Chapter 10 Undressing

The heavy rain made it difficult for Yongzheng to see what is in front of him. He walked slowly because he knew that Xue Horan sprained his ankle. At this moment, he knew Xue Horan pain must be severe. When he was about to turned around, Miao Mingzhu yelled at him.

Miao Mingzhu shouted, "I will break his neck if you stop walking."

Yongzheng had no choice but to move on aimlessly.

Miao Mingzhu couldn't see much in front of her, but she continued to drag Xue Horan, who was limping beside her. She could hardly see Wang Biming's back as the wind blew the rain directly into her face. Then suddenly Xue Horan stumbled to the ground.

When Xue Horan fell down to the ground, his right palm braced his fall, his palm scraped the rocks on the road, and his right palm began to bleed.

Yongzheng turned around and walked towards Miao Mingzhu and Xue Horan. He said, "Miao Xiaojie, we have to find a place to rest. It won't help us to walk in the rain like this."

Miao Mingzhu said, "As soon as I put down my defenses, you will kill us."

Yongzheng, "I told you before, I don't kill." He paused and looked at Miao Mingzhu. "You may not remember me, but I still remember you."

Miao Mingzhu asked, "Have we met?"

Yongzheng, "The burning pagoda by the river cliff. I am one of the people who went to help the prisoners."

Miao Mingzhu, "You are the stinking Taoist who closed the gate and caused my plan to fail."

Yongzheng said, "I knew you two were people from Yueguang Sector. Taoism didn't teach us to kill. If I wanted to kill, then I would have kill you long ago."

Miao Mingzhu let go Xue Horan. She said, "I have never seen anyone as crazy as you. You are willing to jump into the river to save those useless martial artists."

Yongzheng said, "Everyone loves their lives, including the smallest creatures. I thought you were wrong in taking the dark road. I will help you carry him to a safe place, afterward, we can part ways."

Miao Mingzhu frowned, "You stinky Taoist, if you play tricks with me, I will kill your friend."

Yongzheng said, "On the contrary, this benefactor is not my friend. This benefactor and I just met."

Miao Mingzhu stared at Xue Horan for a while, then let go of Xue Horan's hand. She said, "Find a place to shelter from the rain. If you dare to play games with me, I will kill you two."

The rain was heavy, and the four found a fabric mill on the outskirts of a village. Miao Mingzhu kicked the door open, and there was no one inside. Inside the fabric mill, the roles and roles of fabrics of different colors are hung throughout the open mill.

Yongzheng placed Wang Biming in the corner by the door. Miao Mingzhu hurried to help Wang Biming. Yongzheng helped Xue Horan to sit opposite Miao Mingzhu and Wang Biming.

Yongzheng asked, "How do you feel?"

Xue Horan, "I'm cold."

Yongzheng asked, "How is your ankle?"

Xue Horan replied, "Burning in pain."

Yongzheng, "You wait. I'll find something for us to change."

Yongzheng stood up and began to walk around. He walked back and found that there was no one here. Then he saw a bed, he looked around, and it seemed that someone was sleeping on the bed. He approached cautiously. He touched the corpse, and an old man turned around. Yongzheng retreated.

The old man sat up and looked at Yongzheng. The old man asked, "Who are you? You are not Ah Tin."

Yongzheng said, "May we trouble you to stay here for one night?"

The old man shouted loudly, "What?" He pointed to his ear. "My hearing is not good. You must speak loudly."

Yongzheng said loudly, "Can you let us stay for one night?"

The old man smiled and said, "Of course. Only me and Ah Tin stay here." He looked at the window. "It's raining, I don't think Ah Tin will be back tonight."

Yongzheng asked, "Are there any dry clothes?"

The old man took out a small box from under the bed and said, "These clothes belong to Ah Tin." Yongzheng grabbed four robes and four pants, and he gave the old man four liangs. The old man shook his head. "No. Ah Tin has a lot of clothes."

Yongzheng thanked the old man and took the clothes back to the three of people. The old man followed Yongzheng.

Seeing the old man, Miao Mingzhu stood up angrily, "Who is he?"

Yongzheng, "He is our host." Yongzheng walked to Miao Mingzhu. "Miao xiaojie, I hope you don't do stupid things. I don't want to hurt you."

The old man said, "When everyone is changed, you can go to sleep up there." He pointed to an loft. "That's where we put extra blankets, and it's where the workers usually sleep."

Miao Mingzhu approached the old man. Xue Horan quickly got up and interrupted Miao Mingzhu. He held the old man's hand and said, "Thank you, lao shushu."

