Chapter 39 Liar

In the small room with only an oil lamp, Wang Biming poured a cup of wine and handed it to Fu Yuanjun.

Fu Yuanjun drank the cup of wine and looked at Wang Biming. He smiled and said, "Before I came to see you, your shimei gave me an earful."

Wang Biming looked at Fu Yuanjun with a smile, "Really?" What does she say? "

Fu Yuanjun put down the wine cup and said, "She told me to stay away from you and keep my distance."

Wang Biming said, "Maybe she likes you."

Fu Yuanjun, "How so?"

Wang Biming, "She always asks me about you, why were we partners in the first place?" He looked at Fu Yuanjun. "She also asked about chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands."

Fu Yuanjun smiled lightly, "We may succeed in other people's affairs, but love is definitely not one of them."

Wang Biming smiled faintly, "You got that right." Wang Biming sighed.

Fu Yuanjun, "If time can turn backward, I wonder if we still choose the same path?"

Wang Biming, "Do you regret it now?"

Fu Yuanjun looked at Wang Biming and said, "Meeting you is the best gift heaven has given me. There is nothing to regret."

Wang Biming said, "I sometimes wonder, we are both our father's sons, but why do he love his other sons more?"

Fu Yuanjun sneered, "Yes, we must sacrifice ourselves and let their other son climb the ladder."

Wang Biming said, "I have no hatred for my da ge."

Fu Yuanjun, "I also don't hold anything against my father's moron son."

Wang Biming, "The assassins are ready, they will appear as soon as you call them."

Fu Yuanjun stretched out his hand and took Wang Biming's hand. He smiled and said, "Thank you."

Wang Biming looked at Fu Yuanjun and said, "There should be no thank you or sorry between us."

Fu Yuanjun said, "I know. You told me already." He stood up and stood behind Wang Biming. He put his arms around Wang Biming's neck. "Do you still miss him?"

Wang Biming said, "I do. After all, he is still my first love."

Fu Yuanjun chuckled and sighed, "He has move on, why can't you move on?

Wang Biming held onto Fu Yuanjun's hands. He said, "I can't, because deep in my heart, I still care about him."

Fu Yuanjun said, "You have said that since childhood, don't you get bored?"

Wang Biming said, "What about you? You decide to marry someone, and it is your lover who gave you the coffin."

Fu Yuanjun sighed, "She told me that our relationship is like a broken rope. No matter how much we tried to tie the rope back together, it will never be free of knots."

Wang Biming, "She is right."

Fu Yuanjun said, "Ma Jingguo did this to avenge Chen Dandan, but what he didn't know was that he actually helped me get rid of Gu Jingjing."

Wang Biming asked, "What do you want to do with Chaomei?"

Fu Yuanjun, "Nothing, she is with Sunset Sector and they are part of the four households."

Wang Biming said, "This is a good opportunity for you to marry her. It has always been your dream. Now, since they turn to the orthodox sector, you can use your marriage with Chaomei to tighten the shackles between Sunset Sector and Tianshan."

Fu Yuanjun nodded, "This is not bad idea, but the problem is that she once married Gu Yingjie... Now marrying her, Tianshan elders may not agree. Moreover, I need time."

Wang Biming turned his head and looked at Fu Yuanjun, "Yuanjun, if I have an opportunity like you, I will grab it without hesitation."

Fu Yuanjun said, "If I have someone who loves me unconditionally like you love Mu Dishi, I will never leave him for another man." He picked up the cup. "Yong Taihua may have his doubts, but he has no conclusive evidence to prove it."

Wang Biming said, "That Mongol figured out how the chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands escaped after he killed Chen Dandan?"

Fu Yuanjun said, "Fortunately, you gave him the wrong poison. Don't worry, I will take care of it. I can guarantee that, Kuo Lok will not fight with them."

Wang Biming said, "Really, what are you going to do?"

Fu Yuanjun, "I like watching people fly without wings." He looked at Wang Biming. "You will have to wait to watch the spectacular show."

