Chapter 74 Secrets In The Open

Zhu Mingyang carried Yan Zhanjin on his back, and Gu Yingjie ran beside him. Kuo Lok held Bazar Batu's right hand tightly and they are not too far away from Zhu Mingyang and Gu Yingjie.

Kuo Lok discovered that there were too many members of Seventy-Two Islands chasing after them. He stopped and shouted, "Take Zhanjin away." He rushed to the members of Seventy-two Islands and began to attack them.

Bazar Batu shouted, "Lok gege, be careful."

Kuo Lok shouted back, "Batu...Leave with them."

Bazar Batu stood and watched Kuo Lok fighting against the enemies, he shouted, "No! If you want to leave with me, you'd better defeat them all."

Gu Yingjie and Zhu Mingyang were far away from Kuo Lok and Bazar Batu. Gu Yingjie looked down at the ground and saw Yan Zhajin's blood dripping on the ground, marking their trail.

Gu Yingjie said, "Mingyang, go straight to Sunset Mountain."

Zhu Mingyang asked, "Why?"

Gu Yingjie said, "Chaomei will not hurt us. Ma Jingguo is down there, as their chief, they will go help him and the rest of the martial artists. Also, Chaomei is the only person who can help Zhanjin."

Gu Yingjie quickly turned around and kicked the incoming sword to the ground, he saw Jiang Koshing and Yen Tung rushing towards him. Gu Yingjie shouted at Zhu Mingyang, "Mingyang… you go."

Zhu Mingyang walked back and put Yan Zhanjin down. He drew his sword and said, "Yingjie, leave with Zhanjin now."

Gu Yingjie, "Mingyang."

Zhu Mingyang turned to Gu Yingjie and said coldly, "Now."

Gu Yingjie put Yan Zhanjin's hand on his shoulder, and the two slowly left Zhu Mingyang behind.

Yan Zhanjin said weakly, "Yingjie, will Mingyang be alright by himself? We should go back for him."

Gu Yingjie said, "No need. Mingyang can take care of himself."

Gu Yingjie and Yan Zhanjin slowly ascended the mountain path, leaving Zhu Mingyang to fight against the two leaders of Seventy-Two Islands.

Yen Tung swung a three-stage staff to block Zhu Mingyang, while Jiang Koshing released his nine-chain whip at Zhu Mingyang's feet. Zhu Mingyang flipped back and avoided Jiang Koshing nine-chain whip. Zhu Mingyang's swung sword send a blast of energy wave at Jiang Koshing and Yen Tung. The incoming blast made the two leaders of Seventy-Two Islands quickly separated and avoided the impact of Zhu Mingyang's sword.

Yen Tung said, "Zhu Mingyang, you are really worthy of your good name. If you join us, I believe our leader will give you a good position that is no less than the Gu."

Zhu Mingyang sneered, "If your leader is Yingjie, then I will have no problem following him."

Yen Tung gritted his teeth, "You are such a loyal dog."

Zhu Mingyang said, "The only way you can go up the mountain is to walk over my corpse." He stared at the two leaders of Seventy-two Islands.

Yan Zhanjin began to slow down slowly. He said weakly, "Yingjie…I can't keep up, you go ahead and leave me."

Gu Yingjie said, "Zhanjin, we have known each other for so many years. Apart from Mingyang, you are my other family member. I am not leaving you behind."

Yan Zhanjin vomited a mouthful of blood and said, "Yingjie, I have internal bleeding. I can't continue walking. My lungs are starting to congest. If I keep walking, my lungs will collapse faster. You leave me here and you go get Yuan guniang."

Gu Yingjie walked quickly in front of Yan Zhanjin and carried him on his back. He said, "Let's go together. If I leave you and you die, I will regret it forever. I would rather have you die on my back."

Yan Zhanjin said, "Yingjie...I want to tell you something, but I'm afraid to offend you, but if I don't say, and if I die…"

Gu Yingjie said, "Say it. I promise you, I will not be mad at you."

Yan Zhanjin said, "Yingjie, I like Mingyang... I like..."

Gu Yingjie smiled and said, "I know. Many years ago, I told Mingyang that if Mingyang likes you and unable to leave me. I don't mind if the three of us live together."

Yan Zhanjin said, "Yingjie, I have to come clean."

Gu Yingjie, "What's the matter?"

Yan Zhanjin said, "Many years ago, Mingyang kissed me."

Gu Yingjie said, "I know."

Yan Zhanjin said, "Mingyang told me that you saw us kissing, but I want you to know that Mingyang was drunk at that time and thought I was you." He coughed. "Mingyang has made it very clear to me that the relationship between him and me is just brotherhood, nothing more." He smiled bitterly. "He said that he can't love another person except you."

Then they stood in front of the iron gate, and a person on the observation platform shot an arrow in front of Gu Yingjie. The man shouted, "Stop where you are. Turn around and leave, otherwise you will be shot."

