Chapter 13 Fight All Night

Rao Zhengsheng stood in front of Dong Lanying. Red Mice and Green Mice guarded Cao Yanmei. Yellow Mice, Blue Mice, and Black Mice attacked Rao Zhengsheng. Yuan Xiurong helped up Dong Lanying up and they retreated to the pile of bamboo. Green Mice rushed towards the two women. Xue Horan sent his scabbard directly to Green Mice. Green Mice quickly arched back, and the scabbard hit a pole that propped up the loft. Xue Horan sprinted forward towards Green Mice.

Rao Zhengsheng grabbed a piece of cloth hung on a bamboo pole and wrapped the cloth around Black Mice. He grabbed the end of the cloth, he swayed his body behind Black Mice and kicked Yellow Mice. Yellow Mice retracted to the front door, and Rao Zhengsheng threw Black Mice at the lines of wet fabrics.

Black Mice collided into the wet fabric lines, and his body was stained with different colors. Black Mice stood up and shredded the fabric holding him with his internal energy. He sprinted toward Rao Zhengsheng.

Xue Horan flew over and slashed Green Mice with his sword. Green Mice kicked Xue Horan's right hand with his right foot. Xue Horan jumped up high, and landed on Green Mice's head. Green Mice grabbed Xue Horan's ankle. Xue Horan pressed his right foot heavily on Green Mice's head. Green Mice grabbed Xue Horan's foot and threw him to the front door.

Xue Horan whirled in the air and flew towards the door. Yongzheng hit Blue Mice in the back. Blue Mice jumped forward to Yongzheng, but Yongzheng flew over Blue Mice. Yongzheng kicked Cao Yanmei's right shoulder and smashed her into Red Mice who hit the left door frame. Yongzheng flew forward and hugged Xue Horan in his arms. The two flew out from the front door towards the open space in the kitchen. After landing, Yongzheng put Xue Horan on the wooden bench.

Yongzheng turned to Xue Horan and said, "Be careful." Yongzheng sprinted towards Cao Yanmei, Red Mice and Blue Mice, because he knew that Xue Horan's ankle had not healed yet, so he rather drive them away from Xue Horan.

Cao Yanmei, "You stinky Taoist." She drew her sword and rushed towards Yongzheng. Following her were Red Mice and Blue Mice.

Yellow Mice flew out of the front door into the open area. Following him were Rao Zhengsheng, Dong Lanying and Yuan Xiurong. Rao Zhengsheng hugged Yuan Xiurong and flew quickly to where Xue Horan was sitting. He let go of Yuan Xiurong.

Rao Zhengsheng looked at Yuan Xiurong and said, "Xiurong, stay here with Horan." He grabbed Dong Lanying's left hand. "Shimei, you stay here to protect them."

Yongzheng punched Cao Yanmei on the left shoulder and she flew back towards the door. Yellow Mice rushed forward to catch Cao Yanmei, and before she fall to the ground. The other four mice hurried back to check Cao Yanmei.

Cao Yanmei shouted angrily, "You five go kill Rao Zhengsheng and the dirty Taoist."

The five-colored mice lunged at Yongzheng and Rao Zhengsheng, while Cao Yanmei lunged directly at Xue Horan.

Xue Horan hit with his right foot, repelled the sword from stabbing him, Cao Yanmei had to take a step back.

Xue Horan said, "Cao gu niang, I have nothing to do with you, why are you targeting me?"

Cao Yanmei, "That stinky Taoist kicked me because of you. He slammed me into the door and I hit my right shoulder. You let me stab your left shoulder and I will let go."

Dong Lanying, "Honestly, if you stab his left shoulder, my da shixiong might chop off your hand."

Cao Yanmei, "Are you so special to Rao Zhengsheng?" She smiled. "If I take you, Rao Zhengsheng will gravel at my feet." She stabbed her sword at Xue Horan. Xue Horan arched backward to avoid the sword and he fell to the ground.

Dong Lanying intercepted Cao Yanmei's sword and started fighting with her.

Rao Zhengsheng shouted, "Horan!" He stretched his hand to his back and grabbed his butterfly sword.

Yellow Mice's fist pounced towards Rao Zhengsheng. Rao Zhengsheng grasped the right hilt tightly and blocked Yellow Mice's fist. The impact of the collision caused Yellow Mice's right knuckle to shatter. Yellow Mice swung his left hand to Rao Zhengsheng, but Rao Zhengsheng quickly swung the butterfly sword of his right hand, slitting Yellow Mice's left wrist. Rao Zhengsheng slammed a heavy punch directly on the top of the Yellow Mice's upper chest. With a violent punch, Yellow Mice dropped on the ground and sliding to the bottom of the three steps stair in the front door of the fabric mill. Yellow Mice hit its head on the steps, Yellow Mice died on the spot.

