Chapter 37 Second Chance

In the conference hall of Sword Village, many martial artists watched the blood in Ma Jingguo's hand dripping on the floor. With every drop of blood, their hearts beat faster. The six sectors and four clans also know that Ma Jingguo has distributed his subordinates across the six sectors, clans, and four households. Those who had the most to lose are not on Wu Jianping's side. They stared at Wu Jianping angrily.

Wu Jianping spit out a mouthful of blood and slowly got up. Wu Jianping said, "Ma Jingguo, you took over Mangsha and caged me like a dog. I will never let this humiliation go."

Ma Jingguo said, "You really are a dog. You don't care about the lives of your servants and disciples who are still in Mangsha?" He gnashed his teeth. "I know that a lowly person like you doesn't have the courage to weather the storm. Do you really think that the person you helped will come to rescue you when needed? "He stared at Fu Yuanjun.

Wu Jianping said, "Even if the five sectors agree, I won't."

Wu On, "Da shixiong, how can you do this? You have to consider the well-being of our disciples and servants who are still captured in Mangsha."

Wu Jianping pushed Wu On to the ground. He roared wildly, "I am the leader of Mangsha, not you." He looked at the martial artists inside the conference hall. "Everyone, demon Xin was injured and poisoned. If we kill him today, our most powerful obstacle will no longer stand in our way...what's everyone still waiting for? Kill him." He pointed his sword at Ma Jingguo.

Si Meifang laughed loudly from behind Ma Jingguo, "Anyone of you, who is brave enough." She stood beside Ma Jingguo. "Step forward." She took out her handkerchief and wrapped Ma Jingguo's injured hand. "Chief, you lost this time."

Ma Jingguo shook his head, "I surrendered. I think I have too much hope for these desperate people."

Si Meifang smiled and said, "Then I can do whatever I want with these desperate people, right?"

Ma Jingguo said, "Except for Yong Gui, Yong Taihua, and Yan Zhanjin, you can do whatever you want with these people."

One clan leader said, "Chief Xin, we have already accepted your sector as the fifth household of Central Plain. We didn't know that leader Wu would be like this."

Monk Ling, "Benefactor Xin, the next step, please consider carefully. You have worked hard, in order to persuade the six sectors to accept the existence of Sunset Sector. If you choose the wrong step, your efforts will be in vain."

Ma Jingguo, "Yes, but you don't seem to acknowledge our existence wholeheartedly. I will keep my promise and I will find the murderer. At the same time, if any of you feel the same as chief Wu and chief Gu, I will accept your challenge."

Wu On said, "Chief Xin, I know that da shixiong is acting in anger, and he didn't think clearly before he act. Please forgive him and don't hurt anyone in Mangsha." He paid tribute to Ma Jingguo.

Ma Jingguo smiled and said, "I will not kill him nor the people inside Mangsha Sector if only he." Ma Jingguo pointed at Wu Jianping. "If he step down, and you take over Mangsha Sector as their new leader."

Wu On, "But I'm just an ordinary disciple, and I don't have any creditability."

Ma Jingguo said, "I am convinced that the people in Mangsha will agree with me after hearing what happened today."

One of the elder of Mangsha stood up and said, "As one of the elder of Mangsha, I agree with chief Xin."

Ma Jingguo said, "Well, you give me time to prove my innocence, and I will give everyone time to regain my trust." He looked at Monk Ling. "Monk Ling, please advise, if someone wants to attack Sunset Sector, what should we do?"

Yong Gui said, "Chief Xin, protect yourself from any attacks just like any other sectors would do."

Ma Jingguo looked at Yong Gui and said, "I will keep your words in mind." He gave Fu Yuanjun one last sneer before he walked out of the door with Si Meifeng.

Li Kong Bai looked at Wu Jianping and shook his head disappointedly. He stood up and said, "Everyone, see you in Jiangnan."

Tan Jianyu, "Leader Yong, I have to say goodbye." He turned to Wu On. "I don't know how others will evaluate you, but you will get my full support. An excellent leader cares about all the lives around him, not just himself." Tang Jianyu and the four Kunlun disciples left the meeting hall.

Outside the gate of Sword Village, Ma Jingguo vomited more blood. Si Meifeng became worried and she held tightly onto Ma Jingguo.

Si Meifeng asked worriedly, "Chief, hang in there. Yuan meimei is coming."

Ma Jingguo said, "Take me to Mu Village. If I have to die…I want to take my last breath inside xiao shushu's arms."

Si Meifeng supported Ma Jingguo all the way to the bamboo shed. She said, "I'll go get Yuan meimei."

Ma Jingguo said, "Go, I can walk by myself from here."

Ma Jingguo walked slowly to the bamboo shed. He opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind him. He stared at Mu Dishi who was still asleep on the bed. He climbed onto the bed and pulled Mu Dishi into his arm.