Gu Yingjie said, "I wish to see Yuan Chaomei." He shouted. "Chief Xin Taiyang was captured."

After a while, the iron gate opened, and the four leaders of Sunset Sector walked out.

Yan Chaomei rushed to Gu Yingjie worriedly, "Yingjie, what's wrong?"

Gu Yingjie said, "Chaomei save Zhanjin first."

Yan Chaomei said, "What about chief Xin?"

Gu Yingjie, "He was captured by Seventy-Two Islands. He and the rest of the martial artists were poisoned with lighter than a feather." He stood up. "Chaomei, I am leaving Zhanjin, I am going to help Mingyang."

Yuan Chaomei looked at Tang Keung and Si Meifeng, "You two go to assist Yingjie and scout the place where chief Xin is being imprisoned."

Gu Yingjie and the two leaders of Sunset Sector rushed back down Sunset Mountain. When descending the mountain, they met Zhu Mingyang. Gu Yingjie rushed down the mountain path to Zhu Mingyang.

Gu Yingjie said, "What's wrong?"

Zhu Mingyang, "I drove them back and rushed up the mountain. After passing the boundary stone, they stop chasing me."

Si Meifeng said, "They know that once they cross the boundary stone, they are enemy of the Sunset Sector."

Gu Yingjie, "Mingyang, you are bleeding. Next time, don't use your body to shield me."

Zhu Mingyang smiled and said, "Yingjie, I would rather shed blood than letting you shed blood."

Tang Keung said, "Let's treat your injury first. Without a good plan, we cannot rescue the martial artists because they have been poisoned with lighter than a feather."

Zhu Mingyang and Gu Yingjie followed the two leaders of Sunset Sector up Sunset Mountain.

As night fell, the sun went down, the people in the empty courtyard were exhausted, and their fate rested in the hands of Fu Yuanjun. They are like little chicks in Fu Yuanjun's hands. If he squeezes them, they will die, if he releases them, they will survive. On the top of the wall and on the roof of the houses, there are guards guarding them closely.

Leaning against the wall, Ma Jingguo sat next to Mu Dishi, leaning his head on Mu Dishi's right shoulder, holding Mu Dishi's hand tightly.

Ma Jingguo said, "Xiao shushu, do you hate me?"

Mu Dishi did not answer.

Ma Jingguo frowned, "I know you might hate me because I have done a lot of things in the past that hurting you."

Mu Dishi said, "I also did things that I am not proud off."

Ma Jingguo smiled lightly and said, "Why do you do it?"

Mu Dishi, "What?"

Ma Jingguo, "You didn't destroy my acupoints, but opened the last four acupoints, and more, not to mention, xiao shushu…why did you transferred all your internal energy to me?"

Mu Dishi said, "I don't want you to die. Also, Yuan gugiang once said, if I'm in your shoes, you will also do it for me." Mu Dishi reached out and stroked Ma Jingguo's white hair. "These white hairs are evidence. And I also know that the only reason you want to retaliate against the martial artists of Central Plains is because of me." He felt Ma Jingguo's tears wet his right shoulder. "Jingguo, what I said in the cave the day before we parted, is true. I'll go where you want to go. You lead and I will follow, you don't have to chase me anymore."

Ma Jingguo sobbed softly, "Xiao shushu…I'm sorry."

Mu Dishi said, "Jingguo…lay on my lap."

Ma Jingguo lay slowly on Mu Dishi's lap, Mu Dishi reached into his robe, took out a pill, and stuffed the pill into Ma Jingguo's mouth.

Mu Dishi said quietly, "Zhanjin told me that the poison will take a few hours to dissipate. In the meantime, don't use internal energy."

Wang Biming looked at Mu Dishi and said, "Dishi, it's cold outside, let's go inside and rest."

Mu Dishi didn't look at Wang Biming and continued to massage Ma Jingguo's forehead.

Ma Jingguo chuckled and said, "Xiao shushu, when was the last time you massage my forehead?"

Mu Dishi said, "The last time I massaged your forehead was when we were in Tianshan."

Wang Biming grabbed Ma Jingguo by the collar and pulled him away from Mu Dishi's lap. Wang Biming slammed Ma Jingguo's body against the wall. Ma Jingguo snorted.

Wang Biming looked at Mu Dishi and said, "You don't want me to kill him, just obey me, don't make me angry." He picked up Mu Dishi.

Ma Jingguo grabbed Wang Biming's left ankle and said angrily, "Wang Biming, don't you dare touch my xiao shushu. If you hurt him in anyway, I will kill you."

Wang Biming grinned at Ma Jingguo and said, "I treat him better than you treat him. I will not lock him up as a prisoner like you did to him." Wang Biming held Mu Dishi inside his arms and walked to the room on the far right away from Ma Jingguo.