Chapter 65 A Friend Or A Foe

Everyone looked at the door of the dilapidated temple, and saw Cao Wenyan standing there, looking at Yong Taihua angrily, as if he want to tear Yong Taihua apart, and pull out Yong Taihua's heart.

Cao Yanmei stood up and threw herself into Cao Wenyan's arms. She sobbed in Cao Wenyan's arms, "Ge…"

Walking into the old temple, are Red Mice, Black Mice, and Green Mice. They stood behind Cao Wenyan.

Yong Taihua slowly got up and willingly accepted Cao Wenyan's punch. He knew that at this time Cao Wenyan might have heard the news of him and Cao Yanmei.

Yong Caixia asked, "Da ge, are you alright?"

Yong Taihua said, "I'm fine."

Cao Wenyan looked at Rao Zhengsheng coldly and said angrily, "What kind of da ge are you Rao Zhengsheng, to let this happen to her?"

Rao Zhengsheng said, "Cao gongzi, we have fought against the people from Seventy-two Islands and we are separated."

Cao Wenyan shouted, "The excuses are not good enough."

Yongzheng turned to Xue Horan and said, "Stand behind me and don't look at his face."

Rao Zhengsheng said, "Chief Cao, I know how you feel, because I have felt that way before. Yanmei is not someone else, but my family. She is also my meimei, but once the rice is cooked, there is nothing we can do. Beside, Yong gongzi has already said that he will be responsible for his actions."

Cao Wenyan pointed to Yong Taihua, "Yong Taihua, within a month, I'd better receive your invitation to hold a wedding in Sword Village, if not, I will personally destroy Sword Village."

Cao Yanmei cried, "Ge ge…but I don't want to marry him…"

Yong Taihua said, "Cao gongzi, after I rescued shizun from that evil demon Ma, I will go back to Sword Village and prepare everything. I am a man of my word, and I will be responsible for my actions."

Cao Wenyan said, "Mu gongzi…what happened to him?"

Yong Taihua said, "I don't know."

Cao Wenyan,"I'll give you three months. After three months, if you don't fulfill your promise, I will kill you." He looked past Yongzheng and he saw Xue Horan standing behind Yongzheng. He turned to Red Mice. "I want to know how Mu gongzi is doing."

Red Mice said, "I'll go and see." He took Green Mice and left.

It was very late when Red Mice return. He walked up to Cao Wenyan and reported his discovery in Sunset Sector. After hearing the report, Cao Wenyan got up quickly and rushed to the door.

Red Mice grabbed Cao Wenyan's arm, "Gongzi, you can't go unprepared."

Cao Wenyan said, "I can't just leave Mu gongzi in the hands of the devil like this."

Red Mice, "We don't know what is waiting for us in Sunset Sector. No one really has a clear map of the area. You will be killed if you enter blindly without a good plan."

Bazar Batu stood up and said, "I will go."

Yan Zhanjin, "Batu...this is not a children's play."

Bazar Batu said, "I know." He looked at everyone in the small old temple. "Except for me, none of you can remember the layout of Sunset Sector."

Yong Taihua, "You can show us a detailed map of Mu treasure cave. I have no doubt about your photographic memory."

Kuo Lok, "I will accompany you."

Bazar Batu smiled at Kuo Lok and said, "No. If you follow me, Ma ge will be suspicious. I know Ma ge will not hurt me."

Yan Zhanjin, "He would have doubts if you go without Ah Lok."

Bazar Batu said, "He will doubt it anyway, don't worry, I have my own way to alleviate his doubts."

In the ice-cold cell of the Sunset Sector, Mu Dishi was alone, leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. He heard Yuan Chaomei's soft footsteps coming from the stairwell and stopped in front of him. He opened his eyes and Yuan Chaomei put down the basket. She put the plates on the floor.

Yuan Chaomei said, "Mu gongzi, please don't have any resentment towards chief." She handed the chopsticks to Mu Dishi.

