Chapter 54 Blossom Bloom Early

Wang Changming was locked in a cave in the back mountain of Wang's restricted area. His right leg was tied to the wall of the cave by a chain. The length of the chain only allowed him to walk to the small pavilion by the stream. The only people he saw were the old guard who brought him food and Wang Zedong who came to remind him of his mistakes from time to time. He was cut off from everyone. He watched the cherry blossoms died and bloom from one season to the next. For every sun rise to every sunset, he made a mark on the cave wall. Two years later, when Wang Zedong sent him news of Mu Jiao Long's fame, he stopped counting. As the days passed, his hopes for Mu Jiao Long to come rescue him became less and less.

In a blink of an eye, four years later, he was still locked in the cave, but Mu Jiao Long became a fearsome martial artist who possess the rarest martial skill technique, and yet, Mu Jiao Long still have not come for him. He counted the falling petals day by day, and fell asleep holding the jade hairpin at night.

Wang Changming has been imprisoned in the back secluded hill for four years. All he saw were two people, Wang Zedong and the guard who brought him food. Wang Zedong only allowed him to eat two meals a day. Nevertheless, sometimes he still doesn't want to eat, and the food has not been moved. He used to have many ideas in his mind, but recently loneliness has taken over his heart. Early in the morning, the skinny Wang Changming sat by the cave entrance and looked at the flower buds. He held the jade hairpin tightly in his skinny hand, and the tip of the hairpin suddenly stabbed the fingertip of his index finger. He watched the blood drip from his fingertips, and for a moment he thought, if he aimed the hairpin at the artery in his throat, and with a single pierce, he would die within a few minutes and the pain of missing would end. The thought of him dying alone in a hidden cave made him cry with sadness.

Suddenly, he heard a little boy asking, "Ge ge, why are you crying?"

Wang Changming looked up and saw a little boy staring down at him. He asked, "Ge ge's finger was injured."

The boy said, "Father said a real man will rather shed blood than tears."

Wang Changming asked, "What's your name, xiao didi?"

The boy said, "Wang Biming, I am the heir of the Wang family."

Wang Changming said, "Are you five years old now?"

Wang Biming, "Yes... who are you? Why are you here alone?"

Wang Changming, "Have you heard of Wang Changming?"

Wang Biming said, "Yes, my father said, don't choose outsiders and betray our family like Changming da ge."

Wang Changming asked, "Do you hate him?"

Wang Biming, "Father said don't hate him, and don't accept him."

Wang Changming smiled and said, "Very good. Be a good boy to father."

At this time, a maid ran over and grabbed Wang Biming's hand. The maid said, "Gongzi, you shouldn't be here. Stay away from that sick man."

That night, Wang Changming spent the whole night thinking about Wang Biming's words. He is a traitor to his family because he wants to be with the one he loves, but the one he loves abandoned him. He made up his mind to end his life within four days after his twenty second birthday.

Wang Changming looked up at the full moon and leaned on the open cave. He smiled and said to himself, "A million prays would not make you appear in front of me, I know this is true because I tried, neither would a million shed tears, I know because I cried." He tasted the salty tears in his mouth. "Mu Jiao Long, have you forgotten me?"

Wang Zedong appeared from the left side of the empty cave and said, "He forgotten you. The day after tomorrow, a grand wedding will be held in Mu Manor. Many martial artists included the six sectors and the four households are invited."

Wang Changming's fists was clenched tightly on his torn robe. He asked, "Who is she?"

Wang Zedong said, "Yi Ai, the only daughter of leader Yi of Tianshan." He lowered his head and squatted down. "Ming'er, you waited for him for four years. He not only became famous, but also established connection with Tianshan. In the martial arts world, currently... he ranks first, and there are not many martial artist can defeat him, and yet, he still have not come to fight me. What does this tell you?"

Wang Changming said, "It doesn't matter if he forgotten me. Soon, I will forget him too." He lay on his left side.

Wand Zedong, "Do you want to see him in his wedding gown?"

Wang Changming replied, "No...I wish to be left alone..."

The next morning he sat alone and listened to the birds. Now that he heard the news of Mu Jiao Long's wedding, it was much easier for him to make the final decision. He looked up at the tree buds and saw the flowers begin to bloom. Then saw Wang Biming running towards him.

Sitting next to Wang Changming, Wang Biming opened a small white bag. He said, "Ge ge, it's almost the Lantern Festival. Let's have some dessert." He handed a small bun to Wang Changming.

Wang Changming took the steamed bun and took a bite. He looked at Wang Biming and said, " seems that this years the blossoms will bloom early. I wondered, if I am going to get to see the blossoms when they are fully bloomed."

Wang Biming said, "Ge ge, when the blossoms bloom, I can steal some wine and drink it under these blossom trees with you."

Wang Changming looked at Wang Biming, "Be good and listen to your father. One failed son is enough for him."

Immediately afterwards, a vigorous drum sounded from behind the Wang Manor. Wang Biming asked, "Ge ge, what is that?"

Wang Changming said, "Warning signal."

Wang Biming, "Warning signal?"

Wang Changming said, "In other words, there are intruders in the Wang Household."

A guard in the distance rushed in, took out a key, and unlocked the chains on Wang Changming's ankle.

Wang Changming asked, "What are you doing?"

The guard said, "The chief wants to see you." He turned to Wang Biming. "Gongzi, your nanny is looking for you."

When Wang Changming arrived at the ancestral hall, Wang Zedong was already sitting there waiting for him. The guard pushed him to the ground and closed the door.

Wang Zedong asked, "Ming'er, do you know who the intruder is?

Wang Changming did not answer.

Wang Zedong said, "The intruder is no other than Mu Jiao Long." He sighed. "I don't understand him at all. Since he already married to Yi Ai, why he would come for you after all these years. Perhaps maybe because he want to defeat me, not because he wants to come for you." He pointed at the table. "There are two things on the table, one is the wedding gown, and the other is a knife." Wang Changming looked at the table. "If you choose to marry him, then you can marry him like you always wanted, but you must be my spy in the Mu Clan. Whenever you have the opportunity... I want the killer string manual. If you choose the knife, then today, either you died or he died. I gave you your life, and I have the right to take it back. Choose one."

Wang Biming walked to the table, stared at it for a while, and grabbed the wedding gown.

Wang Zedong smiled and said, "Ming'er…I want you to know that you will always be my favorite son...anyone can leave the Wang household, but not you. It is the right choice for you not to betray your family." He patted gently on Wang Changming's left shoulder. "After you finish the task, I will restore your reputation, and you will still be my heir."

Wang Changming followed Wang Zedong down the stairs and into the empty arena. He saw Mu Jiao Long standing alone in the center of the empty arena with a small chest on the ground. Mu Jiao Long stared at him without blinking. He almost didn't recognize Mu Jiao Long, because Mu Jiao Long dressed up like a beggar and looked ten years older than his actual age.

Wang Zedong looked at Mu Jiao Long and asked, "Mu gongzi, it has been four years since the last duel, why are you still here today?"

Mu Jiao Long smiled at Wang Changming. He did not look at Wang Zedong, his eyes still fixed only on Wang Changming, and said, "I didn't show up, it doesn't mean I won't show up. Thank you, chief Wang, for taking care of my xingan, but today I am taken him with me." He kicked his little chest towards Wang Zedong. "These should compensate you for providing him with food for four years."

Wang Zedong looked at Mu Jiao Long coldly.

Mu Jiao Long smiled at Wang Changming and said, "Chief Wang, let's begin."