Chapter 20 The Prettiest Bride

Yong Caixia smiled and said, "Lok ge..."

Wu Jinghua and Yen Tung stared at Kuo Lok and Bazar Batu. They did not recognize the two young martial artists.

Wu Jinghua asked, "Which sector or clan does these two young martial artists belong to?" She stared at Kuo Lok. "You are so young, but your internal strength is very strong."

Bazar Batu said loudly, "You haven't experienced all the inner strength of Lok gege. If you do, you may not be able to walk for a few days."

Kuo Lok blushed and looked at Bazar Batu, "Batu…"

Bazar Batu said, "Did I say something wrong? I didn't say anything wrong. Don't you remember that time...?"

Kuo Lok covered Bazar Batu's mouth. He said, "Stop talking."

Bazar Batu took Kuo Lok's hand away from his mouth. He jokingly said, "Lok gege, that time you kicked my horse, I want to tell them..." He gasped. "You weren't thinking about that aren't you?" He burst out laughing. "Lok gege, I didn't know that your mind would be full of dirt." He continued to laugh.

Seeing that Kuo Lok and Bazar Batu didn't pay much attention to Wu Jinghua and Yen Tung made Yen Tung very angry. He shouted, "Hey, are you two going to fight or are you going to stand there and flirt with each other?"

Bazar Batu said, "Our mouth belongs to us. We can flirt as we wish. That is our right, not yours." He looked at Yen Tung. "It's a waste of time to talk to such a loser." He pulled the three-section staff apart, but was powerless.

Kuo Lok took the three-sections staff, pulled the bars apart, and then returned the broken staff back to Bazar Batu.

Yen Tung said angrily, "How dare you broke my weapon." He gritted his teeth angrily. "You will pay a full price for your action."

Bazar Batu pointed at Yen Tung with a section of the bar, "How dare you used this to hit Wenqian jiejie?" He handed a section of the bar to Kuo Lok. "Lok gege, stab this in his chest."

Wu Jinghua was annoyed by Bazar Batu's words. She frowned angrily, "You should never allow to speak. I will cut off your tongue and feed it to the dog."

Bazar Batu turned to Kuo Lok. He asked, "Lok gege, she said she wanted to cut off my tongue, what do you think?"

Kuo Lok hesitated and said, "I…I like Batu's tongue, so that will never going to happen."

Bazar Batu smiled and teased, "I like your tongue too. I like it when it's in my mouth." He hugged Kuo Lok waist. He mocked Wu Jinghua. "You don't have a handsome man like my Lok gege who will kiss you with his warm soft tongue anytime you wish to be kiss, so you don't know the importance of a tongue." He looked at Wu Jinghua. "Ayi, don't be sad. I am sure you can find an older man your age. Just tell me what type of older man you parents have a wide connection of match makers."

Wu Jinghua said, "You..."

Bazar Batu said, "Lok gege, I want a kiss now."

Kuo Lok, "Right now?"

Bazar Batu raised his head up and closed his eyes.

Kuo Wenqian shook her head, but she understood Bazar Batu's intention.

Wu Jinghua threw a dagger at Bazar Batu, but Kuo Lok blocked the dagger with a section of the bar. He flew forward, hitting Wu Jinghua with his dragon palm strikes. Wu Jinghua blocked it with both hands, and Kuo Lok's dragon palm strikes force sent Wu Jinghua sliding past Kuo Wenqian and Yong Caixia. Yen Tung strike forward behind Kuo Lok. Kuo Lok quickly turned around, grabbed Yen Tung by the wrist, and threw him forward towards Wu Jinghua. Kuo Lok dropped the section bar down to the ground.

Bazar Batu rushed to Kuo Lok and said, "Lok gege, did I told you to stab him with his own staff?"

Kuo Lok looked at Bazar Batu and said, "Drop it."

Bazar Batu mumbled madly, "Fine…" He slammed the section bars to the ground.

Wu Jinghua wiped the blood from her the corner of her mouth. He stared at Kuo Lok coldly, "Who the hell are you?"

Kuo Lok said, "Kuo Lok, Jinfeng Sector."

Yen Tung asked, "Did you just used dragon palm strikes?"

Kuo Lok, "Yes."

Yen Tung, "What is the relationship between you and Kuo Jin Song?"

Kuo Lok said, "He is my father."

Wu Jinghua and Yen Tung looked at each other and they realized that even with their combined strength, they couldn't win against dragon palms strike. Wu Jinghua took out a small pink ball and threw it at Kuo Lok and Bazar Batu. The powder ball exploded, and the two leaders of Seventy-Two Islands flew away.

Bazar Batu coughed and said, "Let's catch them."

Kuo Wenqian said, "No need. Look at Caixia first."

They saw a red flare symbol flying into the sky.

Yong Caixia slowly got up and said, "It must be Dandan's. Hurry up, they are in danger.

Bazar Batu quickly said, "Lok gege, don't worry about us. We will slowly follow you two. Go…"

Kuo Lok and Kuo Wenqian rushed toward Mu Village.

Chen Dandan and Liu Hung ran hand in hand. Then flying from behind was the chief leader of Seventy-two Island. The chief leader of the Seventy-two Island made a heavy blow, knocking Liu Hong's back to the ground.

Chen Dandan shouted, "Liu jiefu." She reached inside her robe and pulled the flare. Chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands hit Chen Dandan's chest hard, causing her to slide out forty yards. Chen Dandan spit out blood and fell to the ground. He walked to Chen Dandan's side and picked her up. He flew them up Mu Village.

From a distance, Ma Jingguo and Yuan Chaomei walked to Mu Village. They saw Liu Hung sitting on the side of the road.

