Chapter 22 The Corner Dog

The wind blew gently across the dilapidated Mu Village. Where Ma Jingguo stood, he could see the green bamboo forest. Inside his heart, he felt somewhat happy. In that bamboo forest, it was when he confessed his feelings to Mu Dishi, so he decided that if he lost to all these martial artists, he would save his last breath and die inside that bamboo shed.

Gu Tingfuang released his silver leaves at Ma Jingguo. Ma Jingguo quickly blocked Gu Tingfuang's silver leaves and redirected the silver leaves to Wang Biming and Rao Zhengsheng. Wang Biming dodged the silver leaves. Rao Zhengsheng blocked the silver leaves with his butterfly swords. Ma Jingguo shot multiple guzheng strings at Rao Zhengsheng and Gu Tingfuang. To avoid Ma Jingguo's attack, they quickly jumped off the roof.

Kuo Lok and Kuo Jin Song sent energy rays to Ma Jingguo. Ma Jingguo quickly jumped to another rooftop. The previous rooftop was completely destroyed by the combined internal strengths of Kuo Lok and Kuo Jin Song.

Rao Zhengsheng and Wang Biming flew to Ma Jingguo and attacked from both sides. Ma Jingguo grabbed their hands. They both lifted Ma Jingguo up into the air, Ma Jingguo slammed down with his devil fist slammed at their head. They blocked Ma Jingguo's devil fists, but the devil fists made by Ma Jingguo exceeded the combined force of the two, and Wang Biming and Rao Zhengsheng plunged into the old house.

Gu Tingfuang and Cao Wenyan hurriedly released needles and silver leaves at Ma Jingguo, Ma Jingguo blocked and redirected their silver leaves and needles at martial artists who stood watching on the ground. Kuo Lok and Kuo Jin Song rushed forward, and they were already within the reach of Ma Jingguo.

Numerous martial artists stood, watching the four fighting on the unstable rooftop. They agreed that although Ma Jingguo was young, his martial arts skills surpassed other young martial artists. As they watched, Ma Jingguo showed no signs of losing any time soon.

Monk Ling sighed and said, "It's a pity, with the skill of benefactor Ma, it is difficult for any martial artist to defeat him."

Wu Jianping dragged Yuan Chaomei to the group of martial artists. He demanded, "Demon woman, tell us how to defeat him?"

Yuan Chaomei calmly said, "If Mu Dishi agree to help you, maybe there is still a chance to defeat our chief."

Fu Yuanjun said, "Your chief is young and will never be able to defeat Kuo shifu."

Yuan Chaomei said, "Our chief today is not the same chief of yesterday. Right-guard Zan transferred all the internal energy he accumulated in the past ninety years to our chief." She looked at Fu Yuanjun. "In fact, we also have to thank the Gu for imprisoning our chief with right-hand guard Zan."

Wu Jianping raised his hand to slap Yuan Chaomei, but was stopped by Fu Yuanjun. Fu Yuanjun said, "Leader Wu, a gentleman must not raise his hand on a woman."

Ma Jingguo knew that fighting with Kuo Jin Song and Kuo Lok will be a challenging. Suddenly, he recalled Zan Huangming last word 'Jingguo, because your cultivation level is not strong, even if my inner qi is flowing in your body, you must find someone with stronger inner qi and release the eight channels of meridians in your body to get the full benefit of my internal energy'.

Kuo Jin Song flew past Ma Jingguo and hit Ma Jingguo's shoulder blades, then Kuo Jin Song quickly flew in front of Ma Jingguo, exhausted his internal energy, and struck Ma Jingguo in the chest.

"Kuo shifu finally defeated Demon Ma."

"There is no doubt that he is the best."

Every standing martial artists was muttering to himself happily.

When Kuo Jin Song realized that his internal energy was being drain, he suddenly raised his head to look at Ma Jingguo's smirking face. He gasped, "You…"

Ma Jingguo pushed Kuo Jin Song's hands away from his chest and directly aimed a punch at Kuo Jin Song's abdomen. The powerful devil fists blasted Kuo Jin Song off the roof with one punch, and retreated towards the many martial artists. There is a faint trace of blood at the corner of Kuo Jin Song's mouth.

Kuo Ju quickly rushed to Kuo Jin Song, "Jin Song…" She quickly checked Kuo Jin Song's pulse. "It's not too bad."

Ma Jingguo smiled and said, "Thank you, Kuo shifu, for opening my acupoints for me."

Kuo Ju, "What happened?"

Kuo Jin Song said, "He deliberately let me hit him, open his blocked acupoints, and let the other stronger energy in his body to flow freely." Kuo Jin Song looked at Kuo Lok. "Lok'er, come down. You are not his opponent." He looked at Monk Ling. "Sorry... I fell into his trap."

