Chapter 17 Until The Last Breath

The sound of sword collisions echoed across the mountain. The disciples of the Huangshan Sector fought fiercely with the eleven unknown people. The disciples of Huangshan were trying to escape, but the eleven unknown men in black aimed at their lives.

A seriously wounded disciple from Huangshan Sector said, "Da shixiong, you go now, we will block them."

As the four brothers escaped, the remaining sixteen disciples of Huangshan Sector began to attack the eleven men in black.

The four brothers ran all night carrying Yang Ru. Early the next morning, the four brother decided to rest. Yang Ru woke up. He looked at the three brothers who were asleep not far from him. Only then did Yang Ru realize that his hands were tied to the tree.

Yang Ru shouted confusedly, "Da shixiong! Da shixiong!"

Su Lie Jie, Yen Shoi Ming, and Zhou Guotin opened their eyes and looked at Yang Ru. They are still cautiously staying away from Yang Ru.

Yang Ru was a little confused about their reactions. He looked at them strangely. He asked, "What happened to the three of you?"

Zhou Guotin, "Si ge, who am I?"

Yang Ru, "Wu di, what's wrong with you?" He looked at Su Lie Jie and Yen Shoi Ming. "Da ge… er ge, why are the three of you acting so weird."

Yen Shoi Ming asked, "Si di, do you remember what happened?"

Yang Ru, "No, the last thing I remembered was that I stood in front of the Mu cave entrance. Then I saw Suo Baojing. I was going to fight him until my last breath to avenge for san ge."

Su Lie Jie, "You were fighting us, not Suo Baojing." He walked over and cut the rope that bonded Yang Ru's hands. "We thought you went mad."

Yen Shoi Ming, "There must be some poison in that cave."

The four brothers took care of their injuries. After having enough rest, they started walking into town. When the sun began to set, the three brothers sat around the small bonfire and suddenly an arrow flew directly at Su Lie Jie. He quickly turned around and drew his sword, slicing the arrow in half. The four brothers quickly stood up and faced the eleven men in black.

Zhou Guotin said angrily, "You kind of dog, surely know how to chase us very quickly."

The man in black said, "Once my eyes is set on something, I refuse to let it go."

Yen Shoi Ming, "Who are you? I don't believe we ever cross path."

The man in blacked looked at the four brothers and said, "Let just say, you shouldn't dig into other people's problems."

The eleven men rushed towards the four brothers with their sword. Yang Ru and Zhou Guotin began to fight the ten men, while Yen Shoi Ming and Su Lie Jie fought the leader in black.

Yang Ru and Zhou Guotin have practiced together as long as they can remember, so when the two gentlemen of Huangshan fought the ten in black, it is not difficult for them to defeat the ten men in black.

Yang Ru swung his sword at one of the man in black, but the man in black shot a dagger at him, making him furious. He quickly spun his body around the man to the back, and swung the long sword directly behind the man's left knee. The man in black knelt on one knee. Then Yang Ru elbow the back of the man's head knocked him to the ground. Yang Ru flipped his sword and pierced directly into the left chest of the fallen man. Yang Ru's sharp sword instantly killed the man.

Yang Ru rushed to the other man. He shouted, "Wu di, don't show any mercy."

The man in black began to fight Yen Shoi Ming and Su Lie Jie. Yen Shoi Ming and Su Lie Jie swung their swords at the men in black, and the men in black flew over them quickly, shooting four needles at Yen Shoi Ming and Su Lie Jie. The two gentlemen of Huangshan knocked out the four needles.

Su Lie Jie took the lead and directly attacked the man in black head-on, while Yen Shoi Ming attacked from the sides. The two gentlemen of Huangshan began to switch between the two, attacking the man in black, one sword after another, and the man in black retreated.

Immediately afterwards, the two gentlemen of Huangshan shot a bright sword energy light at the man in black. The man in black was spinning in the air, flying farther away from the two gentlemen of Huangshan. In doing so, the man in black let out ten needles thread that went straight entwining around the two men's swords tightly. The man in black ripped the long sword away from the two of them, and punched Yen Shoi Ming and Su Lie Jie directly at their chest, causing Yen Shoi Ming and Su Lie Jie to fly back to the ground and spit out blood.

Yang Ru and Zhou Guotin killed the last two man in black and rushed towards their fallen brothers. Yang Ru was the only person who was not injured. He looked at Zhou Guotin and said, "Wu di, take da ge and er ge away. I will hold him off." He drew his sword.

Yen Shoi Ming and Su Lie Jie put their arm around Zhou Guotin, and Zhou Guotin support their waist. The three brothers began to run away, leaving Yang Ru behind.

Zhou Guotin spotted a large burning flame nearby. He realized that if there is flame, there will be people, so he rushed towards the large burning flame. Zhou Guotin had to slow down his paces because Yen Shoi Ming and Su Lie Jie began to vomit blood badly.

Yen Shoi Ming said, "Wu di, leave me here and take da ge with you."

Su Lie Jie, "Wu di, leave us here. As long as one of us could return back to shifu, you can still avenge for us." He coughed. "Our death will not be in vein."

Zhou Guotin said decisively, "No, let's go together. Even if I fight to the last breath, I will not leave you two." He continued to drag the injured brothers towards the burning flames.

When they were half way to the large burning flame, Zhou Guotin noticed that it was a burning house and he could hear the sound of fighting. Immediately, Yen Shoi Ming and Su Lie Jie were forcibly pulled back. As soon as Zhou Guotin turned around, he saw the man in the black palm directly hitting Yen Shoi Ming and Su Lie Jie's chest.

Su Lie Jie shouted, "Wu di, run away."

The man in black grabbed onto the Yen Shoi Ming and Su Lie Jie's neck, then he threw the two gentlemen of Huangshan down to the ground, rushing towards Zhou Guotin.

The man in black began attacking Zhou Guotin mercilessly. The man in black then released ten needles at Zhou Guotin. Zhou Guotin was able to block a few needles, but was hit by a few needles. The man in black took the opportunity to quickly rushed towards the injured Zhou Guotin, hit him heavily on the abdomen, and drove Zhou Guotin over the fence and hit a table in front of the burning house.

The man in black turned his head to look at the two seriously injured gentlemen of Huangshan. He looked at them, they were still alive. He pinched their throats and said, "I envy your brotherhood." He sighed. "Protect each other to the last breath. How honorable? But tsk…tsk…tsk…it's a pity."

The man in black broke the necks of Yen Shoi Ming and Su Lie Jie. He threw the bodies of Yen Shoi Ming and Su Lie Jie on the ground. He bend down, grabbed Yen Shoi Ming and Su Lie Jie's back collars, and began to drag the two gentlemen of Huangshan toward the burning fabric mill.