Ma Jingguo kissed Mu Dishi's right cheek and said softly, "Xiao shushu, I'm back." He stared at Mu Dishi's face with tears in his eyes. He moved himself to Mu Dishi's abdomen, resting his head on Mu Dishi's abdomen. "How did we get to the point where we no longer trust each other? In order to keep you from not leaving me, I must hurt you. Xiao shushu, I'm sorry. I'm just so scared... so scared that you will leave me. I'm afraid of being alone. I'm afraid of living a life without you." Then he felt Mu Dishi's right hand rubbing gently on the back of his head.

Mu Dishi murmured, "Jingguo…"

Before Mu Dishi opened his eyes, he heard the mating sound of night crickets resounding across the night. Then he realized that he had been sleeping since the morning. He slowly got up, sat on the edge of the bed, feeling dizzy, probably because he over slept. He stood up and walked to the table. There is a lit oil lamb on the table and a towel next to the basin. Mu Dishi walked out of the bamboo shed slowly. At the door, he saw Ma Jingguo humming and cooking in the kitchen. He went out and sat on the stone bench.

Ma Jingguo looked up and said, "Xiao shushu, you are awake now." He smiled. "Dinner will be ready in a moment."

Mu Dishi stared at Ma Jingguo's left hand. He asked, "How serious is the wound?"

Ma Jingguo said, "It's not bad. It's just scratches." Ma Jingguo poured the fried dishes onto the plate. He grabbed the plates and sat in front of Mu Dishi. He picked up a piece of cabbage and put the piece of cabbage into Mu Dishi's bowl.

Mu Dishi said nothing further. He didn't want to eat, just stared at Ma Jingguo.

Ma Jingguo stretched out his right hand and held Mu Dishi's left hand. He smiled and said, "Xiao shushu, I had fulfilled shifu's wish for him. The six sectors agree for Sunset Sector to be the fifth household of Central Plains."

Mu Dishi, "In exchange for it?"

Ma Jingguo said, "I was given two years to prove my innocence. If I can't prove my innocence by then, then I must commit suicide in front of the six sectors." He smiled. "I'm thinking, whether I can prove my innocence on time or not is not important to me. I hope to be with you every day for the next two years. If I can prove my innocence, then I would be able to stay with you until your hair turn white like mine." He chuckled. "If not…it's not a big deal."

Mu Dishi remained silent.

Ma Jingguo said, "I know we can't defeat destiny, so I want to live with xiao shushu every day, as if this is my last." He smiled. "Hurry up and eat. Tomorrow we will return to Sunset Sector."

After dinner Ma Jingguo and Mu Dishi finished bathing. Ma Jingguo sat on the edge of the bed, staring at Mu Dishi sitting at the table. Ma Jingguo smiled and said, "Xiao shushu, do you still remember after the first time we made love, you were sitting in the exactly same place." He smiled. "I asked you why you didn't go to bed, and you told me you didn't want to have sex with me, but I was too injured and couldn't do anything. To be honest, even at the moment I was seriously injured, I still wanted to have sex with xiao shushu."

Mu Dishi said, "I am not tired, because I have slept all day."

Ma Jingguo said, "I know…Xiao shushu let me hold you until I fell asleep."

Mu Dishi blew out the oil lamp and walked to the bed. Ma Jingguo hugged Mu Dishi's waist and held him tightly. Mu Dishi rubbed the back of Ma Jingguo's head. He said, "Jingguo, forgive me. Please give me another chance to win your trust again?"

Ma Jingguo said, "I never doubted you. No matter what you do to me, I am not angry enough to hate you because I love you too much. Maybe I love you more than I love myself." He paused for a moment and scoffed softly. "Sometimes I wonder, why would my parents create a person that no one wants to love and is hated by everyone?" He sighed. "I am the biggest mistake my parents made."

Mu Dishi said, "You may be someone else mistake, but to me, you are the best gift heaven given me." He looked at Ma Jingguo with a smile. "Jingguo…made love to me."

Ma Jingguo slowly kissed Mu Dishi's hand, and then his kiss climbed up to Mu Dishi's lips. He put his tongue into Mu Dishi's mouth and slowly pulled down Mu Dishi's pants. He spread Mu Dishi's legs apart and slowly inserted his member into Mu Dishi. He slowly thrust while kissing Mu Dishi, and said softy, "Dishi...forever is a long time, but I wouldn't mind spending it with you because I love you so much."

Mu Dishi said, "Jingguo....I want to grow old with you."

Ma Jingguo smiled and said, "Let's grow old together." Then he thrusting became faster and faster.

As the night gets older, the moaning sound of Mu Dishi and the mating sounds of crickets intertwined and echoed into the night.