Chapter 08 Accept Or Die

The people around the meeting area stopped and stared at the new so-called leader of Sunset Sector. Standing in front of them was a young man with black clothes and long white hair.

Si Meifeng asked, "Leader Wen, so you found yourself a young man who claimed to be the leader. As far as I know, we all agree that whoever has the seal jade is the leader."

Ma Jingguo took out the black jade from inside his robe. He looked coldly at Si Meifeng and asked, "You mean this piece of jade?"

Si Meifeng stepped forward and unhappily asked, "Where do you find it?"

Ma Jingguo said, "My shifu gives it to me."

Tong Keung, "Who is your shifu?"

Ma Jingguo said, "Right-hand guard Zan Huangming."

Yuan Zixin turned around, "Right-hand guard Zan is still alive? Where is he?"

Ma Jingguo looked at Yuan Zixin coldly, "He is lock away inside the Gu prison cell." He turned to Yuan Zixin. "I want her." He pointed to Yuan Chaomei. "You agree or not to give her to me?"

Yuan Zixin said, "Ma…"

Ma Jingguo interrupted and said, "Leader Yuan, let me repeat myself, I am the new leader of Sunset Sector, and my name is Xin Taiyang."

Yue Lijun, "Young man, if you can't walk the walk then don't talk the talk."

Ma Jingguo smirked and looked at Yue Lijun coldly, "Come at me if you dare, I can't wait to break all your bones."

Yue Lijun shouted angrily, "I will teach you a lesson, you will never forget for the rest of your life."

Yue Lijun rushed towards Ma Jingguo with his sword. Ma Jingguo unsheathed Honglei and began to counter Yue Lijun. Because of Honglei's flexibility, when Ma Jingguo attack Yue Lijun, Honglei will curved backward and hit Yue Lijun's back or sides. After Ma Jingguo and Yue Lijun exchanged a hundred moves, Yue Lijun flew back to prepare for his final blow.

Yue Lijun flashed past Ma Jingguo quickly, and Ma Jingguo sheathed Honglei into the sheath on his waist, condensing his inner strength to his right hand. Ma Jingguo grabbed Yue Lijun's sword and twisted Yue Lijun's sword. This action made Yue Lijun approach Ma Jingguo step by step. Ma Jingguo immediately hit Yue Lijun's left chest with a punch, and Ma Jingguo's Devil Fists strike Yue Lijun's heart. Yue Lijun's aorta burst, and Yue Lijun's heart suddenly stopped beating. Ma Jingguo's powerful Devil Fists caused Yue Lijun to slam into the crowd sitting on the chair. Yue Lijun slowly got up and walked four steps towards Ma Jingguo, with blood spurting from his mouth. When Yue Lijun took the fourth step, he stopped moving forward and slowly fell to the ground to his death.

Ma Jingguo threw the twisted sword on the ground. He looked at the others gathered together and said, "Either accept me as your chief leader or die. Choose one."

Yuan Zixin asked, "A moment ago, did you used killer string to blind my two men?

"Killer String?"

"Killer String is right-hand guard Zan's special skill."

"I think those are right-hand guard Zan's gloves."

Ma Jingguo asked again, "Did you decide to accept or die?"

Wen Huifang walked to Ma Jingguo, and she knelt on one knee. She said, "I, Wen Huifang, leader of the northern branch, accept you as the new chief of Sunset Sector."

Tong Keung knelt in front of Ma Jingguo, "Tong Keung, leader of the Eastern branch has accepted you as the new chief of Sunset Sector."

Everyone looked around and began to kneel down one by one in front of Ma Jingguo, "We accept Chief Xin as the new chief of Sunset Sector." The people around began to chant, their voices echoing across the mountain.

Yuan Zixin and Si Meifeng had to kneel on their knees in front of Ma Jingguo. Ma Jingguo took out the black jade and smashed it into pieces. Everyone was surprised by his action.

Ma Jingguo said, "From now on, this jade is destroyed, don't look for it anymore. Our first task is to rescue right-hand guard from the Gu prison cell. Does anyone have any objection?" No one dared to speak.

Three months have passed since the last meeting. Ma Jingguo ordered his men to prepare and wait for an opportunity to attack the Gu Household. When Ma Jingguo stood behind the mountain and watched the sunset, it was already dusk. He played his flute loudly on top of the mountain. He heard soft footsteps approaching him. Then Yuan Chaomei stood beside Ma Jingguo.

