Chapter 67 Greatest Gift

When the six men and Yuan Chaomei came down safely to the foot of the mountain, Gu Yingjie walked to the front of Yongzheng and said, "Xiongtai, please take your sword away from her neck."

Yongzheng asked, "Why?"

Gu Yingjie said, "We are safe now, and there is no need to hold her hostage."

Yongzheng hesitated to draw his sword, "If I refuse?"

Gu Yingjie said, "Then Mingyang and I will have to fight you."

Yongzheng, "Why helping the enemy?"

Gu Yingjie said, "No matter which side she belongs to, to me, she will never be my enemy, and I will never be her enemy." Gu Yingjie smiled at Yuan Chaomei. "Because she is my ex-wife."

Yongzheng was startled, "Is she your ex-wife?"

Gu Yingjie, "Yes."

Yuan Chaomei looked at Yongzheng and said, "If it weren't for Yingjie, I would never bring you down the mountain safely."

Yongzheng drew his sword and walked to Yong Taihua's side.

Gu Yingjie smiled and said, "Yuan jiejie, how have you been?"

Yuan Chaomei smiled and said, "Yingjie, I'm fine, how about you?"

Gu Yingjie said, "Me and Mingyang are living well. We are living in seclusion."

Yuan Chaomei said, "Yingjie, let me take Mu gongzi back with me."

Cao Wenyan said firmly, "As long as I stand here, no one can take Mu gongzi anywhere."

Yuan Chaomei said, "Cao gongzi, if you take Mu gongzi back with you, you will gain more losses than gains."

Mu Dishi said weakly, "Taihua listens to Yuan guniang, I will go back with her."

Yong Taihua worried, "Shizun, he treated you badly and put you in a cell. How can you go back?"

Suddenly a feeling of sadness passed by Mu Dishi. He knows that Ma Jingguo hates him, and even if he decides to go back and stay with Ma Jingguo, the trust between them will never be restored. He said, "Yuan guniang tells Jingguo to take care of himself and stop practicing the Devil Fists manual." He hugged Yong Taihua tightly. "Taihua, let's go."

Cao Wenyan looked at Yuan Chaomei coldly, and said, "No matter what happens next, Mu gongzi will leave with us." He looked at Mu Dishi, and then at Yuan Chaomei. "Yuan guniang, I also want to remind you that Sunset Sector is now part of the Central Plains Wulin. If Ma Jingguo dares to sever relations with us, then history will repeat itself." He turned around. "let's go."

Gu Yingjie said, "Yuan jiejie, Cao gongzi is right. Please tell Ma Jingguo not to confuse personal grievances with the fate of Sunset Sector, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous." He held Yuan Chaomei's hand and held it tightly. "The vast land of martial arts is too dangerous for a pure person like you. If at any time, you feel that it is too much for you, then leave it behind, because sometimes, the greatest moment in life is listening to the sounds of birds and the rushing water downstream, while enjoying a simple meal."

Yuan Chaomei smiled and said, "I will remember. Yingjie, you and Mingyang have been living a happy life. Please don't return to the martial arts world."

Zhu Mingyang said, "We are here because a friend need us. When everything is resolved, we will go back."

Yuan Chaomei, "You two be safe."

Gu Yingjie said, "Same to you."

Yuan Chaomei watched Zhu Mingyang and Gu Yingjie walking side by side on the mountain road. She sighed and said, "Yingjie, if Yuanjun thinks like you, how good it would be."

Waiting beside the open temple gate, Cao Yanmei frowned as she watched the road waiting for Cao Wenyan and Yongzheng. Xue Huoran walked to Cao Yanmei and handed her a pear.

Cao Yanmei refused to take the pear, "I don't like fruit."

Xue Horan said, "Yanmei, you didn't eat anything this morning, and now you don't eat this fruit, you have to eat something."

Cao Yanmei said, "I'm not hungry."

Yong Caixia came from behind and said, "Even if you are not hungry, you still have to eat something." She handed Cao Yanmei an plain bun. "I got this from a junior who just returned from the market. Eat. To be honest, I don't want to see Cao gongzi hit da ge again."

Cao Yanmei took the bun and looked at the road. She saw six men in black rushing towards the old temple. She happily said, "They are back." She pointed to her right.

Inside the temple, Yan Zhanjin withdrew his hand from Mu Dishi. He looked at Mu Dishi and said, "Mu Dishi, I can help you regain strength, but you have to promise me to kill Ma Jingguo for me."

