Chapter 34 Drunk One Hundred Days

After Yan Zhanjin and Yong Caixia paid the workers, they brought the flooded paper flowers and paper money back to meet Bazar Batu.

Yan Zhanjin said, "Would you like to eat out with us?"

Yong Caixia, "I'll go, there is nothing to do at home. Everything at home reminds me of Dandan." She frowned sadly.

Yan Zhanjin asked, "What's wrong?"

Yong Caixia said, "I'm thinking, if da ge decides to remarry...I don't know if I can accept his bride. I think if I accept his bride, it means I betrayed Dandan."

Yan Zhanjin, "Dandan is my shimei. We grew up together. I know she wants Taihua to be happy. It may be difficult, but we have to accept the fact that she is no longer here. Taihua has no reason to stay single. So, if Taihua decided to remarry. All we can do is support him. He didn't betray Dandan." They stopped and he patted her left shoulder lightly. "So, you didn't betray anyone."

Yong Caixia sighed, "I will burn these paper money to Dandan tomorrow morning. Would you like to come?"

Yan Zhanjin, "Then let's go together. Ask Taihua if he wants to come."

Yong Caixia said, "You don't need to ask him, he will already arrive before we get to the cemetery tomorrow." Then she stopped.

Yan Zhanjin, "What?"

Yong Caixia, "Bazar gongzi…"

Yan Zhanjin looked up and saw Bazar Batu lying motionless on the ground. He threw all the paper money and flowers on the ground and rushed to Bazar Batu. He holds Bazar Batu. He asked worriedly, "Batu…Batu…"

Bazar Batu, "Zhanjin…I know how the murderer killed Dandan..."

Yan Zhanjin, "How? Tell me."

Bazar Batu said, "He is…he is…so beautiful…" He fell into Yan Zhanjin's arms.

Yan Zhanjin shouted, "Who? Batu wakes up…"

Yong Caixia quickly rushed to the conference hall. When she arrived at the conference hall. Kuo Lok, Kuo Wenqian, Yong Taihua, and Yong Gui are still talking. She rushed in and shouted, "Batu is dead. Batu is dead...someone killed Batu."

Kuo Lok, Yong Taihua, Yong Gui, and Yong Caixia rushed to Bazar Batu and Yan Zhanjin. They saw Yan Zhanjin sitting in the small pavilion, watching Bazar Batu running around pretending to catch butterflies.

Kuo Lok asked, "What's wrong? Yong guniang said that Batu was dead."

Yan Zhanjin shook his head, "No, he is not dead. I thought he would die, but he was just poisoned."

Yong Caixia, "Poisoned? What kind of poison?"

Yan Zhanjin said, "Batu look over there, there are many butterflies over by those bushes." He pointed to his left.

Bazar Batu giggled suddenly and walked over. Raised his hand and jumped up. Bazar Batu said, "Zhanjin, I seem to have caught one." He opened his clasped hands and began to cry. "It flew away. Not fair. It flew away."

Yong Gui asked, "What happened to Bazar gongzi?"

Yan Zhanjin, "The people who poisoned Batu really have a weird sense of humor."

Yong Taihua, "What do you mean?"

Yan Zhanjin said, "Instead of given Batu poisonous poison, he gave Batu a potion which is called Drunk One Hundred Days."

Yong Taihua, "I haven't heard of the poison yet."

Yan Zhanjin said, "This is not a poison, it is a love potion used in a brothel. Whoever eats it will feel drunk and believe everything. If you don't believe it, take Batu as an example." He looked at Bazar Batu who was still sobbing. "Batu, your butterfly flew back and landed on your right hand."

Bazar Batu stopped sobbing and looked at his right hand. He smiled, "It really came back to me."

Yan Zhanjin said, "This will cause people to hallucinate and believe anything that is said to him."

Kuo Lok, "What is the cure?"

Yan Zhanjin said, "There is no cure, the individual will return to normal after one hundred days."

Yong Caixia, "Then we must pay more attention to him, lest he will hurt himself."

Yan Zhanjin, "He told me before fainting that he knew how the murderer killed Dandan."

Yong Taihua said, "Then this case shows that the person who poisoned Batu may already know Batu knows who he is."

Yan Zhanjin, "Maybe."

Yong Gui, "Lok'er, you and Bazar gongzi must stay in Sword Village."

Yong Caixia, "Lok ge, this may be the safest place for Batu at the moment."

