Chapter 10 Still Waiting

Approaching from behind the tall pine tree was Fu Yuanjun. Fu Yuanjun walked to Wang Biming and said, "Wang gongzi, is that Mu Dishi?"

Wang Biming said, "Why do you still ask this question when you see it with your own eyes?"

Fu Yuanjun's heart sank, "How can Mu Dishi still be alive?"

Wang Biming said, "I saved him. Is there any problem?"

Fu Yuanjun said, "Not at all, but Wang gongzi…" He looked at Wang Biming. "Saving Mu Dishi may be your biggest mistake. I suggest you kill him."

Wang Biming said indifferently, "If you dare touch a single strand the hair of Dishi, you can say goodbye to your dream of becoming the supreme chief of the martial arts world. The moment you want to hurt Dishi, I am sure there are many secrets between the four households that many martial artists in the martial arts circle wants to hear, especially our stories."

Fu Yuanjun giggled foolishly, "Are you threatening me?"

Wang Biming said, "You can interpret it however you want, you stay away from Dishi. I don't like to repeat myself. You also know Dishi is a very important person to me. Is this too much to ask?"

Fu Yuanjun, "You sound as if I want to kill Mu ge? The problem with Mu ge is that everyone agrees for me to kill him, but who would have known that Mu ge had survived the seven-colors pill until now." He clapped his hands three times. "The Mu healer skill are undeniable."

Wang Biming turned to Fu Yuanjun and said, "Fu gongzi, if you want to kill Dishi using poison then it's in vein. Dishi has been soaked in medicine since he was a child, and he is very proficient in medicine, so your ordinary poison will not hurt him. Go back and tell the people who wants to kill Dishi that…if they want to kill him, don't come with cheap tricks, they should come with great fighting skills."

Fu Yuanjun smiled and said, "I will remember that, if it weren't for you, Mu ge would have died a long time ago."

Wang Biming said, "I haven't settled the score with you yet."

Fu Yuanjun rolled his eyes annoyingly at Wang Biming and frowned, "Let settle that score some other day. I have to attend the four households' conference."

Wang Biming said, "Fu gongzi a piece of advice."

Fu Yuanjun, "I am all ears."

Wang Biming said, "Don't wear too many layers of skin on your face because if one layer peel, the rest will peel too."

Fu Yuanjun smiled, "Wang gongzi, thank you for your advice. See you at the four households' conference."

Miao Mingzhu walked out from the side, frowning, "What a sneaky bastard?"

"Indeed, you are a sneaky bastard." Ma Jingguo's cold voice came from behind Miao Mingzhu and Wang Biming.

When Wang Biming and Miao Mingzhu turned around, they saw Ma Jingguo, who was panting, like he was running all night, staring coldly at them with the intention to kill.

Ma Jingguo asked impatiently, "Where is xiao shushu?"

Wang Biming smiled and said, "I don't know anyone named xiao shushu, but if you are asking if my Dishi is here, then my answer is no."

Ma Jingguo asked angrily, "Wen da ge and xiao shushu are the same person, aren't they?"

Wang Biming said, "Little nephew, you shouldn't talk to your elders like this. You should be more respectful."

Ma Jingguo said, "I am very frim about how you better pray that I am dead, otherwise, I will make your life a living hell."

Wang Biming smirked, "I remember it clearly, but nephew, if you want to kill me, come and do it yourself. Don't send your puppy to chase me."

Ma Jingguo smiled and said, "Very well, I am here to kill you myself now."

Ma Jingguo rushed forward and threw a heavy punch directly at Wang Biming. Wang Biming used his own devil fist to counter Ma Jingguo's devil fist, but Ma Jingguo's internal strength was much stronger than Wang Biming. The power of Ma Jingguo's punch made Wang Biming slid thirty yards away. Wang Biming vomited a mouthful of blood.

Wang Biming wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He said, "My nephew, I haven't seen you for many years. Your internal strength is much stronger than before."

Ma Jingguo flew over to Wang Biming again. Miao Mingzhu knew that if Ma Jingguo punched again, Wang Biming would be seriously injured or die. She sent four needles to Ma Jingguo. Ma Jingguo escaped her needles' attack.

Miao Mingzhu said, "You should thank da shixiong for giving you the second chance to see Mu Dishi again."

Ma Jingguo asked, "What do you mean?"

Miao Mingzhu said, "If it wasn't for da shixiong who risked his life to save Mu Dishi, do you think that useless dog Suo Dongmei can chased us across Central Plains so easily?" She walked back to Wang Biming and checked him. "A life for a life. You love Mu Dishi very much. So, what do you want to give da shixiong for saving the person you love most?"

Ma Jingguo said, "Fine, a life for a life. If you tell me the answer to my question."

Miao Mingzhu said, "Yes, Wen da ge is indeed Mu Dishi." She smiled. "It's a pity that he watched you mess around with other men. My da shixiong gave you a chance to reconcile with Mu Dishi, and again, you blew it." She and Wang Biming began to walk away. "Ma Jingguo, remember your words, a life for a life."

Ma Jingguo rushed towards the small house, knowingly that the person he had been missing for a year was still alive. When he arrived at the small house, there were no lights. He looked at the table and found that the meal he had made early in the morning had been eaten. He looked at the table, stared at the door, and waited patiently for Mu Dishi to come home, just like back when he was waiting for Mu Dishi inside their cave.