Chapter 02 Fireflies In The Sky

The rain finally stopped in the morning. Dong Shun and his wife Dong Qiji rested in the guest hall inside the Rao Manor.

Rao Qingsheng asked, "What's wrong? The Ma family said you stole something from them, is this accusation true?"

Dong Shun, "Da ge, that's not true." He paused for a moment, and then asked. "Da ge, you said those assassins belonged to the Ma family?"

Rao Qingsheng, "Yes, the woman is Ma furen, Ma Shufen's wife."

Dong Shun said, "I have nothing to do with the Ma family. A cousin stole something from Cao Fengge, and we were hunted down because of that."

Rao Qingsheng sighed, "Shun, out of all the people you could have offended, why do you choose Cao Fengge?" He looked worried. "Cao Fengge, he is that kind of person. If you don't provoke him, he will not bother you. If you provoke him, he will not let you go."

Dong Qiji, "Da ge is right. He locked us up in Beixing Sector and took Lanying away from us for two days. I thought I would never see my child again."

Rao Qingsheng, "What does he think you took away from him?"

Dong Shun, "I don't know."

A servant came running inside the main hall, "Master, master, there is a man standing outside, he brought ten people with him and he is asking for you audience at the front door."

Rao Qingsheng, "That must be Cao Fengge."

Dong Shun, "I'll go see him."

Rao Qingsheng, "You stay here. You are always reckless when you are angry."

Dong Qiji held Rao Shun's right arm, "Laogong, da ge is right. You stay here. The moment Cao Fengge sees you, he will verbally criticize and provoke you, and with your short temperament, you will end up fighting with him again."

Madame Rao came in with four maids and four plates of food. The servants put the plates on the table. Madame Rao said, "You two come to eat first."

Cao Fengge put his hands behind him, quietly waiting for Rao Qingsheng to come out. Seeing Rao Qingsheng not coming out with Dong Shun, he was upset and stared at Rao Qingsheng angrily. Even when he was angry, he remained calm.

Rao Qingsheng stood in front of Cao Fengge, "Leader Cao, what can I do for you?"

Cao Fengge said lightly, "I need Dong Shun and his wife."

Rao Qingsheng, "May I ask, how they offended leader Cao?"

Cao Fengge, "They stole my secret manual."

Rao Qingsheng, "Which manual does Leader Cao refer to?"

Cao Fengge, "Red Thread Needles."

Rao Qingsheng's expression suddenly changed, "Leader Cao, since I met Shun-xiong, he has not been that kind of person. Maybe there is a misunderstanding between leader Cao and Shun-xiong."

Cao Fengge, "No misunderstanding." One of the servants threw a young man on the floor. "He confirmed that he gave my manual to Dong Shun." He looked at Rao Qingsheng. "Leader Rao, you know what type of person I am. If you leave me alone, I will leave you alone, but if you offended me, I will make sure you pay the full price. Now, let me ask you again, are you going to hand over Dong Shun and his wife?"

Rao Qingsheng, "Sorry, not at this time. I would ask if Leader Cao give me some time to look for the truth."

Cao Fengge, "Have it your way then." He looked at his servants and they began to withdraw from the Rao Manor.

Rao Qingsheng shouted, "Leader Cao…"

Rao Qingsheng walked back into the Rao Manor and went to the main guest hall. He saw his family sitting and eating dinner. He walked up to the two wet-nurses and gently rubbed the two toddlers on the nurses' arms. Then he sat next to Madame Rao.

Madame Rao picked up her bowl and started feeding her young son. She smiled and said, "Zheng'er, eat quickly and grow taller."

Rao Zhengsheng raised his head and said, "Mother, there are many fireflies in the sky." He pointed to the open door. "Look…look."

Madam Rao looked in the direction pointed by her young son, and saw a wave of fire arrows flying into the Rao Manor. Madame Rao uses her body to protect her young son. An arrow hit Madam Rao's neck, and the arrow passed through the front of her neck. Madame Rao died immediately. She leaned forward on Rao Zhengsheng, and the mother and son fell to the floor.

Rao Qingsheng shouted, "Fu…ren."

