Chapter 28 Puppy Meet His Owner

The martial artists and the members of Sunset Sector all turned their eyes to Ma Jinggou and Mu Dishi. As soon as Ma Jingguo called Mu Dishi xiao shushu, the older martial artists knew who the masked man was, and understood the reason why he only saved Yong Taihua and Elder Tong.

Mu Dishi didn't say a word to Ma Jingguo, he rolled his eyes at Ma Jingguo coldly, and dragged Yong Taihua and elder Tong towards the front entrance.

Si Meifeng asked, "Is chief going to allow that man to drag those two prisoners away like that?"

Yao Hu, "What's the matter? This is the first time I've seen chief acting this way."

Yuan Chaomei secretly breathed a sigh of relief that Ma Jingguo finally met Mu Dishi. She said, "Let him be. There are things, beyond our control."

Ma Jingguo chased Mu Dishi innocently like a child chasing his mother. Ma Jingguo shouted, "Hey, talk to me…don't ignore me…Wait for me."

Yong Taihua, who was dragged away, said in doubt, "Shizun… shizun...?"

Elder Tong, "Dishi, you…you are not dead?"

Mu Dishi said coldy, "No." He continued to drag the two of them to the stairwell.

"What's going on?"

"What happened to Xin Taiyang?"

"Did he lose his mind because he practiced Devil Fist too much?"

The younger martial artists and the members of Sunset Sector were also confused by Ma Jingguo's childish behavior.

Ma Jingguo knew that if Mu Dishi want to leave, there was no way to stop him from leaving. He stopped and shouted, "Xiao shushu, I won't stop you if you want to leave, but even if you save them, if you don't get the antidote, they will die within twelve hours."

Ma Jingguo thought deeply inside his mind 'xiao shushu, just turned around and walked to me. Let me hug you in my arms to make up for all the lost time we are apart. Just turn around and walk back to these arms that long for you, every second of every day'. He whispered, "Mother help me…make xiao shushu come back to me."

Mu Dishi stopped at the stairs and turned around. He walked frantically towards Ma Jingguo. He stretched out his hand, "The antidote."

Ma Jingguo reached into his robe and poured out a white pill. He said, "Take this and stay with me. If you do, I will release all these useless people. As a bonus, I will provide them with an antidote."

Yong Taihua rushed back and pointed at Ma Jingguo with his finger, "Ma Jingguo…you sneaky bastard."

Mu Dishi took off the masked cloth. When everyone saw Mu Dishi's face they gasped.

Ma Jingguo smiled happily, "Xiao shushu."

Mu Dishi reached out and took the pill. He put the pill in his mouth and swallowed it.

Yong Taihua, "Shizun."

Mu Dishi said, "Take everyone and leave."

Yong Taihua glared at Ma Jingguo, "Ma Jingguo, if you dare to hurt my shizun, I will kill you. I will burn your sector to ashes."

Ma Jingguo said, "Drag this loud mouth out of here."

Two Sunset Sector members came over and dragged Yong Taihua away, and the other martial artists followed down the stairs.

Yong Taihua shouted from down the stair, "Shizun wait for me. I will come to rescue you."

Ma Jingguo shouted happily at Yong Taihua, "Yong Taihua, if you come back, I will kill Yan Zhanjin and destroy Sword Village." He quickly stretched out his arms and hugged Mu Dishi tightly inside his arms.

Mu Dishi snorted and said angrily, "Let go of me."

Ma Jingguo insisted, "No, every time I let you go, you will eventually leave me." Only then did he realize that Mu Dishi's left sleeve is just a sleeve without an arm. He pushed Mu Dishi back and quickly feel for Mu Dishi's left arm. He asked, "Xiao shushu, what happened to your left arm? Why is it an empty sleeve?"

Mu Dishi said, "Nothing happened."

Ma Jingguo insisted, his expression suddenly changed. He sternly said, "Answered me!"

Mu Dishi said, "Nothing…" He spit out blood.

Ma Jingguo asked worriedly, "What's the matter?"

Mu Dishi said weakly, "It hurts."

Ma Jingguo picked up Mu Dishi up and led him to the inner door. He looked at Yuan Chaomei and said, "Chaomei follow me back." Ma Jingguo quickly rushed Mu Dishi toward his bedroom.

Inside Ma Jingguo's sleeping chamber, Mu Dishi is lying on the bed, while Ma Jingguo and Yuan Chaomei are sitting at the table. Ma Jingguo asked, "What happened to him?"

Yuan Chaomei said, "He got poisoned by seven colors pill, but transferred the poison to his left arm. This is probably the reason why he is still alive. Moreover, this is also the reason why he couldn't move his left arm. The less the movement of the left arm, the slower the spread of the poison. He has been using his internal energy to slowly force the poison out little by little."

Ma Jingguo said, "Let me use my internal energy to force the poison out at once."

Yuan Chaomei said, "This won't work. We can't suddenly change the treatment methods. If we do, it will do more harm than good."

Ma Jingguo slammed his hand heavily on the table, "Fu Yuanjun..."

Yuan Chaomei said, "Chief, even if Mu gongzi doesn't show it on his face, he is actually in a lot of pain."

Ma Jingguo said, "Chaomei, summon everyone for a meeting tomorrow morning. I have an announcement to announce."

Yuan Chaomei, "Chief, are you leaving Sunset sector?"

Ma Jingguo said, "No, not yet. I just want to make it clear among the people in Sunset Sector."

Yuan Chaomei asked, "Do you want to have dinner?"

Ma Jingguo shook his head.

Yuan Chaomei said, "Alright." She walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. She saw Li Howin standing in front of the bedroom. She walked to Li Howin. "Why are you still up?"

Li Howin asked, "Is chief alright?"

Yuan Chaomei said, "He is fine."

Li Howin said, "I heard some members say that because chief practice Devil Fists from time to time, the effect of the Devil Fists will make chief unable to control his temper."

Yuan Chaomei said, "Because met Mu gongzi, his temper from now on will be in good control, so don't worry about it. I think that in the future, there will be fewer episode where he will be mad at anyone for no reason. long as Mu gongzi don't suddenly decide to leave."

Li Howin asked, "Yuan jiejie, is Mu gongzi and xiao shushu the same person?"

Yuan Chaomei, "Yes." She saw Li Howin bit his lowered lip. "Li didi, chief love Mu gongzi a lot, and has admired him very much since childhood. Chief will not have eyes for any others." She looked at Li Howin. "Do you understand?"

Li Howin nodded and said, "I understand. I was sold to the chief, I know I shouldn't put myself higher than a slave title."

Yuan Chaomei said, "Maybe it is good for you. You can finally gain your freedom."

Li Howin asked, "How?"

Yuan Chaomei, "If Mu gongzi give you your freedom, chief doesn't have any says to it." She smiled at Li Howin. "I must prepare for tomorrow's meeting. Go and rest and don't think too much." Yuan Chaomei watched Li Howin slowly walk away. She sighed and shook her head. "Li Didi, did you know that love have only one winner, and you are not the winner?"