Rao Zhengsheng began to attack Black Mice. Rao Zhengsheng knees on Black Mice's chest, Black Mice blocked it with his hands, and took two steps back. Rao Zhengsheng swayed to the right side of Black Mice and spun around to the back of Black Mice. His left butterfly sword directly pierced into Black Mice's upper left arm. Rao Zhengsheng kicked the back of Black Mice left knee, and Black Mice fell to the ground. As soon as Rao Zhengsheng raised his head, he saw the legs of Red Mice and Blue Mice swinging towards him. He drew the sword from the upper left arm of Black Mice and turned the butterfly sword over. Rao Zhengsheng blocked the legs of Red Mice and Blue Mice with the sword brass. Green Mice took the opportunity to fly over and kicked Rao Zhengsheng, but Zhao Zhengsheng had already rushed forward and kicked Green Mice. Just as Green mice staggered back towards the fabric mill, Rao Zhengsheng flew straight to him.

When Cao Yanmei had the upper hand, she kicked Dong Lanying to the ground. Cao Yanmei stabbed the sword, but was kicked away by Yongzheng. At that time, Yongzheng sprinted forward and hit Cao Yanmei's left shoulder. Cao Yanmei fell to the ground.

Cao Yanmei stood up madly and yelled at Yongzheng, "You stinky Taoist, this is the third times you hit me."

Yongzheng said, "If you don't hit others, you won't get hit."

Cao Yanmei looked at Yongzheng madly. She shouted, "I am going to kill you."

Then an arrow flew directly at Cao Yanmei, Yongzheng stepped forward quickly standing in front of Cao Yanmei and knocked the arrow to the side. Cao Yanmei cut his left arm, but he grabbed her by the waist and swing her away from the second arrow. Then more arrows flew in their direction.

Rao Zhengsheng shouted, "Go back inside."

Yongzheng let go of Cao Yanmei's hand, "Go back inside now."

Cao Yanmei, "You." She quickly run into the fabric mill for cover.

Yuan Xiurong helped Dong Lanying and Yongzheng picked up Xue Horan and the four people ran back inside the fabric mill.

Li Fu shouted, "Everyone inside listens well. I need the handsome young man in light green clothes and the arrogant man from Beixing Sector who killed my younger brother."

Cao Yanmei shouted out the window, "Who the hell are you?"

Li Jiang, "Da ge, it's her brother who blinded me and killed Ah Jin."

Li Fu shouted, "Li Fu."

Rao Zhengsheng, "Li Fu, what is he doing here?" He turned to Xue Horan. "Li Fu's men are the one who hurt you?"

Xue Horan said, "They didn't hurt me, I sprained my ankle myself."

Cao Yanmei, "Who the hell is Li Fu anyway?"

Dong Lanying, "You call yourself a martial artist, but you don't know who Li Fu is."

Cao Yanmei said, "I don't."

Red Mice said, "Lady Cao, Fu Li is one of the chief of the Seventy-two Islands. They have the most disciples in the martial arts world."

Dong Lanying, "If you are smart enough, you won't be an enemy of them."

Cao Yanmei, "Well, I am not the one they want. I should be fine, but it looks like they want him." She pointed at Xue Horan. "So, we are safe."

Li Fu shouted, "If you don't come out by yourself, I will force you out." He looked at his ten men. "Light them up."

Li Fu's ten men aimed their arrows at the fabric mill, and shot at the fabric mill one fire arrow after another.

Chao Yanmei frowned, "Those bastards are going to burn us alive, what shall we do?"

Just as Li Fu's men released another wave of arrows, Cao Wenyan flew out from behind Li Fu and began to attack Li Fu. Li Fu's men quickly dropped bow and arrow and began helping Li Fu to attack Cao Wenyan.

Cao Yanmei exclaimed happily, "Ge!" She kicked one of the door panel opened and rushed out with the four Mice.

Cao Wenyan walked towards Cao Yanmei. He asked, "Are you hurt?"

Cao Yanmei, "No, I am not injured."

Li Jiang cried, "Da ge, that man killed Li Jin."

Li Fu said angrily, "Kill them."

Rao Zhengsheng, Yongzheng, Xue Horan, Yuan Xiurong and Dong Lanying came out of the burning house.

When Cao Wenyan saw Rao Zhengsheng, he drew a dagger from his sleeve and pointed it at Rao Zhengsheng.

Xue Horan, "Watch out." He stepped in front of Rao Zhengsheng and closed his eyes. Xue Horan was waiting for the dagger to hit him, but he didn't feel the pain. Then he heard a grunting sound. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Yongzheng's back standing in front of him.

Cao Yanmei frowned angrily, "Stinky Taoist."

Xue Horan murmured, "Yongzheng…" He limped to the left side of Yongzheng. "Yongzheng, are you all right."

Yongzheng looked at Xue Horan, "I'm fine."

Just when Li's subordinates rushed up, another person flew over and crashed into the dining table, attracting everyone's attention.

Zhou Guotin slowly got up from the broken table and vomited a mouthful of blood.

Rao Zhengsheng, "Zhou Guotin, one of the five gentlemen of Huangshan. What is he doing here?"

Then they heard the sound of something being dragged heading closer to them. They turned to the dragging sound that is approaching them from the darkness, and slowly emerged the group was a man in black who dragged Su Lie Jie and Yen Shoi Ming.

Zhou Guotin gurgling blood in his mouth, "Da…shixiong…"

Li Fu, "Who the hell are you?"

The man in black threw the bodies of Su Lie Ji and Yen Shoi Ming on the ground. He replied, "Tonight, I'm Heibai Wuchang."