Chapter 62 Reunited

Xue Horan and Yuan Xiurong ran all night, and many disciples of Beixing Sector chased after them. Finally, they found a house on the outskirts of a town down at the foot of Tianshan Mountain. The lonely house stood alone, with fences surrounding the house. In front of the house, there are small flowerbeds.

Xue Horan looked over the gate, beside one of the flower beds, there was a wooden tombstone. Xue Horan stretched out his head over the fence and he read, "Brother Black and his lover lie here." Xue Horan turned to Yuan Xiurong. "These are flower bed tombs?"

Yuan Xiurong, "I'm not sure."

Xue Horan then said, "Well, let's not stay here. Let's go somewhere else."

Twenty people surrounded Xue Horan and Yuan Xiurong. The twenty people seemed to refuse to approach the house. They just guard Xue Horan and Yuan Xiurong.

Yuan Xiurong said, "It seems that they dare not approach this home."

Xue Horan knocked on the pole. Xue Horan said, "Is anyone at home?"

They stood there for a while, but no one from Beixing disciples approached them. Then from a distance, they saw a white-haired man walking towards the house blowing a soft melody. They didn't see the man's face, but with his white-haired, they thought this man must be a grand master of some sector. When the whit-haired man approach closer, it appeared he was carrying two large jars of wine.

Xue Horan muttered to himself, "I seem to have heard this tone before."

Yung Xiurong, "Horan, where did you hear it?"

Xue Horan said, "I'm not sure, but I must have heard this tone before." Xue Horan looked around, and the people around seemed to take a step back from the house.

When the white-haired man approached them, it appeared that he is an elder man in his late eighties. He looked at Xue Horan and Yuan Xiurong. He asked, "What are you two doing here?"

Yuan Xiurong asked, "This qianbei, is this your home?"

The white-haired man said, "No, I was paid to take care of this place for the owner. The previous caretaker suddenly died of illness, so I have to take over."

Xue Horan, "What's your name?"

The old man replies, "Everyone calls me Lao Lao."

Xue Horan, "Lao Lao? But aren't you a man?"

Lao Lao smiled and said, "Yes, it's funny. I'm old and my surname is Lao. When you pronounce it, it does sound like grandmother." Lao Lao looked at the two young couples. He stared at Xue Horan. "You and the owner of this house have some similar characteristics. I haven't seen him for many years. Last time, it was the white hair man who dropped off the money."

Yuan Xiurong, "Lao Lao, why aren't those people come near here?"

Lao Lao chuckled and said, "They dare not."

Xue Horan asked, "Why?"

Lao Lao said, "I don't know, I guess it's because this place belongs to someone in Tianshan Sector, or it may be because of the two homeowners."

Xue Horan, "Are we in Tianshan?"

Lao Lao said, "Yes, I have an inn not far from here."

Xue Horan said, "We really want to rest in your inn, but as soon as we get out of here, those people will rush towards us."

Yuan Xiurong took out a handkerchief. She touched Xue Horan's blood with her finger, and then smeared Xue Horan's blood on the snowflake sewn in the corner of the handkerchief. She gave Lao Lao the handkerchief. She said, "Lao Lao, if you can put this handkerchief somewhere in your inn that it will be easy for people to see. Our friends are currently looking for us. If they see this, they will come and help us."

Lao Lao took the handkerchief and put it in his robe. He walked into the room. He opened the shed and carried the two jars of wine in. After a while, he walked out and said, "I'm sorry, you two, but you must stay here. I am not the owner of the house, so I can't let you two in."

Yuan Xiurong said, "Thank you."

Xue Horan and Yuan Xiurong watched Lao Lao slowly disappeared from a distance.

Xue Horan frowned, "Why do they guard us like wolves guarding their prey?"

Yuan Xiurong said, "Horan, how is your hand?"

Xue Horan said, "It hurts, but the bleeding has stopped."

Yuan Xiurong, "That's good, I hope Rao gege spot the handkerchief."

Cao Yanmei sat in the inn, crying and drinking. She was sad and lonely in her heart. At this moment, Cao Fengge should have known that she was gone. In her life, her only home was in Beixing Sector, but now she is a homeless stranger. She buried her head in her arms on the table and started sobbing.

Waiter, "Laoban, what should we do if that guniang doesn't get up."