Mu Dishi was reluctant to pick up the chopsticks, looked down at the plates on the ground and found that they were all his favorite dishes, so he took the chopsticks from Yuan Chaomei.

Yuan Chaomei poured him a cup of tea, and said, "Mu gongzi, as an outsider, I envy you." She handed the cup of tea to Mu Dishi. "To be honest, chief doesn't have so much time to live. This is why he promised to find the murderer of Chen guniang within two years, because the time left for him is exactly the same." She looked at Mu Dishi who was still chewing his food, as if what Yuan Chaomei said to him did not affect him. "If the last four acupoints are not released, then right-guard Zan's powerful internal qi flowing in chief's body will backfire and start to destroy chief's weaker energy. If this happens, chief's meridians will be completely destroyed and internal bleeding will be severe. He will feel excruciate pain, the pain is like a thousand needles piercing his body at once. The pain will continue until his death."

Mu Dishi did not answer, but continued to eat.

Yuan Chaomei continued, "Unless someone unlocks the last four acupoints for him, and transfers all their internal energy to chief." She stood up and looked down at Mu Dishi. "But, who would do that for him? As a martial artists, internal energy is very important. No martial artists is willing to do that for other martial artist, and transfer all of his accumulated internal energy to another martial artist, because after he did it, his eight extraordinary meridians will be permanently destroyed, and his internal energy will never be restored." She walked to the top of the stairs and looked back at Mu Dishi who was still eating. "Mu Gongzi, among all the martial artists I know, only chief will do this for you. His white hair depicts my stupid theory most clearly."

Mu Dishi put down his chopsticks and said, "Yuan guniang, can you help me get out of here?"

Yuan Chaomei, "Mu gongzi, I'm deeply sorry, I can't help you." She walked up the stairs.

Early in the morning, on the foggy mountain road, Bazar Batu and Kuo Lok stood together at the foot of Sunset Mountain. Kuo Lok watched as Bazar Batu walk up the mountain road.

Kuo Lok shouted, "Batu…"

Bazar Batu turned around and waved at Kuo Lok. He shouted back, "Lok gege…go back. I'll be fine."

Kuo Lok said, "I am waiting for you here."

Bazar Batu shook his head, and he walked into the mist. After walking for a long time, Bazar Batu reached the tall iron gate. The gate to the sunset area is built between a mountain road, with two high mountains on each side of the mountain road. When he approached, an arrow shot directly in front of him.

A man shouted from the watchtower, "No matter who you are. Turn around and walk away."

Bazar Batu shouted, "I am a good xiongdi of your chief. Tell him that Batu has come to visit him."

After waiting for a long time, the iron gate suddenly opened, and Ma Jingguo went out to meet Bazar Batu.

Ma Jingguo smiled and said, "What are you doing here?"

Bazar Batu said, "I have come to see you."

Ma Jingguo asked, "Why did you choose this time to visit?"

Bazar Batu replied, "I tagged along with the many martial artists who came to help the villagers. Everyone is urging me to see if they attack Seventy-Two Islands, will Ma ge attack them from the rear."

Ma Jingguo smiled and said, "Why would I do that? We have agreed that Sunset Sector is the fifth household of Central Plains."

Bazar Batu said, "That's what leader Yong said. Well, I am here. It seems that you are not in a hurry to bring your men down to destroy them, so I will go back and tell them the good news."

Ma Jingguo said, "You have arrived. Have lunch with me before you go back."

Bazar Batu, "Are you sure?"

Ma Jingguo asked, "Are you worried?"

Bazar Batu said, "I don't want you to think that I'm here as a spy for the six sectors."

Ma Jingguo said, "If you are a friend, you can come anytime, but if you are an foe, you will not be able to pass the main entrance."

Bazar Batu said, "I will always be a friend."

Ma Jingguo and Bazar Batu walked into the gate, and the hard gate slowly closed behind them.