Liu Hung saw Ma Jingguo and he quickly walked to Ma Jingguo. He knew that over the years when Ma Jingguo was in Jinfeng Sector, he regarded Chen Dandan as his younger sister. He shouted, "Ah Chen...Ah Chen..."

Ma Jingguo, "Jiefu…what are you doing here?"

Liu Hung said, "No time for that. A man in black had taken Dandan up Mu Village."

Ma Jingguo said worriedly, "Dandan." He quickly rushed up Mu Village.

Yuan Chaomei looked at Liu Hung's arm, "Gongzi, you broken your clavicle bone. There is not much I can do. Please don't move your arm."

Liu Hung said, "Thank you, guniang."

Yuan Chaomei quickly followed Ma Jingguo up Mu Village.

Liu Hung watched Yuan Chaomei disappeared up the hill, and someone patted him on the shoulder. He turned quickly, and a shiny sharp blade ran across his throat. Blood gushed from Liu Hung's throat. He choked up and murmured, "Wang…gongzi…" Liu Hung fell to the ground, choking on his own blood.

Wang Biming looked at Zhang Wei and said, "Cut off his head."

Zhang Wei raised his large blade and swung the heavy blade down cutting off Liu Hung's head from his body.

Wang Biming grabbed Lui Hung's head and turned it to face him. He said coldly, "Sorry, Liu gongzi." He put Lui Hung head down to the ground and walked away with Zhang Wei.

Ma Jingguo saw the chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands fly over one of the old house. Ma Jingguo hurriedly followed, and began to attack chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands. Ma Jingguo quickly threw connection of punches at Chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands and chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands could only back away from the strong devil fists. Ma Jingguo quickly grabbed one of the collars of the chief leader of Seventy-two Islands and stared at a familiar robe. The chief leader of Seventy-two Islands waved his right hand on Ma Jingguo's face. Ma Jingguo arched his body and loosened the collar of the cheif leader of the Seventy-two Islands. The chief leader of Seventy-two Islands flew over another old house quickly. Ma Jingguo was about to chase the chief leader of Seventy-two Islands, but Yuan Chaomei's scream stopped him. Ma Jingguo rushed back.

When Ma Jingguo walked to the door, he saw Yuan Chaomei standing at the door. Ma Jingguo looked into the abandoned old house and saw Chen Dandan lying on the ground. He rushed into the room and helped Chen Dandan into a sitting position.

Ma Jingguo breathed heavily, "Dandan." He held Chen Dandan in his arms. "Dandan…"

Chen Dandan opened her eyes and coughed up blood. She said weakly, "Ma ge…" The blood from the corner of her mouth flowed out. Ma Jingguo quickly wiped it off with his right hand. "Ma ge…" She slowly closed her eyes.

Ma Jingguo, "Dandan." He sat behind her and imparted his internal energy into her body. "I'm here, I won't let you die."

Chen Dandan vomited a mouthful of blood. She said, "Ma ge…it's useless." She fell back into Ma Jingguo's arms. "You father is a yisheng...I know I'm dying..." Tears fell from the corners of her eyes. "Ma ge, I have something to ask you."

Ma Jingguo said, "Go ahead."

Chen Dandan said, "But I want Ma ge to promise me."

Ma Jingguo's eyes were wetted with tears. He said, "I promise you whatever you want."

Chen Dandan said, "Ma ge, I know you are the chief of Sunset Sector, and your enemies are the six sectors…" She coughed. "I want to ask Ma ge to spare Taihua and da...da shixiong."

Ma Jingguo said, "I promise you. I won't hurt Yong Taihua or Yan Zhanjin."

Chen Dandan, "Really?"

Ma Jingguo reached inside his robe and took out two identical jade pedants. He said, "Look, I also brought you a wedding gift for both of you."

Chen Dandan stretched out her hand and took the two jades from Ma Jingguo. The blood dripped from the corner of her mouth, and she smiled. She said, "It's beautiful. Thank you, Ma ge." She chuckled lightly. "Ma ge, wipe the blood off my face. I want to be beautiful..." She coughed up more blood.

Ma Jinggou was about the transferred more internal energy, but Yuan Chaomei stopped Ma Jingguo's hand. She shook her head and said, "Chief, Chen guniang's meridians are all broken, and no amount of internal energy transfer will help. She has reached the last moment of her life."

Ma Jingguo quickly wiped off the blood stains on Chen Dandan's lips. He saw Chen Dandan's lips have turned pale. He stroked her face and said with a smiled, "My xiao meimei, did you know, you are the prettiest bride of the year?" He kissed her forehead.

Chen Dandan knew that her time was coming to an end. She clutched Ma Jingguo's hand tightly, breathing heavily. The voice trembled, "Fu…Fu…" Chen Dandan's hands loosening her grasped from Ma Jingguo's hand, and her hand slowly fell to the ground.

Ma Jingguo's lips trembled with sadness and anger. He whispered, "Dandan…Dandan…" Ma Jingguo raised his palm, gathering all the internal energy into the palm, and pressing it on Chen Dandan's abdomen. He shouted. "Wake up."

Yuan Chaomei, "Chief…restrain yourself. She is gone."

Ma Jingguo shouted, "I don't believe it. I just talked to her. How could she be gone?"

Ma Jingguo raised his palm again and hit Chen Dandan in the abdomen. Suddenly, the door was kicked open. Ma Jingguo looked up and saw Yong Taihua, Yan Zhanjin, and many martial artist guests of Sword Village standing in front of them.

Yong Taihua gritted his teeth, "Ma Jingguo!"