Chapter 30 No Meeting Last Forever

Early in the morning, the birds sang in the woods. Xue Horan finally woke up with a pair of big red swallow eyes. His beautiful eyes turned into eyes that had just been stung by hornet bees.

Xue Horan looked up at Yongzheng and found that Yongzheng was still meditating. He lifted his head from Yongzheng's left shoulder. He said, "Yongzheng, is morning."

Yongzheng looked at Xue Horan and he asked, "Did you sleep well?"

Xue Horan, "My neck hurts." He feels his eyes. "Yongzheng, can you not tell anyone about last night, and don't ask me why I cried."

Yongzheng said, "Alright."

Xue Horan stood up and stretched out his arms. He hugged the morning sunshine with a smile on his face, and he sighed happily. He asked, "Are we even close to Sword Village at all?"

Yongzheng said, "We are about a day walk from Sword Village."

Xue Horan said, "To be honest, I just want to go home, but since we are a day of walking to Sword Village, if I don't go to Sword Village, I will regret it later."

Yongzheng asked, "Are we looking for your Zhen ge?"

Xue Horan recalled his memory from yesterday. He decided that since he had nothing to compete with the smart elegant Yuan Xiurong, he forfeit. Also, what Yongzheng said last night made him understood that if Rao Zhengsheng is beyond his reach, what is the point of reaching out his arms trying to pull Rao Zhengsheng towards him, so he forfeit. He believe in the word of love. If he really loves a person wholeheartedly, he also hopes that the other person will really love him in the same way.

Xue Horan learned from the conversation between Rao Zhengsheng and Yuan Xiurong that inside Rao Zhengsheng's heart, he loves Yuan Xiurong just like him. This is another reason why he decided to give up and return to Butterfly Island.

Xue Horan said, "Let's go forward, we might find him along the way."

Yongzheng found that Xue Horan's behavior was strange. From the time he and Xue Horan were together, he knew that Xue Horan and Rao Zhengsheng had a special relationship. Something must had happened between the two. He wanted to ask Xue Horan and talk to him, but was afraid that Xue Horan didn't want to answer his questions, so he decided to keep his lips close.

Yongzheng, "Then let's go back to the river to see if anyone is there. I only know the way to Sword Village if we are on the main road."

Xue Horan chuckled, "So, you don't know the way from here."

Yongzheng, "No…" Hearing Xue Horan's laughter, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Xue Horan took a few steps, but Yongzheng didn't seem to follow him. He turned around and found that Yongzheng was still sitting. He asked, "What's the matter?"

Yongzheng said, "My knees are both stiff." He was sitting in the same position being a pillar for Xue Horan's heartaches throughout the entire night, so his legs became stiff and numb.

Xue Horan stretched out his hand, "I'll help you get up."

Yongzheng stretched out his hand slowly, grabbed Xue Horan's hand, and pulled himself up. They walked back along the river bank, and found some survivor martial artists along the way, and they walked with the martial artists to Sword Village.

Yongzheng and Xue Horan walked three miles with the survivor martial artists, only to see a small village, and followed the martial artists to the village. In front of the village there is an open vendor stall. The tired martial artists sits and rest.

One of the martial asked, "Boss, do you see any martial artists came by?"

The shop owner said, "Yes, a large group of martial artists just came by two days ago. Some young martial artists also came yesterday. This morning there are some young martial artists came through too. If I heard correctly, I believe they are heading to Sword Village."

The martial artist thanked the shop owner. He said to the person sitting next to him, "It seems that we are not the only survivors."

Another martial artist said, "Let's take a break, wait until we recover, and then continue to Sword Village."

This is Xue Horan's first visit to Central Plains, and there are many things he doesn't know. He turned to Yongzheng and asked, "Yongzheng, why should these people rush to Sword Village?"

Yongzheng said, "Sword Village is a gathering place for all martial artists, both black and white."

Xue Horan, "There are black and white martial artist?"