Immediately afterwards, the second wave of fire arrows fell from the night sky and shot into the Rao Manor. The roof cracked and caught on fire. Fifty masked men jumped into Rao Manor from the roof and began to kill everyone they saw. The front door of the Rao Manor was pushed opened, Cao Fengge and another fifty Beixing disciples rushed in.

Dong Shun saw Cao Fengge walked in through the front door. He grabbed the sword and shouted angrily, "Cao Fengge, you go to hell!" He sprinted towards Cao Fengge, but a red thread flew over, pierced his left calf muscle.

Cao Fengge jumped forward and pulled the red thread from Dong Shun's leg. Then he flew into the guest hall and began to attack Rao Qingsheng. Cao Fengge's disciples quickly attacked the injured Dong Shun.

Rao Qingsheng drew out the butterfly sword and attacked Cao Fengge. He chased Cao Fengge around the guest hall. When Cao Fengge evaded the attack, he found the dead nurse who was holding the child. He grabbed the child and put the child in front of him, only then did Rao Qingsheng drew his sword. Cao Fengge took the opportunity to punch Rao Qingsheng's left abdomen, breaking his two ribs. With this punch, Rao Qingsheng stumbled onto a table. Rao Qingsheng knelt on the ground on one knee and slowly got up. He looked to the left and saw the dead maid holding Dong Lanying.

Cao Fengge pinched the child's neck and squeezed it hard. He said, "Rao Qingsheng, I was lenient towards you, but it doesn't mean you are above me."

Rao Qingsheng, "Let the child go, he doesn't know anything."

Cao Fengge, "Ah, how I hope this is a child of the Mu family? I want Mu Jiao Long to kneel in front of me and beg me, like back then I begged him to return my son to me. Anyway, what is mine has always be mine." He laughed hard and squeezed the child's neck.

Dong Qiji flew out from behind Cao Fengge and attacked him. Cao Fengge hurriedly threw the toddler to the ground and blasted Dong Qiji with all his strength. Dong Qiji hit the pillar that was in the room. Rao Qingsheng quickly grabbed Dong Lanying, rushed forward, and grabbed his newborn son. Cao Fengge hit another strike at Rao Qingsheng's back and Rao Qingsheng flew forward towards Dong Qiji.

Rao Qingsheng stuffed the two children into Dong Qiji's arms and raised his hand to block Cao Fengge's needle. Cao Fengge's fast and powerful needle pierced his right hand. He quickly size the opportunity wrapped the red thread tightly around his right arms and pulled Cao Fengge toward him. He pulled Cao Fengge back into the guest hall.

Cao Fengge gave another red thread and wrapped it around Rao Qingsheng's neck. Rao Qingsheng grabbed the red thread around his neck.

Dong Qiji rushed toward the door to Dong Shun.

Rao Qingsheng shouted, "Shun, take your wife and children." Cao Fengge's red thread tighten around his neck. "Leave!" Cao Fengge's red thread completed wrapped around his neck.

Dong Shun shouted, "Da ge!"

Rao Qingsheng, "Go!"

Dong Shun and Dong Qiji walked out, and four Beixing disciples chased after them. Rao Qingsheng flew to the door and closed the door. He pressed his body against the door. He knew that he will not escape death today, but at least he could slow down Cao Fengge's pace.

Cao Fengge raised a sword from the ground, placed it in his right hand, and threw the sword at Rao Qingsheng. The fast and powerful sword pierced Rao Qingsheng's chest.

Cao Fengge flew to Rao Qingsheng and said, "I remember you slapped me in our first duel, and I slapped you back. Do you like it?"

Rao Qingsheng, "Cao Fengge, you…"

Cao Fengge whispered in Rao Qingsheng's right ear, "Your whole family is dead because you stepped on this fox's tail." He laughed softly. "I'm going to kill your other son."

Rao Qingsheng wanted to pull himself up from the door, but he couldn't, "Cao Fengge..."

Cao Fengge shot twenty red thread needles into Rao Qingsheng's neck. Rao Qingsheng blocked the door and died.

Cao Fengge said, "I want Dong Shun and his wife dead along with the two children." He looked at Rao Qingsheng. "After confirming that there is no survival, I will return and burn you."