Chapter 67 Hatred

Early in the morning, everyone was sitting in the hall. The servants put the pot of soup and dishes of food on the table. Rao Zhengsheng was the last person to come to the table. He is busy meeting with other members of the Rao Household.

Rao Zhengsheng sat down and looked around the table. He asked, "Where is Horan?"

Maid, "Chief Rao, Xue gongzi is not awake yet."

Yongzheng stood up, but Dong Shun quickly stopped him. Dong Shun said, "You have already sat down, what is the point of you standing and go get Xue gongzi?" He looked at the maid. "Go get Xue gongzi."

Maid, "Yes." She walked out of the door.

Dong Shun said, "Eat."

Rao Zhengsheng said, "Let's wait for Horan."

Yuan Zixin, "There are plenty of food, don't worried about there is no food left for him."

Yuan Xiurong picked up a bowl and put some soup aside. Yuan Xiurong smiled and said, "Horan, don't eat too much, this will be enough for him."

When everyone started to eat, the servant came back and told everyone that Xue Horan was not in his room. Yongzheng stood up and walked to Xue Horan's room. He found that the room was neatly cleaned. He sat down on the table and saw Xue Horan's sewing basket. He saw a familiar fabric in the basket. He took out his money bag, which was from the same fabric.

"Yongzheng, I'm leaving in a few days" Xue Horan's voice echoed inside his heart. Yongzheng murmured softly, "Horan, you are so mean, leaving without letting me send you. Are you afraid that I will stop you from leaving?"

Yongzheng entered his room and began to pack his bags. He knew that after Xue Horan left the Rao Manor, he had no reason to stay. He fulfilled his promise with Xue Longwei and taught Rao Zhengsheng the last twenty moves of the Butterfly Sword Manual. He opened the door and started walking towards the front door. He saw Cao Yanmei walking towards him. Yongzheng did not make eye contact, and continued to walk past Cao Yanmei.

Cao Yanmei grabbed Yongzheng's arm, "Yongzheng, where are you going?"

Yongzheng replied, "Home."

Cao Yanmei, "Home? Your home is here."

Yongzheng said, "This is not my home, this is the home of Rao Zhengsheng and Dong Shun."

Cao Yanmei, "How can you call your brother and your shushu by their name?" She refused to let go of Yongzheng's left arm. "I won't let you leave like this."

Rao Zhengsheng pushed Dong Shun to Cao Yanmei and Yongzheng. Rao Zhengsheng asked, "Yongzheng, where are you going?"

Cao Yanmei said, "He said he was going home."

Rao Zhengsheng walked to the front of Yongzheng and asked, "Why?"

Yongzheng said, "I have no reason to stay here." He looked at Rao Zhengsheng. "I have taught you the last twenty moves of Butterfly Swords. I have fulfilled my promise to Xue qianbei. The only reason I stayed here is because of Horan. Since Horan is no longer here, I have no reason to stay anymore." He yanked his arm away from Cao Yanmei.

Rao Zhengsheng was taken aback, "Horan is not here?"

Yongzheng turned around and looked at Rao Zhengsheng frantically. He said, "Do you think that someone like Horan will stay here and be looked down upon by you and others?" He looked at Rao Zhengsheng coldly. "You are so sick that you dare to ask him to dress up as a woman and publicly denounce his gender? Do you care more about saving face in front of other martial artists that you can't proudly say you love him for who he is?" He turned his back to Rao Zhengsheng. "Rao Zhengsheng, when you reach the top and everyone is looking up to you, you will understand that power is nothing but one's greed."

Rao Zhengsheng knew that this topic was embarrassing to him, and he also hated himself for making this decision for Xue Huoran. He said, "I did this because of our family name."

Yongzheng said firmly, "Rao Zhengsheng, if you can't love him proudly, then let him go." He said without hesitation. "I will love him for who he is, so... don't use your so-called promise to imprison him." He quickly left Rao Manor.

The annual competition in the martial arts circles finally arrived after many months of waiting. The rising sun just appeared on the horizon, and in the large open space inside Shaolin, there were many different martial artists, sectors, and clans sitting and standing, watching the arena. The biennial competition held in Shaolin is a three-day competition. This is for the newly promoted martial artists to show off their skills and become famous in martial arts world. Sometime, the martial artists will use this competition to quell the grievances between the sectors or clans.

Monk Ling stood up and said, "As we all know, today's contest is a contest between young martial artists in the martial arts world. Weapon does not have eyes and injury may occur. The weapon has no eyes and may cause injury. In order to minimize the risk of injury, please stop immediately after the winner is determine. "

On the first day of the competition, many young martial artists compete one after another. On the second day, the competition continued, and the talents of the disciples of the six sectors were better than that of many smaller sectors and clans, which is no surprising.

On the third day, Rao Zhengsheng stared at Cao Fengge coldly. He wants to fight Cao Fengge in public. He wanted everyone standing in the arena to know that Cao Fengge was the one who murdered his entire family. He wants to expose Cao Fengge in front of everyone.