Lao Lao hit the waiter's head, "Don't mess with her. Do you know who she is? She is the daughter of Chief Cao of Beixing Sector. If she wants to stay, let her stay. "

Then approaching from the door were Yongzheng who carried Dong Shun in his back, and Rao Zhengsheng. Rao Zhengsheng walked to the register and said, "Laoban, we would like one room."

Lao Lao asked, "Name."

Rao Zhengsheng said, "Yuan Li." Rao Zhengsheng reached out his hand and took out the money bag from the inner robe and saw the white handkerchief with stain of blood at the corner. He looked at Lao Lao. "Laoban, where did you get this from?"

Lao Lao said, "A young guniang gave it to me."

Rao Zhengsheng, "Where is this guniang?"

Lao Lao said, "She and another young man are on the outskirts of town. Thirty minutes' walk from here."

Rao Zhengsheng put a small gold ingot on the table. He said, "Please take me to see them."

Lao Lao said, "Waiter, take this man to Ma Dishi's house."

Rao Zhengsheng said, "Thank you." He turned to Yongzheng and Dong Shun. "He is going to take me get Horan and Xiurong."

Yongzheng, "Are you sure?"

Rao Zhengsheng said, "It's Xiurong calling for help. Blood smeared the snowflake, indicating that she is in trouble and needs help."

Lao Lao said, "Young man, I think it would be best if you go too. There are people surrounded your two friends." He looked at the waiter. "Go get the prepared food." He smiled at Rao Zhengsheng. "Don't get me wrong, but I think you'd better go there. If you bring your two friends here, those men will follow you here, and there is likely to be a fight."

The waiter came back and gave two baskets full of prepared food.

Lao Lao said, "You stay close to the house, those people will not attack you. Remember, the house is someone else's, I will not allow you to stay in it." He smiled. "But if you decide to invite yourself in, it's not my problem."

Rao Zhengsheng took the basket from the waiter. He said, "Thank you." Rao Zhengsheng looked at Yongzheng. "I can carry him."

Yongzheng said, "Unfortunately, you still have injuries. I will carry him."

Cao Yanmei looked up and saw Yongzheng. She rushed forward to the door. She shouted, "Yongzheng…"

Yongzheng turned around, "Cao guniang, what are you doing here?"

Cao Yanmei cried, "Yongzheng, I have nowhere else to go to."

Rao Zhengsheng said, "Cao guniang, if you have nowhere to go, just go with us."

Dong Shun, "Zhengsheng...what are you doing?"

Rao Zhengsheng said, "Dong shushu, I know what I am doing."

The waiter led the four toward the small house on the outskirts of town. When they got there in the distance, they saw Xue Horan sitting on the ground while Yuan Xiurong was still standing in front of the gate.

Rao Zhengsheng asked, "Can we go in?"

Waiter said, "I don't know, we are caretaker, we can't give permission for you to stay."

Rao Zhengsheng's heart sunk, "Why is Horan sitting?" He ran ahead, leaving the rest of the people behind.

Yongzheng also quickened his pace, and Cao Yanmei quickly followed.

When Rao Zhengsheng reached the door, he saw Xue Horan's face turned pale. Rao Zhengsheng quickly bent down and touched Xue Horan's forehead. Rao Zhengsheng asked, "How long has he been like this?"

Yuan Xiurong, "For about two hours. I think it was from his wound."

Rao Zhengsheng picked Xue Horan up and rushed into the house. He went directly to the first room. He saw that everything was neatly tidy. Then he realized that this must be the owner's room. So, he went to the second room, and the bed seemed a little bigger. He put Xue Horan on the bed.

Rao Zhengsheng asked, "Xiurong, what do you need?"

Yuan Xiurong said, "Wash the wound with hot water. I will go and see if there is medicine."

Rao Zhengsheng and Yuan Xiurong walked out. Yongzheng walked into the room. He touched Xue Horan's forehead.

Yongzheng murmured, "Horan…"

Xue Horan opened his eyes. He glanced at Yongzheng, then closed his eyes. He murmured, "Yongzheng, you came because you heard me calling your name, right?"

Yongzheng said, "I'm sorry, I'm late." He lowered his head and kissed Xue Horan's forehead. Then he kissed the tip of Xue Horan's nose, and then Xue Horan's lips. "Sorry, I am late."

Xue Horan kissed Yongzheng back and said, "No, your timing has always been perfect." He smiled at Yongzheng.