Chapter 01 The Last Celebration

When the music reverberated throughout the conference hall, the night had just begun. In the large conference hall, beside the large seat of the chief leader of Sunset Sector, there are six seats, three seats on each side. These six seats are reserved for the six leaders of Sunset Sector. Tonight, only five of the six seats were occupied. Every important person was invited into the main conference hall. The six fearsome leaders of Sunset Sector sat happily enjoying the food and wine.

Yuan Yu stood up and walked to Yuan Dai, "Ah Dai, why don't you drink?"

Yuan Dai stood up and said, "Da ge, I have a cold and I just took some medicine. Lao Tang told me not to drink wine."

Yuan Yu, "Lao Tang…why don't you let Ah Dai drink tonight."

Lao Tang smiled lightly and said, "Da ge, are you the yisheng or am I the yisheng?"

Yuan Yu said awkwardly, "You are."

Lao Tang then said, "That settle it then."

A guard quickly ran into the conference hall and knelt in front of Yuan Yu. He said, "Chief Yuan, right-hand guard Zan and Wen guniang successfully defended our branch from the six sectors. Wen guniang wrote that they will be back in two days."

Yuan Yu laughed and said, "I knew Huangming would definitely win." He took out his wine cup and poured the wine on the ground. "Zan shidi, I know that you are in heaven and look down on us. Did you see your son grow into one of the greatest warrior we had in our sector?"

Lao Tang, "My medical skills are not good, so I couldn't save Er ge at that time."

Fan Gen, "Don't blame yourself."

Wen Biyu, "Si ge, we have cultivated Huangming to be a great martial artist. The more successful Huangming is, the less we feel ashamed when facing er ge in the underworld."

Yang Chao, "Although Er ge died young and Huangming have no father, but everyone in this house has taught Huangming everything we know. If we look at it, Huangming is like ours son and ours disciple."

Yuan Dai smiled and said, "Da ge, how about we all taught Huangming our personal fighting moves? What do everyone think?"

Yuan Yu said, "I agree. How about the rest of you?"

Wen Biyu, "I agree."

The others nodded in agreement with Yuan Dai's suggestion.

Yuan Yu said, "Alright, that's good." He looked at his brothers. "I have one more thing to announce."

Fan Ge, "Da ge, what would you like to announce?"

Yuan Yu said, "I have known since the longest time in the history of the martial arts world. The leader seat will be pass to one of my children."

Wen Biyu asked, "That is correct, so what do da ge have in mind?"

Yuan Yu said, "I want to change this idea. I hope the best person will take over the leadership seat. If my children wants my leadership seat, they must prove that they are valuable." He shook his head. "Even if my children are good, I know that their marital artistic skills and critical thinking are not as good as Huangming." He grabbed his cup of wine. "I thought about it for a long time….I decided that if anything happen to me, or when I decide to wash my hands inside the gold basin, right-guard Zan should be the next leader of Sunset Sector." He looked at his six leaders and the guests inside the conference hall. "Does any of you have any objections to this? Feel free to say what you think?"

Yang Chao, "Da ge, I don't have any objection."

Fan Gen, "There are few leaders who think like da ge, and I have no objection."

Yuan Yu, "Very well, if everyone agrees, let's settle. When right-hand guard Zan returns, I will officially announce my decision."

Lao Tang, "I also think that Huangming and Wen guniang are always together." He looked at Wen Biyu. "Meimei, what do you think of the two of them getting marry?"

Yuan Dai, "That's a great idea. Meimei, don't be too picky about your son-in-law."

Wen Biyu, "Let them decide for themselves. I don't want them to be like me. Forcibly marry someone I don't like. I already let Yiayi marry the person she chooses. So Huifang should have the same choice."

Yuan Yu laughed loudly, "Meimei, I like this idea. We should be free to choose who we want to be with, because life is very long. Drink up and enjoy the night."

In the large conference hall inside Sunset Sector, the music and laughter continued.

A maid ran along the dark corridor to the back end of Sunset Sector. There are many turns along the way, until she reached the back door. Sunset Sector is built on top of the entire mountain, which is difficult for outsiders to attack. The sector was designed by Zan Chongkung who has military knowledge. Then, when the maid approached the cross corridor, another maid and two male servants joined her.

Cao Zhihan, "Are you guy ready?"

Rao Zimo, "They are waiting for us to send out the signal."

Gu Kexin, "Zan Huangming survived the trap."

Wang Yang, "Why is it so hard to kill Zan Huangming? He is not even a man with eight heads and sixteen arms."

Cao Zhihan, "He will return in two days' time."

Rao Zimo, "How about the main leaders?"

Cao Zhihan, "Don't worry about them, they all consumed age under the sun. At this time tomorrow, they will die."

Wang Yang, "My new poison works like a charm, send out the signal."

Gu Kexin said, "Let's go."

The four young martial artists spread in four different directions. Wang Yang and Rao Zimo walked to the two main entrances. Gu Kexin and Cao Zhihan walked to the two back doors. The four people killed the twenty guards who were guarding the gates. They took out two flares from their robes and aimed them at the night sky. They pulled the rope. Two flares flew into the darkness and exploded in the dark sky, forming a beautiful white flower.

Jia Jin, who was hidden by the mountain road, stood up and said, "Jinfeng disciples... let's go."

The seven sectors led theirs disciples of two hundred from each sector rushing up Sunset Mountain from all directions.