Chapter 59 Escape The Burning Manor

Rao Zhengsheng and Yuan Xiurong were sitting inside the burnt old pavilion. The young lovers overlook the moon, and the night wind gently blows across their young faces.

Yuan Xiurong said, "I am wondering when father will arrive?"

Rao Zhengsheng said, "It will take a few days for Chief Yuan to arrive. Xiurong, knowing that many people have died here, do you mind living here?"

Yuan Xiurong smiled and said, "As long as you are by my side, it doesn't matter where I live."

Rao Zhengsheng, "I'm thinking over there." He pointed to the left. "It used to be my parents' room. It should be Horan's quarter." He looked at Yuan Xiurong. "That side should be yours. It's a bit smaller than Horan's, but I hope you didn't mind."

Yuan Xiurong smiled and said, "I don't mind, let Horan pick it first when we rebuild the area."

Rao Zhengsheng held Yuan Xiurong's hands. He smiled and said, "Xiurong, thank you for giving me everything. The most important thing is, thank you for understanding and accepting me. I am grateful to have someone like you by my side, giving me strength and courage. I don't want you to put yourself lower than Horan, because in my heart, you two are equally important." He held Yuan Xiurong in his arms. He looked up and saw a wave of fire arrows flying towards them.

Rao Zhengsheng quickly lifted the stone table over and hid Yuan Xiurong behind the table. He said, "Stay there. I'll go get Dong shushu."

Yuan Xiurong nodded to Rao Zhengsheng.

Rao Zhengsheng went straight to the resting place of Dong Shushu. When Rao Zhengsheng arrived in Dong Shun's room, he kicked the door open. He found that Dong Shun was still in bed. He picked up Dong Shun and carrying him out of the room. He kicked Dong Lanying's bedroom door; she was not inside. "Lanying!"

Dong Shun said decisively, "Zhengsheng, we are not leaving without Lanying."

Yongzheng and Xue Horan were still in bed, and four fire arrows flew through the window panels into the bedroom. Two fire arrows hit the back wall, and the fire quickly spread to the sheets and bed drapes. Yongzheng rolled their naked bodies off the bed to the ground. He quickly grabbed Xue Horan's clothes to prevent it from catching fire. He handed Xue Horan the robe and pants. The two quickly dressed themselves. Yongzheng held onto Xue Horan's hand, and the two rushed out the door.

Rao Zhengsheng rushed back to the small pavilion and met Dong Lanying who was fighting with four disciples of Beixing Sector.

Dong Shun quickly said, "Zhengsheng let me down, go help Lanying."

Rao Zhengsheng put down Dong Shun and went straight to Dong Lanying. He began to fight the four men with Dong Lanying.

Yongzheng and Xue Horan found Yuan Xiurong was being dragged away by two people. Yongzheng hurriedly flew forward and hit the two men. Yongzheng's blow knocked the two back into the burning pavilion. Xue Horan hurried forward and helped Yuan Xiurong up.

Immediately afterwards, another man rushed towards Xue Horan's back. Yuan Xiurong shouted, "Horan... behind you."

Xue Horan turned around, arched back, and the sword heading directly at Yuan Xiurong's left chest. Xue Horan didn't think much, and quickly grabbed the sword with his right hand. When the sword slid over his plum, the sword pierced deeply into his flesh. Yongzheng rushed forward to Xue Horan and Yuan Xiurong and hit the man on the head fiercely. Yongzheng's palm killed the man instantly.

Yongzheng checked Xue Horan's hand; the palm seemed to be cut very deep. He tore off one of his clothes and wrapped it around Xue Horan's palm.

Yongzheng asked, "Where is Rao Zhengsheng?"

Yuan Xiurong said, "He went to find Dong Shushu and Lanying." She walked over and looked at Xue Horan's hand. "Horan, thank you."

Xue Horan smiled painfully, "Let's go find them and get out of here."

Rao Zhengsheng and Dong Lanying walked back to Dong Shun after defeating the four Beixing disciples. Cao Wenyan and the chief leader of the Seventy-Two Islands flew directly towards them.

Dong Shun shouted, "Watch out!"

Rao Zhengsheng and Dong Lanying turned around. Rao Zhengsheng put his arms in front of him, and the chief leader of the Seventy-Two Islands attacked him directly. Rao Zhengsheng flew towards Dong Shun. Rao Zhengsheng spat a mouthful of blood. Dong Lanying was hit hard by Cao Wenyan and slipped away from Dong Shun and Rao Zhengsheng. She vomited a mouthful of blood.

The chief leader of the Seventy-Two Islands flew directly to Rao Zhengsheng. Approaching, Yongzheng flew quickly from the side and began to attack the chief leader of the Seventy-Two Islands with his feet. Yongzheng's kicks sent the chief leader of the Seventy-Two Islands away from Rao Zhengsheng.