In the small room, Wang Biming and Fu Yuanjun laughed.

In the warm spring afternoon, the sun rose high and Ma Jingguo and Mu Dishi were sitting by the teahouse. Ma Jingguo looked at the ground on the right, staring at the place where he hugged his mother for the last time. He promised his mother that he would always be by Mu Dishi's side. He picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Mu Dishi. He stared at Mu Dishi, and he found that they had known each other for so many years, Mu Dishi had not changed much.

Ma Jingguo said, "Xiao shushu, it's been many years since we met in this roadside teahouse. At that time I was ten years old and you were in your early twenties. I found out that you have not changed at all. You are still the same as when I first met you." He drank the tea. "Xiao shushu, did you really took me home because you need someone to play the flute for you while you practice killer strings?"

Mu Dishi said, "Yes."

Ma Jingguo said, "Any other reasons?"

Mu Dishi said, "No."

Ma Jingguo smiled and said, "Oh...I thought I was a special person. What a bummer?" He looked at Mu Dishi while stirring the tea in the teacup in his hands. "To be honest, the reason why I decided to wait for you for two days was because when I saw you for the first time. Your facial features tell me that this person is beautiful from head to toe. He must be a very good person with a heart of gold."

Mu Dishi didn't looked at Ma Jingguo. He asked, "You must be disappointed."

Ma Jingguo said, "I am." He drank the tea. "Then when you saved me, I realized that my prediction was correct."

Mu Dishi said, "I am not a beautiful person with a heart of gold."

Ma Jingguo smiled and said, "I know…You are a beautiful person with the icy cold heart of winter."

Mu Dishi looked up at Ma Jingguo and said, "Jingguo…I remember you once told me that you were tired of chasing me. Since you are tired, do you want to stop chasing after me?"

Ma Jingguo asked, "Xiao shushu, are you leaving me again?"

Mu Dishi said, "I told you a long time ago. Let's make the decision together. You are right, I am a person with the icy cold heart of winter. I have been thinking about it because we are back where we first met. Our story begins in this melancholy Jiangnan mist. Should our story ends here, let those memories be buried here?"

Ma Jingguo asked, "You promised me to listen to me in the future?"

Mu Dishi, "If you are not satisfied with this decision, then we will forget it."

Ma Jingguo smiled and sighed, "What's the point of wanting you to stay when you don't want to stay. Xiao shushu, I really love you and I still love you, no matter how tiresome it is, I will still try to love you, but then I realized that I had been lying to myself. I don't know why loving you would hurt me so much. Recently...I was wondering whether having me by your side makes you happy, or am I the only one think that having me beside you makes you happy."

Mu Dishi looked at Ma Jingguo, "Jingguo, let's break up and sever all relations."

Ma Jingguo sneered, "If it's a joke, then it's not funny."

Mu Dishi, "It's not a joke."

Ma Jingguo gnashing his teeth, "You really mean that?"

Mu Dishi said, "Yes..." He looked at Ma Jingguo. "Do you agree with this decision?"

Ma Jingguo, "What is the reason you want to break up and sever all relations?"

Mu Dishi said, "So, if the person standing next to you is someone other than me, your heart will no longer be hurt."

Ma Jingguo said, "Alright."

Mu Dishi, "Thank you."

Ma Jingguo asked, "What do you plan to do after you leave here?"

Mu Dishi, "I will go home and stay there."

Ma Jingguo looked at Mu Dishi coldly, "Xiao shushu, can I visit you from time to time?"

Mu Dishi did not look at Ma Jingguo. He said, "We'd better not meet again."

Ma Jingguo chuckled and said, "Very well, we have always part on bad terms, but this time it's different."

Mu Dishi stood up and said, "I'll leave now." Mu Dishi did not look at Ma Jingguo. He walked slowly towards his home.

Ma Jingguo watched Mu Dishi slowly disappear, and the tea cup in his right hand suddenly shattered. He gritted his teeth, "Liar…everyone is a liar." He stared at the shattered cup. "I know you are not going home. You are going to find Wang Biming."