Kuo Lok walked over and grabbed Bazar Batu's hand. Bazar Batu giggled and said, "Lok gege, you are so handsome. I want a kiss now."

Kuo Lok said, "Batu, you are very sleepy now and you are going to sleep."

Bazar Batu nodded and yawned, "I'm sleepy." He fainted in Kuo Lok's arm.

Kuo Lok picked up Bazar Batu and walked into their room. He put Bazar Batu on the bed and gently kissed his lips. He closed the door and returned to the small pavilion.

At this time, a disciple walked in and said, "Leader Yong, there are three villagers who came asking for help. They are waiting for you in the conference hall."

Yan Zhanjin looked at Kuo Lok, "Go ahead. I will take care of Batu."

Yong Caixia, "Lok ge, don't worry. I will be here with Yan ge."

Kuo Lok, "Thank you." He walked away with Yong Taihua and Yong Gui.

In the main conference hall of Sword Village, the leaders of the six sectors, four clans, and other leaders, have already taken their seats. Yong Gui walked into the room and sat on his chair.

Villager one, "Leader Yong, we have come to ask for help."

Yong Gui, "What's the matter?"

Villager one said, "Pirates have caused us trouble recently. They will steal our crops or burn our crops."

Villager two, "We are just ordinary villagers. We have to pay a large fine if we want to make a claim to the court. We don't have the money to do this." He cried. "Our only hope lies in you."

Yong Gui sighed, "Don't worry, the Central Plains martial artists will help." He motioned to one of the servants. "Take them to rest." After the three villagers left. Yong Gui looked at the many martial artists in the conference hall. "I think our plan to overthrow Sunset Sector has to be postponed for the time being, because Xin Taiyang has not made a move. Moreover, with Mu gongzi by his side, it is difficult to defeat him now."

Tang Jianyu said, "Leader Yong is right. At this time, the well-being of the villagers should be our top priority."

Num Chingmei said, "Since Seventy-two Islands wants to fight Central Plains martial artists so much, let us bring the fight to them."

Rao Zhengsheng said, "I grew up in the south, and I know the route taken by the people of Seventy-two Islands. I will draw us a map. In addition, I still have a score to settle with the chief leader of Seventy-two Islands."

Yong Gui said, "Chief Rao, if you can do it, it will be of great help to us. You can draw a map and we can come up with a good plan to attack them."

A disciple walked into the conference hall. He said, "Shifu, Xin Taiyang has evacuated all members of Sunset Sector from Mangsha. He is coming here."

The martial artists around the conference hall all whispered in panic. The voices of many martial artists echoed in the room.


"Xin Taiyang is coming, we are not prepared to fight him at all."

"If he decides to launch an attack now, what shall we do?"

Yong Taihua said, "Calm down, everyone." He looked at his junior. "Are you sure he is heading here?"

Disciple, "Yes, Mu gongzi is also by his side."

Yong Taihua said, "If shizun is by Ma Jingguo's side, he may just be visiting the Mu cemetery. I will go meet them first."

Yong Gui, "Are you sure?"

Fu Yuanjun said, "Leader Yong, Yong gongzi is Mu ge's disciple. A teacher will not kill his student."

Yong Gui, "Taihua, then you go. If you think that Xin Taiyang is coming to attack us, then send the signal right away."

Yong Taihua nodded and walked out of the conference room.

Cao Wenyan stood up and said, "I will make it clear that I will help you fight Ma Jingguo, but whoever dares to harm Mu gongzi, I will not go easy on that person."

The martial artists in the conference hall already knew that Cao Wenyan had a good impression of Mu Dishi, so they did not reply.

Num Chingmei then said, "If this is the case, then chief Cao shouldn't join us in this battle."

Li Kong Bai, "I think what Nun Chingmei said makes sense. If Mu gongzi wants to help Xin Taiyang fight us, then we have to defend ourselves. When fists are thrown and swords are sheathed, injures are unpreventable on either side."

Red Mice, "In this case, the Cao family will not intervene, and it will be fair to both parties. "

Yong Gui, "That is the best for everyone ." He stood up. "Let us end our discussion and wait for Taihua. Everyone should rest and prepare for the worst."

In the guestroom in Sword Village, Wang Biming took out two porcelain vases and put them on the table. He picked up the empty bottle and said with a smile, "You are such a lucky person to escape death." He smiled bitterly. "Anyhow, it's a long way from here to Jiangnan... and I still have one hundred days to kill you."