Cao Wenyan drew his sword out of its sheath and went straight to Dong Lanying. Xue Horan jumped up and kicked Cao Wenyan's sword. Cao Wenyan punched with his left hand, and Xue Horan left arm blocked Cao Wenyan's attack. Xue Horan stumbled backwards.

Cao Wenyan looked at Xue Horan, whose right hand was bleeding. He said, "You leave now. It has nothing to do with you."

Xue Horan, "I won't stand by and watch you hurt my shijie."

Dong Lanying stood up, Xue Horan and Dong Lanying began to fight Cao Wenyan.

When Yongzheng blocked the chief leader of the Seventy-Two Islands' strike and Yongzheng staggered towards Dong Shun. Yongzheng grabbed a nearby swords and aimed it at the chief leader of the Seventy-Two Islands.

Yongzheng said, "Leave and live, or stay and die."

The chief leader of the Seventy-Two Islands smiled. He rushed to Yongzheng. Yongzheng swung his sword and rushed to the chief leader of the Seventy-Two Islands. The chief leader of the Seventy-Two Islands flipped backward twice and landed on both feet. The chief leader of the Seventy-Two Islands sent three needles directly to Yongzheng. Yongzheng swings his sword left and right, knocking the needles away. Suddenly, four daggers flew directly to Yongzheng. Yongzheng escaped from two daggers. His sword caught one dagger and his left hand caught the other dagger. He turned around and sent the dagger from the sword directly back to the person who threw the dagger. He threw the dagger caught with his left hand directly at Cao Wenyan, and then he quickly releases the sword in his hand at the chief leader of the Seventy-Two Islands. The chief leader of the Seventy-Two Islands quickly backflips, avoiding the attacking sword.

The chief leader of the Seventy-Two Islands panted heavily, and blood dripped from his left hand. He glared at Yongzheng.

Wu Jinghua hurriedly ran to chief leader of the Seventy-Two Islands and looked at his wound. Wu Jinghua said, "Not bad." She looked at Yongzheng. "Who are you?"

Yongzheng said, "Yongzheng."

The chief leader of the Seventy-Two Islands said, "He is Number One."

Wu Jinghua, "I didn't take a good look at your face that night. I didn't expect Number One is actual a handsome young man."

The five leaders of Seventy-two Islands flew over the wall and stood beside the leader of Seventy-two Island and Wu Jinghua.

The chief leader of the Seventy-Two Islands said, "Number One, I don't believe you alone can protect all these people. My five leaders are here and with the Wang as backup, even if you have wings, you will not be able to escape unharmed with these people."

Yongzheng knew when the six leaders of Seventy-two Islands gathered together, they would bring many disciples. The chief leader of the Seventy-Two Islands was right, no matter how skillful he might be, there is no way he can protect everyone.

Rao Zhengsheng quickly put Dong Shun on his back. He turned to Xue Horan and said, "Horan, protect Xiurong." He quickly flew over the wall.

Dong Lanying pushed Xue Horan towards Yuan Xiurong. She shouted, "Go now. I will catch up later."

Xue Horan, "Shijie, be careful." He grabbed Yuan Xiurong's waist, and the two followed Rao Zhengsheng and flew out.

Wu Jinghua quickly threw a dagger at Xue Horan and Yuan Xiurong, but Yongzheng kicked a nearby stone, flying blocking the dagger.

Cao Wenyan quickly attack Dong Lanying, because Dong Lanying was not as skilled as Cao Wenyan, and she was also injured. Cao Wenyan hit her twice in the chest. She stumbled backwards.

Yongzheng saw that Dong Lanying had lost the fight. He rushed towards Cao Wenyan and kicked Cao Wenyan's left arm hard. He said, "Let's go."

Yongzheng and Dong Lanying jumped over the wall. Wu Jinghua threw two daggers at Yongzheng and Dong Lanying. Yongzheng hurriedly pulled out the butterfly sword behind him, blocking one of the daggers. He flew over the wall. Another dagger hit Dong Lanying's right calf and she fell in front of the wall.

Cao Wenyan rushed over and put the sword on Dong Lanying's neck. Cao Wenyan asked, "Where will Rao Zhengsheng hide?"

Dong Lanying looked at him and said, "I don't know."

Cao Wenyan became angry, and he raised his sword to kill Dong Lanying, but the chief leader of the Seventy-Two Islands took Cao Wenyan's hand and said, "Let your father decide her fate." He reached out to Wu Jinghua. "Give me the antidote."

Wu Jinghua reached into her belt and handed a bottle of antidote to the leader of Seventy-two Island.

The chief leader of the Seventy-Two Islands walked up to Dong Lanying and said, "The dagger of leader seven is very poisonous, and you will die if you don't take the antidote."