Mu Dishi said, "No need."

Bazar Batu said, "Zhanjin, if you know how to help him, then help him. If Mu ge comes, we will all be done."

Yan Zhanjin said, "Why do you believe that he will come?"

Bazar Batu said, "I don't know, but his eyes tell me that he has nothing to lose." His tears flowed down. "He is so pitiful now because there is no one around him. He has no friends. No family. No wife. He has only himself and his shadow."

Kuo Lok held Bazar Batu to comforted him, "Batu, don't cry anymore."

Bazar Batu cried, "I don't want to cry, but these tears will not stop." He buried his face in Kuo Lok's chest. "Lok gege, Ma ge he…he cut tie with me. He said he will lose one friend after the sun goes down. I know he means me." He burst into tears and hugged Kuo Lok tightly.

Mu Dishi said, "Taihua, take them out. I want to rest."

Mu Dishi was lying on the left side facing the wall, and suddenly a sentence that Ma Jingguo said many years ago flashed in his mind, 'Xiao shushu, I will not bother you anymore from now on. I want you to know even if everyone left you behind…I will never leave you as long as you still want me. When you need me, I will give up everything I am doing and come for you'. He murmured softly, "Jingguo…I'm sorry…I'm so useless. The more I tried to help, the more our misunderstanding is deepened."

In the empty yard outside the room, Bazar Batu and Yan Zhanjin were still quarreling. Bazar Batu pushed Yan Zhanjin, "Zhanjin, you said so many hurtful things to Ma ge. If he didn't hurt Dandan or Luijifu, can you take back all the bad words you said?"

Yan Zhanjin yelled at Bazar Batu, "If it is as you said, I will let him do whatever he wants."

Yong Taihua said, "You two stop." He grabbed Yan Zhanjin's arm. "Zhanjin, Dandan is my wife. I want to kill Ma Jingguo just like you, but I have to accept the fact that the leaders of the six sectors' leaders agreed to give him two years. For two years, if he can't prove to us who the murderer is, I will personal go kill him myself." He sighed. "As of right now, without shuzin's help, I don't think we can defeat Ma Jingguo."

Yan Zhanjin's heavy breathing calmed himself down. He said, "It's not that there is no way to help Mu Dishi, but who is willing to help him."

Cao Wenyan grabbed Yan Zhanjin's arm, "I am willing."

Yan Zhanjin sneered, "I know you are willing, and you will be the first to volunteer." He yanked his arm back. "But you are not qualified to do this."

Gu Yingjie asked, "Zhanjin, who then?"

Yan Zhanjin said, "Someone with great internal energy such as, Kuo shifu, Chief Gu, Monk Ling, or Taoist Liang."

Gu Yingjie said, "Chief Gu will not agree, because Ma Jingguo was the one who killed Gouliang and Jingjing jiejie."

Kuo Lok said, "My father can't do it, he is resting in Jinfeng Sector."

Yongzheng said, "My shifu, he…"

Monk Ling walked in from the door and said, "Amitabha…this old monk volunteered."

Yan Zhanjin said, "Daoshi, do you fully understand the outcome?"

Monk Ling said, "As a result, I fully understand."

Yongzheng asked, "What's the outcome?"

Yan Zhanjin said, "Daoshi Ling will never be able to practice internal strength, nor can it recover the lost internal energy."

Monk Ling said, "If this monk can save sentient beings, then I am not afraid of trading."

Kuo Lok said, "Shifu, you are sure that you are willing to do this? If you do that, you will not be much better than an ordinary person."

Monk Ling said, "Lok'er, we were all the same when we were born, just an ordinary person with nothing. When we came into this world, we had nothing, and when we left this world, we would leave with nothing."

Kuo Lok, "Shifu…"

Monk Ling said, "Lok'er, remember, the greatest gift one person can give to another is forgiveness."

Kuo Lok nodded, "Shifu, I will remember."

Monk Ling smiled and said, "You are my only disciple and have never let me down. Shifu wants you to know that I am proud of you."

Bazar Batu said, "What if Mu Dishi doesn't cooperate with us?"

Yan Zhanjin said, "Then we will find another way to kill Ma Jingguo."

Mu Dishi stood at the door and said, "I agree, but you must agree to my term."

Yan Zhanjin, "What?"

Mu Dishi said, "His life is spare."

Monk Ling said, "Benefactor Mu, we accept your terms."

Bazar Batu said, "I agree too."

Mu Dishi said, "Begin the treatment."