Yongzheng said, "This is just a term used in martial arts circles to describe orthodox and unorthodox."

Xue Horan asked, "How do we know that the orthodox sectors are sectors full of righteousness? And those who are from unorthodox sectors are really evil as they say?"

Yongzheng asked, "You don't believe it?"

Xue Horan shook his head and said, "My father taught us to look at a person, not to judge him from his origin, but to judge him with our hearts. Only our hearts can truly judge whether a person is good or bad."

Yongzheng said, "Your father reminds me of my shifu."

Xue Horan, "If your shifu's philosophy is the same as my father's, then he is a good person." Then he paused for a moment. "Yongzheng..."

Yongzheng, "What's wrong?"

Xue Horan frowned, "I lost my money bag."

Yongzheng said, "It's alright, mine is still here."

Rao Zhengsheng and Yuan Xiurong saw many martial artists sitting in a distance eating.

Yuan Xiurong, "Go and ask if they seen Horan."

When Rao Zhengsheng and Yuan Xiurong got closer and closer to the group of martial artists, Rao Zhengsheng discovered that Xue Horan and Yongzheng were sitting side by side at the same table. He witnessed Xue Horan and Yongzheng eating together happily. He saw Yongzheng took out a handkerchief and wipe Xue Horan's face. Seeing this, his heart began to pound. He clenched his fists and walked to Yongzheng and Xue Horan. He is ready to fight Yongzheng to death.

Rao Zhengsheng grabbed Yongzheng's hand and grasped it tightly. He gritted his teeth and said unpleasantly, "Take your hand away from his face." He pulled Yongzheng's hand away. He turned Xue Horan to face him. He saw small puffiness in Xue Horan's eyes. "What's wrong?"

Xue Horan smiled, "Zhen ge…" He wanted to open his eyes, but the spicy flavor of the noodle soup was too strong to open his eyes. "There is some soup in my eyes, Yongzheng, help me wipe it off."

Rao Zhengsheng took out his own handkerchief and wetted with some tea and wiped Xue Horan's eyes. After repeating it four times, Xue Horan finally opened his eyes.

Xue Horan said, "Zhen ge, I can open my eyes now, but my vision is still very poor. It may take a while for my vision to return to normal."

Rao Zhengsheng replied, "I am here now, so you don't have to worry." He moved Xue Horan to another stool, and he sat right between Xue Horan and Yongzheng. He turned to Yongzheng. "Thank you for caring for Hao'er, but I will take care of him from now on."

Yongzheng, who has experienced many difficulties throughout his life, he understood what Rao Zhengsheng meant. He knew that he would be separated from Xue Horan sooner or later, so he decided that since Rao Zhengsheng is here, he could go home after lunch.

Yongzheng said without hesitation, "I promised Horan to take him to meet you. I already completed my task. There is no meeting that last forever, so I will go home after lunch."

Xue Horan said, "Yongzheng, I thought we were going to Sword Village together?"

Yongzheng said, "Your Zhen ge is here, Sword Village is not far from here. He will take you there."

There are sadness in Xue Horan's voice, "Will we meet again?"

Yongzheng said, "As long as we are still alive, one day we will cross path."

Xue Horan asked, "Yongzheng, are you going to visit Butterfly Island if you visit south?"

Yongzheng, "If I go south, I will visit you." He looked at Xue Horan and Rao Zhengsheng. "You two take care." Yongzheng stood up and walked away. He met Yuan Xiurong as Yuan Xiurong walked towards Xue Horan and Rao Zhengsheng. He nodded at Yuan Xiurong and disappeared into the crowd.

Yuan Xiurong sat next to Roa Zhengsheng. She smiled at Xue Horan and said, "Horan, we finally found you."

Xue Horan smiled and said, "Xiurong jiejie, you are here now." He didn't looked at her, because he fear that if he does meet her eyes, he might did things that is unimaginable to her.

Rao Zhengsheng, "After eating, let's find a place to rest before going to Sword Village."