The old man said, "Huh?"

Yongzheng said, "He has poor hearing."

Xue Horan smiled and said loudly, "Thank you, lao shushu."

The old man chuckled and said, "Help yourself. There are extra blankets up there. I'll go to the kitchen to see if there is anything left to eat."

Miao Mingzhu then said, "Thank you, here is a little token for your kindness." She reached into her robe and took out a small perfume bag. She gave it to the old man. "Smell it."

The old man sniffed twice and said, "This smell very good." He yawned and slowly closed his eyes.

Xue Horan quickly grabbed the old man. He said, "Give him the antidote?"

Miao Mingzhu looked at Xue Horan and said, "I just give him sleeping powder, no antidote is needed."

Xue Horan, "I don't believe you."

Miao Mingzhu, "Believe me or not, I don't care."

Yongzheng said, "Maio Xiaojie, I did warn you."

Miao Mingzhu said, "You did, I can hear you clearly. If he doesn't wake up tomorrow, then you can kill me."

Yongzheng hurriedly checked the pulse of the old man, and it seemed that his pulse was still strong. Yongzheng picked up the old man and carried him onto the bed. He put the blanket on the old man and walked back to the three men.

Yongzheng threw two robes and two pants at Miao Mingzhu. Only then did Miao Mingzhu begin to undress in front of the two of them.

Xue Horan, "Maio xiaojie, don't change in front of us." He quickly turned around.

Miao Mingzhu asked Yongzheng again, "You didn't turn around, do you want to see more?"

Yongzheng said blankly, "I have no feeling for you, so you wear clothes or no clothes when you stand in front of me, you are just a person without gender."

Miao Mingzhu said, "Really?" She slowly unfastened her belt, her wet clothes fell to the ground, and her pants fell to her feet. Immediately afterwards, she slowly opened her robe, revealing her two breasts, but Yongzheng was not affected by Miao Mingzhu's actions. Miao Mingzhu slowly dressed herself. She smiled at Yongzheng. "You are the first man to see me naked, but it's a pity... you didn't even flinch." She giggled.

Xue Horan asked, "Does she wear clothes?"

Yongzheng said, "She is clothed."

Only then, Xue Horan turned around.

Miao Mingzhu then said, "Please help me dress him." She quickly flew toward the loft and began to spread the blanket.

When Yongzheng began to change clothes, Xue Horan also turned his head away, not looking at Yongzheng. Yongzheng dressed himself, and after he dressed Wang Biming, he looked at Xue Horan, who was still wearing wet clothes.

Yongzheng asked, "Why haven't you changed?"

Xue Horan hesitated and said, "I...I...I just wear wet clothes."

Yongzheng said, "Change your wet clothes, it will be more comfortable."

Xue Horan said, "You take that da ge to sleep first. I will change."

Yong Zheng grabbed Wang Biming and carried him to the loft. Miao Mingzhu had already prepared a blanket for him. Looking down at the door, he still saw Xue Horan who had not changed his clothes. He climbed down the bamboo ladder and walked to Xue Horan.

Yongzheng asked, "What's the matter?"

Xue Horan said, "I'm fine, you can go to sleep."

Yongzheng asked, "Are you shy?"

Xue Horan replied, "No…"

Yongzheng looked at Xue Horan, holding the dry clothes tightly in his hands, looking at Yongzheng nervously.

Yongzheng said, "You can change inside there, no one will look at you." Yongzheng pointed to the hanging fabrics. "I will stand here to guard. I promise I won't look back."

Xue Horan took off his boots and socks first, then his pants. He quickly put on his pants, then a robe, and then tied his belt tightly around his waist. Then he said, "I'm done." Xue Horan then hung up his clothes.

Yongzheng and Xue Horan climbed the bamboo ladder to the loft and sleep far away from Miao Mingzhu and Wang Biming.

Yongzheng and Xue Horan sat down side by side, leaning on the rice sacs. After a while, Xue Horan fell asleep first, and Xue Horan's head slowly fell on Yongsheng's right shoulder. Yongzheng looked at Xue Horan's innocent face, his long eyelashes, and slightly pinkish lips, his heart began to beat faster.

When Yongzheng was about to reach out to touch Xue Horan's irresistible face, Xue Horan murmured, "Zhen ge, I miss you."Xue Horan adjusted himself in his sleep and his head is lay on Yongsheng's thigh. "Zhen ge, I'm cold."

Yongzheng took the last blanket and covered Xue Horan. He stared at Xue Horan's undeniable beauty while he is sleep, inexplicably giving him a sense of self-satisfaction that he had never had before.