Chapter 76 Mutual Respect

Early the next morning, the martial artists in the yard was still in the same posture as of last night. Some of the weaker martial artists fell to the ground. Yongzheng, Cao Wenyang, and Yong Taihua were chained together with some weaker martial artists, to prevent them for escaping. Xue Horan, Yong Caixia, and Cao Yanmei were kept from the rest of the martial artists. They were kept away from other people to ensure that Yongzheng, Cao Wenyan and Yong Taihua will not retaliate.

Sitting in the small room opposite Fu Yuanjun, Wang Biming said, "Yuanjun, do you want to think about it again."

Fu Yuanjun smiled and said, "I have come too far to turn back." He looked at Wang Biming. "You should take Mu Dishi and return to Tibet. There are hundreds of empty caves in Tibet. Even if Ma Jingguo look for Mu Dishi all his life, he will not find Mu Dishi."

Wang Biming said, "I said before, I won't leave you behind, and when you need me most, I won't leave you."

Fu Yuanjun said, "Alright, after I take over Sunset Sector, I will send a signal. You kill everyone here and take Mu Dishi to Sunset Sector." He stood up and walked to the door.

Wang Biming hurriedly got up and said, "Be careful. If you can't win, there is no shame to retreat."

Fu Yuanjun smiled and said, "I know." He walked out of the door and walked to another room where Xue Horan, Cao Yanmei, and Yong Caixia were detained away from the others.

The door opened, and Fu Yuanjun walked into the heavily guarded room. He walked to Xue Horan's side and dragged Xue Horan out to meet with Yongzheng. Two men handcuffed Yongzheng's hands and feet with iron chains, and the group left the old temple and headed towards Sunset Mountain.

Inside the small room, Mu Dishi stared at Wang Biming and Miao Mingzhu. Miao Mingzhu turned around and caught Mu Dishi's stare. She stepped forward and looked down at Mu Dishi. She said unpleasantly, "Mu Dishi, what are you looking at? I know someone who wants your eyes."

Wang Biming walked to Mu Dishi with a roasted chicken. He smiled and said, "Mingzhu, don't say that to him." He looked at Mu Dishi. "Dishi eat something. You haven't eaten anything since last night."

Miao Mingzhu frowned, "Da shixiong, why are you so good to him, he stares at you as if he is about to take your heart out of your chest?" She bit her lower lip. "Da shixiong, let me turn him into a puppet like Yang Ru. He will obey your orders." She smiled. "Look at Yang Ru, if leader Fu wants him to die, he will be willingly to die." She laughed.

Wang Biming said, "Mingzhu, you can turn anyone, but not Dishi."

Miao Mingzhu asked angrily, " My drug has never failed. Are you afraid of him?"

Wang Biming said, "No, it's just mutual respect between two old friends."

Mu Dishi looked at Wang Biming and asked in a cold voice, "How did you meet him?"

Wang Biming said, "If you want to know, you finish eating this." He handed the roasted chicken to Mu Dishi. "I will tell you later."

After Mu Dishi finished eating, he looked at Wang Biming and said, "Tell me."

Wang Biming smiled and said, "Yuanjun and I have known each other since we were young." He looked at Mu Dishi. "Do you remember the time I ran home in the rain?

Mu Dishi did not answer.

Wang Biming continued, "I ran into him, and he was severely injured. I helped him enter Guan Yu Temple. He looked me in the eyes and told me that he didn't want to live anymore, because he has no one he could rely on."

The thunder resounded through the afternoon sky. Young Wang Biming, "Xiongtai, why did you give up so easily?"

The young Fu Yuanjun said, "I know I am walking in this world alone, why should I continue to live? I can't bear to be treated as a pawn on a chessboard by some bad guys anymore." He sobbed. "I am a person, I have a heart, I have feelings, and my feelings can be hurt. If I leave this world, no one will miss me."

The young Wang Biming pulled Fu Yuanjun into his arms, "I am the same as you, but I will not let destiny defeat me." Fu Yuanjun sobbed in Wang Biming's arms. "I told myself, I am the creator of my destiny, and I will never let destiny be an excuse to hinder my success."

Young Fu Yuanjun sobbed, "I'm so useless...I have nothing, no one..."

Young Wang Biming hugged the young Fu Yuanjun tightly. He patted gently on the back of Fu Yuanjun's head and said, "Let's be sworn brothers. From now on, even if the world leaves you behind, I, Wang Biming, will never leave you behind. Through success or failure, I will stand beside you."

Wang Biming opened his eyes and sighed. He looked at Mu Dishi and said, "But when I went back to the temple the next day, he was gone." He sighed. "Later, when I saw him again, he was already a Tianshan disciple."

Mu Dishi said, "Is it you, or him, who sent the anonymous letter that Mu villagers are secret spies of the Mongol army?"

Wang Biming said, "It was my father."

Mu Dishi's lips trembled with anger, "Don't tell me it's Wang Zedong, I don't believe it."

Wang Biming sighed and said, "This is just an idea I discussed with Yuanjun. I didn't expect Yuanjun to write to my father."

Mu Dishi angrily grabbed Wang Biming's front collar and let out a scream, "WANG BIGMING!"

Miao Mingzhu pulled Mu Dishi's hands away and pushed Mu Dishi to the wall. Mu Dishi hit the wall with a loud thump.

Mu Dishi shouted hysterically, mixed with whimpering, "Take your hands away from me!"

Wang Biming said, "Mingzhu, stop, let him vent. You have more important things to do."

Miao Mingzhu said angrily, "I understand."

Ma Jingguo and everyone in the yard looked in the direction where Wang Biming had taken Mu Dishi. The loud noise from the people in the room made the hearts of everyone sitting outside speed up. They couldn't see what was happening in the small room not far from them, but no one's heartbeat as fast and violently as Ma Jingguo.

Yong Taihua shouted, "Wang Biming, you let go of my shizun."

Ma Jingguo took a heavy breath and concentrated on mobilizing his internal forces to flow freely up and down his body. Ma Jingguo knows that it is very important to combine Mu Dishi's internal energy with Zan Huangming's internal energy at this stage. He is at his most vulnerable and most critical stage. If he loses concentration then his internal energy will backfire, Mu Dishi and his fates will end here. He temporarily sealed off the two pressure points in the eardrums, sealed off all the noise, so that the two powerful inner energies could circulate throughout his body.