Ma Jingguo stopped his flute and looked at Yuan Chaomei. He asked with a smirk, "The old fox really asked you to stay behind?" What's the order?"

Yuan Chaomei asked, "How do you know chief?"

Ma Jingguo said, "I can understand people like him easily. He though his surname is Yuan, the position of the leader should be given to him, but for so many years, he has not been able to get the black jade passed to shifu by chief Yuan."

Yuan Chaomei, "Godfather asked me to stay with you and report to him everything you plan to do or what you are about to do." She looked at Ma Jingguo. "It is also to gain your trust and to win your love."

Ma Jingguo burst out laughing, "Very sneaky old fox. Chaomei, I may not be a good person, but I do give others the opportunity to prove to me that they are worthy of being my friend. As for love affection…you will never win my affection because my love was buried in Mu Village with Mu Dishi." He sighed. "I have no more love left to give to anyone."

Yuan Chaomei chuckled, "Chief, Chaomei is not a good person, she knows who really cares about her and who wants to use her. As for affection, Chaomei has also given to others."

Ma Jingguo chuckled lightly, "Gu Yingjie divorced such woman like you is his loss."

Yuan Chaomei said, " I respect him very much. He is the first person to truly respect me. "

Ma Jingguo, "Oh…who is the other man?"

Yuan Chaomei blushed, "Chief Xin..."

Ma Jingguo laughed, "You remind me of Dandan."

Yuan Choamei, "Who is that?"

Ma Jingguo said, "One of my shimei back in Jinfeng Sector." He looked at Yuan Chaomei. "So, you know who I really am?"

Yuan Chaomei said, "I only know that the person standing in front of me is Xin Taiyang, the current chief of Sunset Sector."

A little pigeon flew up and landed on the wooden fence. Yuan Chaomei walked over and untied the small bamboo tube on its leg. After reading it, Yuan Chaomei said, "Chief, someone say that Mu gongzi is still alive and lives in Mu Treasure Cave. Moreover, there is also a person who resembles Mu gongzi in Jiangnan."

Ma Jinguo sneered and said, "A whole bunch of idiots. When I went to retrieved xiao shushu's body, I stay with him for some time to accompany his lonely soul. Someone must had heard my flute melody." He smiled bitterly. "Those dogs surely know how to smell other people's problems. Let those dogs continue to gossip. If they dare to enter the cave again, I will let them die there again." He looked at Yuan Chaomei. "Do you know why I saved you?"

Yuan Chaomei shook her head. She said, "I don't know."

Ma Jingguo said, ""When I first saw you, you reminded me of my mother... There have been too many times in her life that she was abused because she was an illegitimate child. She suffered so much pain and humiliation in her lifetime. Before she died, she told me that she was someone else's pawn. In this world, no one would stand beside her except her shadow." He sighed. "I want you to know that you don't have to feel that way because I am willing to stand by your side."

Yuan Chaomei had tears in her eyes, "Chief, thank you."

Ma Jingguo said, "Chaomei, if that fox Yuan asked you what I was doing, just told him that I'm still practicing martial arts preparing myself to duel with Gu Tingfuang."

Yuan Chaomei asked, "Does chief have any other plans during this period."

Ma Jingguo said, "I want to stay in Mu Treasure Cave and lead the enemies of xiao shushu back into the cave. Keep your eyes on fox Yuan. Also, you and Wen qianbei help me send a message to Gu Tingfuang to released right-hand guard Zan and Ma Jingguo."

Yuan Chaomei, "When shall we leave?"

Ma Jingguo said, "The day after tomorrow, but before you go, I want you to do something for me."

Yuan Chaomei asked, "What is it chief?"

Ma Jingguo said, "I want to play a cat and mouse game with Wang Biming."

Yuan Chaomei said, "I will let Suo Dongmei handle it for you."

Ma Jingguo, "Suo Dongmei?"

Yuan Chaomei, "The Suo Clan surrendered to Sunset Sector because of godfather. Suo Dongmei had no money to rebuild her clan, so godfather gave her money."

Ma Jingguo looked at the beautiful orange sun setting over the mountain, and the shadows eloped over the small house. Ma Jingguo said, "It will be the anniversary of xiao shushu's death soon. I'm going back to Tianshan." He sighed. "The one I love has never really left me. He still walk beside me every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near me, still loved me, still missed me, still kissed me, and holds me silently." Ma Jingguo took out his jade flute and began to play.