Ma Jingguo jumped off the roof and stared at Wu Jianping coldly. He said angrily, "If you don't release her now, your sector will need to appoint a new leader." Wu Jianping released Yuan Chaomei. Ma Jingguo began to walk away, and Yuan Chaomei quickly followed.

Yong Taihua shouted, "Are we just going to let him walk away like this?"

Yong Gui said, "Of course not. We need a plan."

Fu Yuanjun said, "Yong gongzi, have you ever heard of not chasing a cornered dog? Because if you do, you will force him to fight mercilessly."

Gu Tingfuang said, "Leader Yong is right." He looked at Yong Taihua. "If we plan accordingly, you will get revenge."

Rao Zhengsheng said, "Yong gongzi, as a man, taken ten years to seek revenge is never too late." He tapped Yong Taihua's right shoulder three times.

Just when they were far enough away from the group of people, Ma Jingguo stopped suddenly, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Yuan Chaomei said worriedly, "Chief…" She held onto Ma Jingguo's left arm. "Chief…"

Ma Jingguo said, "I'm fine, I'll be fine after a few days of rest." He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. "Kuo Jin Song, deserves his reputation." He put his arms around Yuan Chaomei's shoulder. "Chaomei, get out of here quickly. If those people decide to chase us. We will die here."

Yuan Chaomei put her arm around Ma Jingguo waist and she helped Ma Jingguo down the mountain heading towards the main road.

Ma Jingguo felt that someone wiped his body with a damp cloth. He opened his eyes slightly and saw Mu Dishi wiping his body.

Ma Jingguo murmured, "Xiao shushu…xiao shushu…I miss you so much." He grabbed Li Howin's hand and kissed it. He pulled Li Howin's into his arms and hugged Li Howin. "Don't go. Just stay with me like this..." Ma Jingguo's hand began to stroke Li Howin's hair slowly, but after the tenth strokes, he pushed Li Howin away from his chest. "Who allow you to come into this room?"

Li Howin said warmly, "Yuan jiejie, ask me to look after you."

Ma Jingguo said madly, "Scram…No one is allow to come inside this room. Scram!"

Li Howin picked up the basin and quickly left the room. Ma Jingguo slowly got up, sitting on the edge of the bed with a headache. He hit his head twice to try to clear his headache, but this only made his headache worse.

Yuan Chaomei came out from the door. She put the tray on the table, grabbed the brewed medicine bowl, and walked to the bed. She handed the medicine bowl to Ma Jingguo.

Yuan Chaomei said, "I was going to have Li didi care for you, but he said you told him to scram. Your headaches is due to the last two acupoints that are not been release yet. Try not to use too much energy, unless you will have a headache."

Ma Jingguo took the medicine and began to drink it. After taking the medicine, he handed the empty bowl to Yuan Chaomei. He asked, "How do we get here?"

Yuan Chaomei said, "As soon as we left Sword Village, you fainted. I got us a horse and brought you back here. Also…"

Ma Jingguo asked, "What else?"

Yuan Chaomei said, "Now the news of your defeat Kuo Jin Song and the four households of Central Plains spreads like fire across the martial arts world. The six sectors, Jinfeng Sector, and Sword Village publicly announced that Sunset Sector is their enemy. Two days ago, they attack one of our sector branch, but Wen qianbei lead a team of our members to go help. Wen qianbei refused to let leader Si or leader Tong to go with her. She was afraid if the news of you being unwell spreads, the six sectors, Jinfeng Sector, and Sword Village will attack on us… and you."

Ma Jingguo, "Me what?"

Yuan Chaomei, "You got yourself a nickname."

Ma Jingguo Chuckled, "What it is?"

Yuan Chaomei, "The Antagonist Xin."

Ma Jingguo burst out laughing, "The Antagonist Xin?" He wondered what the people will call him and Mu Dishi when Mu Dishi return to his side. He thought about it, came up with the name 'The Antagonist Killer Strings Demons' he suddenly burst out laughing.

Yuan Chaomei asked, "What's so funny?"

Ma Jingguo said, "I just want to know what xiao shushu's expression will be when he heard of this name."

A disciple rushed in and stood outside the room. The disciple said in a panic, "Report."

Yuan Chaomei helped Ma Jingguo to the door. Ma Jingguo asked, "What?"

The disciple said, "Chief Xin, leader Wen is surrounded by the six sector, Jinfeng Sectors, and Sword Village."

Ma Jingguo said angrily, "What?" He felt a sharp pain in his chest and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Yuan Chaomei quickly took out a handkerchief and wiped Ma Jingguo's mouth. Yuan Chaomei said, "Don't be mad. Is not good for you at this moment."

Ma Jingguo said madly, "Gather everyone, we are going to save Wen qianbei." He gritted his teeth. "If something happens to Wen qianbei, I am going to destroy the six sectors, and I will start with Mangsha Sector."