you, please don't hook him. He will not survive." Gu Tingfeng kicked Zhu Mingyang's hand away, but Zhu Mingyang is determined. He tightly grasped Gu Tingfang's hem again. "Hook me. Hook me... I am willing to be hook in his place."

Gu Tingfuang, "You are no longer his guard."

Zhu Mingyang said, "From the day he chose me as his guard, I was destined to die for him."

The courage of Zhu Mingyang shocked the old and new guards and their masters. In the history of the Gu Household, there has never been a guard willing to experience such extremes for his master.

Gu Tingfuang, "Alright, hook him."

The two guards took out large fish hooks and pierced Zhu Mingyang's shoulders. The sharp fish hook pierced through the front shoulder of Zhu Mingyang's scapula. Then the two chains slowly pulled Zhu Mingyang's body up, and Zhu Mingyang's blood dripped, forming a pool of blood on the ground.

Zhu Mingyang looked down at the place where Gu Yingjie was lying, and said softly, "Yingjie…" He saw two guards dragged Gu Yingjie's unconscious body away. "Yingjie…Yingjie…"

Yan Zhanjin on the side rushed in. He almost fainted when he saw Zhu Mingyang hanging in the air, dripping blood on the ground.

Yan Zhanjin shouted, "Mingyang!" He looked at Gu Tingfuang. "Chief Gu, this is too cruel to punish someone."

Gu Xiaowen, "Yan yisheng, let me remind you that this is Gu's family, not Jinfeng Sector."

Yan Zhanjin said, "I know this is not Jinfeng Sector, but you don't have to be so heartless."

Zhu Mingyang exclaimed, "Zhanjin…Zhanjin…"

Yan Zhanjin struggled towards the stage, but was blocked by the guards on the stage.

Gu Tingfang didn't want to offend Kuo Jing Song, so he waved at the guard to make way for Yan Zhanjin. Yan Zhanjin ran up the stage.

Yan Zhanjin stood in front of Zhu Mingyang. He watched Zhu Mingyang's blood flow down like a spring river after a rainstorm. He reached out and touched Zhu Mingyang's feet. He said, "Mingyang, I am here now. I will help you get out of here."

Zhu Mingyang, "You can't. You don't have the skill to take me out of here."

Yan Zhanjin, "I can't, my shifu can."

Zhu Mingyang, "Do you think your shifu will go against chief Gu for a bastard son like us?" He chuckled. "It's a waste of breath, Zhanjin."

Yan Zhanjin, "I can't, but someone can. A more powerful person. Mu Dishi…Yes, Mu Dishi…Mu Dishi can."

Zhu Mingyang murmured softly, "Zhanjin, please rescue Yingjie…"

Yang Zhanjin, "How about you?"

Zhu Mingyang, "Zhanjin, please do that."

Yan Zhanjin said, "Mingyang, I will do it for you. You must wait for me. Promise me that you will wait for me."

Yan Zhanjin rushed out from the trained ground and ran down the stairs. He met Yuan Chaomei holding Xiao Bai at the gate.

Yan Zhanjin asked, "What are you doing here?"

Yuan Chaomei, "His name is Xiao Bai, and he can run a thousand miles a day."

Yan Zhanjin jumped onto Xiao Bai's back and he took off. He rode on Xiao Bai's back for a day, and finally reached Beixing Sector. He jumped off Xiao Bai's back and walked to the door.

Yan Zhanjin, "I am an old friend of childe Cao, is he home?"

Guard, "Young master is not home."

Yan Zhanjin, "What about Mu Dishi?"

Guard, "Childe Mu is not here."

Yan Zhanjin, "Where is he?"

Guard, "Young Master forbids any of us to reveal where he lives. Hurry up and leave here, or we will kill you where you are standing." The guard pointed at Yan Zhanjin with a sword.

Yan Zhanjin remembered when Cao Wenyan brought him here. He could hear the rustling of bamboo leaves and the sound of running water. He jumped on Xiao Bai's back and rode along the river. He shouted loudly, "Mu Dishi, Ma Jingguo is dying. He needs your help. Mu Dishi…" He yelled repeatedly by the river. As Xiao Bai passed by, he saw a shadow standing on the road. He circled Xiao Bai around. He slow down Xiao Bai. He took a closer look, and it was Mu Dishi.

Yang Zhanjin quickly jumped off Xiao Bai and grabbed Mu Dishi's hand, "Mu Dishi, you must help Mingyang. If you don't help him, he will die.

Mu Dishi said coldly, "You said Jingguo is dying…"

Yan Zhanjin, "If I don't said that, will you come out to meet me?"

Mu Dishi looked at him coldly and said, "I have nothing to do with him, you go away."

Yan Zhanjin, "I know, you are not too cruel. Do you remember that Mingyang carried you up Jinfeng Sector and begged Kuo shifu to help you? Without him, you would have died a long time ago."

Mu Dishi replied coldly, "I am a dead man in the martial arts world. If I help him, I will relieve myself." He began to walk away from Yan Zhanjin. "You can't leave."

Yan Zhanjin knew that if he could not persuade Mu Dishi to go help Zhu Mingyang, Zhu Mingyang would die. He shouted angrily, "Mu Dishi! As far as I know, according to your house rules, you must pay off the debt you owe." Mu Dishi stop walking. "Without Zhu Mingyang, do you think you can live to this day? What you owe him, you must pay him back, you still owe me a debt too. I'm here to collect the debts you owe us."

Mu Dishi turned around and asked coldly, "What do you want me to do?"

Yan Zhanjin, "Mingyang wants you to repaid him by helping Gu Yingjie out of prison. I want you to save Zhu Mingyang. They are both inside Gu household."

Mu Dishi looked at Yan Zhanjin, "Alright, after I save them, you just leave me alone."

Yan Zhanjin, "If you finish paying for your debts, there is no reason for me to look for you."

Yan Zhanjin and Mu Dishi jumped onto Xiao Bai's back. Yan Zhanjin patted Xiao Bai's lightly and said, "Xiao Bai, take us home."

Xiao Bai charged into the night heading back to Gu Household.