Rao Zhengsheng held the sword tightly, tried his best to restrain his anger, and stared into the eyes of his parents' murderer.

Cao Yanmei stood behind Dong Shun, looking at Cao Fengge and Cao Wenyan. She felt sad and missed them very much. Although, Cao Fengge was the one who killed her mother and crippled her father, but over those years, Cao Fengge loved her dearly. She cannot bring herself to hate Cao Fengge. Cao Wenyan has loved her and spoiled her since she could remember. He is a good brother and the only person who she can expressed her feelings to. She glanced at the crowd and saw Yongzheng standing among the many martial artists, with a elder Taoist standing beside him.

Cao Yanmei murmured, "Yongzheng…"

Dong Shun quickly asked, "Where is he?"

Cao Yanmei pointed, "Over there."

Dong Shun stared at Yongzheng, dressed in a deep navy blue Taoist gown, standing beside an old Taoist, his hair neatly tied up with a wooden hairpin. He was very angry, he wanted to jump off his wheelchair and hit Yongzheng's chest and maybe it might put some sense into him.

When the last two martial artists got off the fighting arena. Rao Zhengsheng flew to the arena. He looked at Cao Fengge coldly and said, "I'm Rao Zhengsheng of the Rao Household, I would like to seek a few pointers from chief Cao."

Cao Fengge smiled bitterly, "I am your elder, fighting with you is an insult."

Rao Zhengsheng said, "Fine, then I will stand in front of you as the son of your enemy. Today, only one of us will leave this arena."

Cao Fengge smiled and said, "Very well, then let us resolve our conflicts once and for all."

Cao Fengge flew to the arena and smiled mockingly at Rao Zhengsheng. Rao Zhengsheng stretched his hand to his belt, pulled out the butterfly swords, and rushed towards Cao Fengge with all his full strength.

Rao Zhengsheng began to attack Cao Fengge's upper body. He continuous rotating and swinging his sword at Cao Fengge. Cao Fengge turned to avoid Rao Zhengsheng's sword. Rao Zhengsheng switched from attacking the upper body of Cao Fengge to attacking the feet of Cao Fengge. Cao Fengge flew around Rao Zhengsheng and directly released a red needle at Rao Zhengsheng.

Cao Yanmei shouted, "Rao gege, be careful of those needles!"

Rao Zhengsheng quickly turned the sword over and blocked the needle, and another red threaded needle flew from the left to Rao Zhengsheng's body. Rao Zhengsheng quickly turned to the right and hit the needle with his sword. Then Cao Fengge threw four daggers at Rao Zhengsheng, and Rao Zhengsheng had to spun backward to avoid the daggers, but at the same time, Cao Fengge released ten red thread needles and pointed directly at Rao Zhengsheng.

Yongzheng quickly flew forward, unsheathed one of the martial artist's sword, and went straight to Cao Fengge. With one swing from his sword, he severed the ten read thread needles of Cao Fengge, and he swung his sword at Cao Fengge.

Yongzheng's sudden quick action caused Cao Fengge to retreat. Cao Fengge looked at Yongzheng. He said, "Young Taoist, if I remembered correctly, you once told me that you don't care about being famous . What changed your mind?"

Yongzheng said, "It just happened that." He looked at Rao Zhengsheng. "He is my da ge."

Cao Fengge, "Very well, then you two can die together today."

Cao Fengge knew that between Rao Zhengsheng and Yongzheng, Yongzheng was better, so he planned to attack Rao Zhengsheng first. He sent two red thread needles to Yongzheng and flew past Yongzheng. He condensed his internal strength and hit Rao Zhengsheng with a full blow. Rao Zhengsheng was able to block Cao Fengge's blow, but the powerful force caused Rao Zhengsheng to slide all the way to the edge of the arena. Rao Zhengsheng's butterfly swords splits and shattered. Rao Zhengsheng vomited blood.

Yongzheng turned to Rao Zhengsheng, "Rao Zhengsheng…"

Suddenly, Cao Fengge did two backflips to avoid the two needles. The martial artists turned to the gate, and Wen Huifang smiled and walked in.

Yuan Zixin watched Wen Huifang walk towards the arena and shook his head. He doesn't know what Wen Huifang is doing here.

Cao Fengge asked, "Who are you?"

Wen Huifang chuckled and said with a smile, "Leader Cao, why don't you kneel in front of me and call me shifu, since you are using my red thread needles fighting skill." She smiled.

Monk Ling, "Amitabha, benefactor, which sector or clans do you belong to?"

Wen Huifang smiled and said, "Ling Chundu, why don't you remember me?" She sighed. "Seventy years have passed. No wonder you don't remember me."

Monk Ling, "I'm sorry, I don't remember this benefactor."

Wen Huifang smiled and said, "Wen Huifang, Sunset Sector."